Apologies - clerical error meant I had a deciding vote left to add a fourth name to the options. Thread reposted, vote away - won't be deleted again!
After two rounds of narrowing down all candidate names, the following three names have come up as the main choices from the candidate names. I understand that this will never be to everyone's taste so I'd ask that we keep the thread relatively clear of arguing or complaining.
Post FAQ
Q: Who decided on these names and why wasn't the community consulted?
A: Directors+ went through two rounds of voting to narrow down the names. All non-mock names posted were voted upon and these three came out as the most popular. To avoid any individual groups mass-backing certain names it was decided that the best approach was to filter the names through head staff and let community vote on the three most accepted names.
We understand people don't want to change - as many have pointed out however, we didn't want to change to Blocktopia originally - we don't expect everyone to warm to this decision, though we do hope you'll warm to whatever name we choose in due course.
Q: I don't like the names.
A: I would be very surprised if everyone did like the new community name. There will always be people upset, from those who inevitably will be upset - we ask that you understand this, and we hope that you'll find it in yourself to accept and contribute to the new chosen community name in time. We hope to improve the community for the better, and we hope that you will be a part of this process.
Q: Blocktopia was the favourite suggestion, why are we still changing?
A: From the getgo we knew that people do not like change, we'd still be called "TheOnes" if things hadn't been taken into head staff hands - even though he wasn't part of the community people still felt a sentimental link to the name - and we understand that, people made friends/relatiosnhips/etc. through this community, it represents a significant part of their daily life.
With that said, a large number of people, myself included - believe that in order to facilitate such a drastic change in the community - a change that will include forum structure, rank structure, servers, moving to a new dedi and for the first time truly focusing on all games as opposed to just minecraft - we wanted a new face to show for that. It's a brave, for many uncomfortable step - for others an exciting step.
Q: But __ sounded so good
A: Please read point #2, everyone has an opinion and we're not going to be able to please everyone. Apologies if your favourite names didn't make it to this stage but - could you please leave the thread open for constructive criticism of the chosen names.
After two rounds of narrowing down all candidate names, the following three names have come up as the main choices from the candidate names. I understand that this will never be to everyone's taste so I'd ask that we keep the thread relatively clear of arguing or complaining.
Post FAQ
Q: Who decided on these names and why wasn't the community consulted?
A: Directors+ went through two rounds of voting to narrow down the names. All non-mock names posted were voted upon and these three came out as the most popular. To avoid any individual groups mass-backing certain names it was decided that the best approach was to filter the names through head staff and let community vote on the three most accepted names.
We understand people don't want to change - as many have pointed out however, we didn't want to change to Blocktopia originally - we don't expect everyone to warm to this decision, though we do hope you'll warm to whatever name we choose in due course.
Q: I don't like the names.
A: I would be very surprised if everyone did like the new community name. There will always be people upset, from those who inevitably will be upset - we ask that you understand this, and we hope that you'll find it in yourself to accept and contribute to the new chosen community name in time. We hope to improve the community for the better, and we hope that you will be a part of this process.
Q: Blocktopia was the favourite suggestion, why are we still changing?
A: From the getgo we knew that people do not like change, we'd still be called "TheOnes" if things hadn't been taken into head staff hands - even though he wasn't part of the community people still felt a sentimental link to the name - and we understand that, people made friends/relatiosnhips/etc. through this community, it represents a significant part of their daily life.
With that said, a large number of people, myself included - believe that in order to facilitate such a drastic change in the community - a change that will include forum structure, rank structure, servers, moving to a new dedi and for the first time truly focusing on all games as opposed to just minecraft - we wanted a new face to show for that. It's a brave, for many uncomfortable step - for others an exciting step.
Q: But __ sounded so good
A: Please read point #2, everyone has an opinion and we're not going to be able to please everyone. Apologies if your favourite names didn't make it to this stage but - could you please leave the thread open for constructive criticism of the chosen names.