Suggestion [Partially Added] Gwan then;

May 19, 2016
Reaction score
I don't usually post suggestions on server forums since it usually isn't my place to say as I am just playing there and have little authority. HOWEVER, the main thing I want to mention is that the current map rotation is getting incredibly boring and stale. It seems to always be Rooftops, Bowling, the Pool, or 67th way at the moment and nothing else, despite the many other maps I have seen in the map vote. Maybe remove the least played ones and add some new ones in?

So here are some of my favorite maps that I would love to see added, just to spice things up a bit:

ttt_desert_town - This little gem is pretty small and compact which, in my opinion, is ideal for when the server hasn't got a lot of people on. (

ttt_canyon - Quite a large map with lots of areas to hide which makes this one good for a larger amount of players (

ttt_lost_temple - Another large map which will easily suffice for the large number of players that are often on at night. (

ttt_innocent_motel - Medium sized map, again with lots of places to hide. Have had some good times on this one. (

ttt_clue - Another map I have had a lot of fun on (I first met Kevin the Cunt here). Quite an open map. (

Despite hating pointshop and the models on the server, especially the Alien one. I think a few more should be added and maybe remove some.

Deathstroke - Looks cool as fuck (

Deadpool - Also looks cool as fuck (

Captain Phasma - Fuck as cool (

Predator - Can't have Alien without Predator (


Also, it would be nice if the guns in the PS were permanent, or even lasting the duration of a map. It's a pain, being a tryhard, attempting to find rifles and deagles, especially if I have purchased them the round before.
Aaaaaaaand that will be all. I'm not expecting any of this to be implemented but I thought I'd at least give some of my opinions.

Much love, your friendly neighborhood cunt,
Finn c:


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Oh my lord so many map suggestions recently. Some of those look really nice, and we plan to have a big map shuffle real soon so thank you for these. Regarding canyon, is that the one where you can blow up the pipe and flood the map? If so, we used to have that before but it was removed for being unpopular, but as always if people want it back that's cool. We also used to have ttt_clue back when ron/baker were admin (can't remember who it was when we had this), and it was popular but for some reason caused issues with people being able to join it, but I think I've since found a fix for this so it shouldn't be an issue anymore.

Also those models look super cool. Unfortunately we can only have around 15 or so models at a time before the server starts lagging a lot but I'll look into adding some of them at some point to replace some of the older ones if everyone's cool with that. I've added them into the queue for now \o/

Aaaand guns in pointshop, I don't really have a strong opinion either way, but if most people want them to be permanent then I'll make them permanent.