I pretty much hide nothing, ever since I came out about my gender identity at the end of 2014.
... Well, except my *ahem* collection, that I only discuss with certain friends who are open about such discussions... Yes.
BUT everything else pretty much fair game for open discussion. I love to debate and talk about things I do and like, online and offline... Probably because I'm not trash like most internet dwellers.
So far it seems like I'm the only one who actually talks to my mum about my online life a lot. She understands though, since she plays a lot of WoW, she also has online friends so she isn't really in a position to judge me lmao. She doesn't mind me meeting people on the Internet as long as I'm not an idiot and reveal anything super secret personal to them.
Omgyus, although moreso me and my dad in my atrospect. He and I played EverQuest 2, along with my mother, too, but she didn't get into it as much as me and my father did. They both played EverQuest 1, though.
So I guess I have "kinda gamer" parents... Even though those were, like, the last games they ever played, because life. x)