Pre-apocalyptic studies

Aug 5, 2013
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I am Dalbert Reverie and I am twenty nine years old as of today. I study pre-apocalyptic technologies and techniques. Before I traveled here I scavenged through a library. I have found many books regarding pre-apocalyptic subjects and have written down a lot of information on a pack of paper that I carry around. Unfortunately I don't hand out the paper to anyone, though I am willing to share the information with others.

I hope to discover new techniques from the people around here, if there are any. There weren't any at the library either; odd. But I have faith that I will see more survivors, surely I can't be the last one. With all this knowledge, you must hunger for more.
[8/5/2013: 1:24AM]
Aug 5, 2013
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I read in a book that our species used to worship gods at churches. Now, unfortunately there is not a church to be found in town. Among the way I discovered a group of humans, they were torching a bridge settlement down to the ground. Funnily enough, they are not at all primitive!

Together we built a shrine and I prayed to 'The lord'. Oddly enough, The lord acted upon my prayers! I prayed for a species of red mushrooms and The lord delivered! Funny, not even an hour ago I was almost murdered, now I am safely with other people and I have obtained a new species of mushrooms.

Time to study those.
[8/5/2013: 2:14AM]
Aug 5, 2013
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*The last page of the diary seems to be hastily written*

I am being attacked, once again! I was trying to salvage the super market by fixing it up when I got attacked. A man wearing pink armor, it's hard writing while running but I need to find help. May be I can get help, I see people in the distance.

[8/5/2013: 2:23]

*A blood stain is on the page*
Aug 5, 2013
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Oooooh bloody shit, my head hurts. What time is it?

*Dalbert checks his pocket watch*

10:22AM? Well then, I've been knocked out for a good eight hours. Wait, where is everything? Where are the samples?! My mushrooms, they are gone! Oh bother and befuddled, what am I to study now? I have no idea where anyone is.

*Dalbert slowly gets up as the sunlight burns into his skin*

I need to find them, perhaps I can study more there, in safety.
[8/5/2013: 10:24AM]
Aug 5, 2013
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I have established a small home somewhere. I hope no one comes looking for me. Soon I will head out to study one of the taller buildings. I wonder what I will find in them. Hopefully something good, though it might just be rubbish. Who knows? I will write more about it after I've been on my expedition

*An ink stain is visible*

Oh dear, I left my quill on the page and it leaked. Ah well, it shouldn't be a problem. I am back with news! The building was nineteen floors tall! There were several mutations in the building. I had to murder a few of them though that is against my ode. It's either me or them! But anyway, I haven't found much of use. I found a few sticks in a chest that was in a house, I left the rest to its owner. I would call today a success.

I heard noises above me, what is going on? I need to go check it out! I'll take my book with me so that I can write down whatever I see. There's some people here, I don't know if they've seen me but I hope that they will not attempt to murder me like nearly everyone else has so far. I don't see why everyone is out to murder one another. Is this not a time of unification? Wait, he's drawing closer, he must've seen me.

*A blood stain is visible and the page seems somewhat torn*
[8/6/2013: 5:55PM]
Aug 5, 2013
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I'm sick of getting mugged, attacked, raided or harassed. I come here looking for knowledge but I am constantly being thwarted by these idiotic thugs or tribe members. I read about a thing called 'The law' and how it attempted to maintain peace. I did not know that the bombardments set us back so far that we are forced to bash in the skull of one another.

I am going back home, though I assume it's been robbed already. The person that killed me probably took my diary and read it, there's nothing I can do about that. Why did I have to write the location of the entrance in it? That was not a wise move...
[8/6/2013: 6:54PM]
Aug 5, 2013
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I have written a thirteen page book and given it out to a stranger. I hope he will share it with others so that everyone can enjoy its knowledge. I need to find more quills, I am running out.

I went out to explore again and I met a guy wearing metal armor. Metal armor! I had no idea what was going on or how he made it, but that was not important. Luckily he chose to listen to me. I asked him if he had some organics, he said he did. Oh, it's so splendid! He brought me back to his tribe or whatever he may have called it and he gave me what appears to be a carrot and a brown mushroom!

I am back at my home, I quickly consulted my book and found out that someone who is well verged with the craftsmanship of metal is called a 'Blacksmith'. Is that what he was? A blacksmith? It's truly amazing! Maybe this town isn't so bad after all. I have also started my first real experiment, I am going to submerge myself into the study of agriculture right now. My goal is to grow twenty samples of the organics that I have been given.
[8/6/2013: 8:00PM]

Aug 5, 2013
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My studies are currently on hold as my laboratory has been demolished. Just as things were looking up, they start falling down again. I am a man of peace but this city has taken the piss with me. I'd be a mad man if I didn't serve some revenge.

And you know what they say:
"Revenge is a dish best served cold"
[8/7/2013: 4:42PM]