Nomnomnom kitteh!
Pull back your ponytas
Pictured (Left to right): Magikarp, Eevee, Vaporeon, Mudkip, Notty, 2 Miltanks, Mega-Altaria and Mega-Scizor.
Pixelmon is back! Will you catch them all?
A while back Pixelmon was discontinued but that did not stop several other modders to continue it and now we have Pixelmon Reforged! A lot of people seemed to enjoy the latest pixelmon event, myself included, so now EscapeRestart is hosting another official pixelmon server! Made by me and Ooglie101 with help of Arelic and a few admins.
- Actual working auto-generated gyms
- 6 generations worth of pokemon
- Mega evolutions
- No hunger problems
- Some quality of life side mods that are server-side only and you won't have to install.
- A spawn town so beautiful Arceus might have made it
- Hopefully you!
The server should be ready for release this friday, however because 3 days is a short notice we have put a poll™ at the top to ask if you would rather have the release of pixelmon saturday or next weekend. Most popular vote wins unless people vote for never then second most popular wins.
This friday July 27th 8PM GMT has been chosen for release date and time!
Here's some more information (including installation) incase you have any questions. Feel free to ask more though.
Hope to see you there!

Pictured (Left to right): Magikarp, Eevee, Vaporeon, Mudkip, Notty, 2 Miltanks, Mega-Altaria and Mega-Scizor.
Pixelmon is back! Will you catch them all?
A while back Pixelmon was discontinued but that did not stop several other modders to continue it and now we have Pixelmon Reforged! A lot of people seemed to enjoy the latest pixelmon event, myself included, so now EscapeRestart is hosting another official pixelmon server! Made by me and Ooglie101 with help of Arelic and a few admins.
- Actual working auto-generated gyms
- 6 generations worth of pokemon
- Mega evolutions
- No hunger problems
- Some quality of life side mods that are server-side only and you won't have to install.
- A spawn town so beautiful Arceus might have made it
- Hopefully you!
This friday July 27th 8PM GMT has been chosen for release date and time!
Here's some more information (including installation) incase you have any questions. Feel free to ask more though.
What versions?
Minecraft: 1.12.2
Forge: 1.12.2 -
Pixelmon Reforged: 1.12.2-6.3.2
Pixelmon Reforged: 1.12.2-6.3.4
How do I install pixelmon reforged?
There is a page for that on the wiki:
The one downside of pixelmon having been taken over by another mod team is that they use some download website that is blocked by my adblocker and because of that I couldn't download the pixelmon jar myself. If this happens to you, here is a public google drive with the pixelmon jar:
If the wiki doesn't help I'll try and explain below in the spoiler basically the same steps
Is there some sort of wiki?
Right here:
Wiki is mostly accurate, however some things are slightly outdated nothing we can do about that unfortunately. For example the rare candy recipe and exp. share recipe are no longer available but still exist on the wiki.
What's the IP?
The IP will be released on release day, in this thread.
Will it lag?
If it does lag we'll just close down Rof, Create, TTT and the forums to give it more ram. Slightly new at this so don't hate me if launch isn't pixel perfectha get it pixel. That said I'm decently sure lag is not going to be a problem.
Are there rules?
In general just behave yourself but just incase here is a ruleset blatantly stolen from the previous pixelmon event:
1) No griefing or modifying other players builds.
2) Do not steal from players, this isn’t meant to be a PvP server.
3) No use of redstone clocks, automatic farms or anything else that may cause extreme lag to the server.
4) Do not attempt to scam other players when trading.
5) Do not spam the chat or excessively use capital letters.
6) Avoid using excessive profanity and don’t harass other users.
7) Do not abuse any bugs/glitches, immediately notify an Admin if a bug/glitch is found.
8) Abide by all EscapeRestart general rules.
9. Don't use any cheaty mods like xray.
10) We're here to have fun, don’t be a dick.
Minecraft: 1.12.2
Forge: 1.12.2 -
Pixelmon Reforged: 1.12.2-6.3.4
How do I install pixelmon reforged?
There is a page for that on the wiki:
The one downside of pixelmon having been taken over by another mod team is that they use some download website that is blocked by my adblocker and because of that I couldn't download the pixelmon jar myself. If this happens to you, here is a public google drive with the pixelmon jar:
If the wiki doesn't help I'll try and explain below in the spoiler basically the same steps
1) Get the pixelmon jar from the google drive above.
2) Get a forge .exe from here:
3) Execute the forge .exe file you just downloaded.
4) Make sure install client is selected and that it points to your minecraft installation path. If you never changed your minecraft installation path just keep it on the default it provides you and click ok. It'll install some stuff and hopefully this should all go smoothly.
5) Start up minecraft.
6) Click on launch options.
7) Enable advanced settings.
8) Click on the right forge version.
9) Click on the slider for JVM arguments so you can edit it and where it says 1G (pointed at with arrow) change it to 2G. This is to allocate 2G of ram to pixelmon which you will need unless you want to freeze every 5 seconds.
10) Click on this cute button right here! It'll take you to wherever forge is installed (most likely .minecraft folder).
11) If there is a "mods" folder in that folder, go into it. Else create a folder named "mods".
12) Add the pixelmon jar to the mods folder.
13) If you now launch this forge profile you'll be ready to play pixelmon!
2) Get a forge .exe from here:
3) Execute the forge .exe file you just downloaded.

4) Make sure install client is selected and that it points to your minecraft installation path. If you never changed your minecraft installation path just keep it on the default it provides you and click ok. It'll install some stuff and hopefully this should all go smoothly.
5) Start up minecraft.

6) Click on launch options.

7) Enable advanced settings.

8) Click on the right forge version.

9) Click on the slider for JVM arguments so you can edit it and where it says 1G (pointed at with arrow) change it to 2G. This is to allocate 2G of ram to pixelmon which you will need unless you want to freeze every 5 seconds.

10) Click on this cute button right here! It'll take you to wherever forge is installed (most likely .minecraft folder).
11) If there is a "mods" folder in that folder, go into it. Else create a folder named "mods".

12) Add the pixelmon jar to the mods folder.
13) If you now launch this forge profile you'll be ready to play pixelmon!
Is there some sort of wiki?
Right here:
Wiki is mostly accurate, however some things are slightly outdated nothing we can do about that unfortunately. For example the rare candy recipe and exp. share recipe are no longer available but still exist on the wiki.
What's the IP?
The IP will be released on release day, in this thread.
Will it lag?
If it does lag we'll just close down Rof, Create, TTT and the forums to give it more ram. Slightly new at this so don't hate me if launch isn't pixel perfectha get it pixel. That said I'm decently sure lag is not going to be a problem.
Are there rules?
In general just behave yourself but just incase here is a ruleset blatantly stolen from the previous pixelmon event:
1) No griefing or modifying other players builds.
2) Do not steal from players, this isn’t meant to be a PvP server.
3) No use of redstone clocks, automatic farms or anything else that may cause extreme lag to the server.
4) Do not attempt to scam other players when trading.
5) Do not spam the chat or excessively use capital letters.
6) Avoid using excessive profanity and don’t harass other users.
7) Do not abuse any bugs/glitches, immediately notify an Admin if a bug/glitch is found.
8) Abide by all EscapeRestart general rules.
9. Don't use any cheaty mods like xray.
10) We're here to have fun, don’t be a dick.
Hope to see you there!
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