Pce out


The ape
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
This is a roast thread so I hope this doesn't get taken down pls it's literally my last post

Was a fun 6 years, pce out yall. G2g to military for like 2 years so I'm basically rip. If you guys are still here when I come back I'd actually be surprised. Now that I'm going it's time to get some last trashtalks out of the way.

Dlmt3: shooting and killing me through some glass and shit that was some bull man I swear whenever I saw you enderpearling in I was like oh fuck better log off ok bby. Also I think you're the only person I know that orgasms whenever he sees a wolf don't lie I know you do, take care

Myst24: Lol

Duffie: STEP 1: GET LEADER OF CLAN. STEP 2: NEVER LOG BACK ON. RINSE AND REPEAT. "Hey want to join my clan, ok it's yours" Duffie has disconnected.

Nottycat: Nottyatbatcatdatfathatmatnatpatratsatvat who the hell showers with their clothes off wtf wierdo. Also I'm pretty sure you're on some summer solstice hibernation cycle or some shit, you log on for a few months at a time, disappear for a few months, etc. It's like Duffie except you actually log on lol!!!

Danni112221221212212121221212: Legends say he's still mining sand to surround his grass hole


Trap_Wolf: Be careful of Dlmt3 man like you're a wolf and shit he's definitely gonna trap your wolf one of these days if you get my drift

Dessern5: "I think we should have a murder night" that's all I need to say hah gottem good foking yard succ my donuts aod sux

Mikey: You thought I accidentally warned you on zombie that one time, but jokes on you it wasn't an accident!!!!@!@@! ヽ(。 ╭͜つ╮͡ °)ノ ヽ(。 ╭͜つ╮͡ °)ノヽ(。 ╭͜つ╮͡ °)ノヽ(。 ╭͜つ╮͡ °)ノ wtf these squares

Ooglie101: I thought your name was a sex joke or something when I first saw it. Like, I'll teach you how to ooglie101 with strangers. idk it seemed like the most obvious answer at the time. Something something can't cow these milks

Aothex: EYE EYE Those are cookies idk why they look like that. Also while I'm on this topic, DVA is a short range tank not a sniper what are u doing trying to hit people from like halfway across the map ffffffffffffffffff if a hanzo scatter arrows your ass just bumfucc rush him with ur shield instead of waiting for him to get it back like wtf man im sweating balls over here watching you try to 1 v 1 a japanese man when you have a steel ass pink mech and shit. you still won us a lot of games though so it's ok carry me pls

__aperson155__: Ok who the fuck is this guy, when I was TnT staff some fuccnugget made the account __aperson155__ (with two underscores) and pretending being me on the server, then I got logs from the Kingsammy saying I was being toxic and shit. This was resolved but still I was like wtf that can't be me cause I usually just afk like a good staff without doing anything

Biblius: Is Biblius like Toys'r'us except they sell bibles instead of toys cause if that's so that's pretty meta. "DeathRun is an unethical game mode that should be removed from RoF" unethical1337 confirmed amiright you heard it here first folks 2018 the methical1337 makes a shocking return

Wiigogetter: Wiigogetter? I hardly even know her!

Refrigerated: Refrigerated? I hardly even know her! g o t t e m b o i s

lizthehedgehog: me me me me me me me me do nt st op m e no w hav in a goo d t ime liz don't lie I saw u getting it on with both Wii and Refrigerated. I ain't judging but u have to stay loyal to one person ok you cant just do that wow ok girl wtf donuts

Kalliee: I wanted to launch sand on your plot but unfortunately Danni mined it all for his grass hole. Imagine if you could launch lava too, I'd throw sand at your plot then throw lava at it, then boom random glass blocks it's this ultimate plan nothing can go wrong keikaku doori

Wimali: "Hey this aperson guy is an okay guy" --> Wimali look I abused the shit out of the system --> "Hey aperson you sack of shit wtf" If it's any consolation in every other possible alternate dimension I would have done the same thing, I have faith in my alternate dimension counterparts to be as dumbfuck as me in this dimension. Maybe this dimension's version of me is the smartest version of all dimensions, and I still did dat dumb shit. It could have been worse mang, I could have been a male

SirComputer: See ComputerGuys' message

Computerguy: See SirComputer's message


Mulbery: Wtf why'd you get admin then resign wtf man. When you got admin we had this great system going where you could spell the word SITCOM with the admins' names. Now that you're not admin and that little fucc Hex is admin, we can only spell Ostrich VN. I'm down for Ostrich Visual Novels for I still preferred the Sitcom VR better. Also succ my donuts

Kuilin: I don't always lag pillar, but when I do I do it E X C E S S I V E L Y. Thanks for everything though, I bought so much shit from your black market i was basically a walking advertisement for Kuilin (tm) come get your BRAND NEW Maximum F I S H I N G R O D for just a small price of 1-2 D I A M O N D blocks, BUT WAIT THERE'S MO-

Rosekill: Shoutouts to Nosekill for his last minute sacrifice to the ape, may his inventory rip in pieces. I don't know why but I feel like you're one of those people that will find me irl, get to know me, then right before you kill me you reveal that you knew I was aperson all along. and I'd be absolutely fine with it. Real talk though pls don't kill me I have military and college to do that for me

After that Zamasu shit we're back into fillers too like wtf the story better have some good shit when I come back

Hexical: Did you know you can spell the words Hail and Helix with the letters in your name. Hail the Helix Fossil 2016
Also you should totally abuse your admin privileges and ban Zel she called me a turd pls report

Kevin_28: Pls stop I can only unzip so much before it goes all the way down.
I was talking about my backpack look the zipper can't go farther than this

Major_Bryan: Rip future trunks, sees best friend killed, sees all his friends killed, gets gutted by a laser through the chest, have to face some bullshit alone, sees some kaios get killed, sees his planet get killed, sees the rest of the remaining survivors get killed, sees his fokin universe get killed, then HAPPY ENDING???? Also spoilers

SalientGorilla: Yo let me out of this cage in your plot, I ran out of food 3 days ago so I had to eat my sarcasm to survive. I still couldn't get out this truly is the best trap ever made. If you catch raiders you should just throw them in that shit cause damn son can't break that shit unless you have some acid shit to burn the walls

Friendy: Lol

Uhhh fuck who else is there, I know there's more but I srsly have like 5 minutes to type this shit before I have to go do something. If you're not here, it's probably not because I didn't remember you, it's probably because either I have nothing to trashtalk about you, or the trashtalk was so excessive that I couldn't post it here or else I'd legit get banned for slander. That means u Vatumok you lil handsome shit fuck you

Oh right
Asaechao/Virazu: do /money top
I'm pretty sure you saw by now but G E T C H E E K E D S O N

Shoutouts to the staff for abusing me at every possible moment, I'm a masochist so this was my fetish
Jokes on you though I too abused getting abused by staff
the ultimate plan bois

Thanks for everything
- SalientGorilla oh shit wrong account