PSA: Sit Like L


dam u str8 babygurl
Aug 20, 2011
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Remember this weird motherfucker?

Look how he sits. Who the hell sits like that?

Well anyone who's watched the supremely ancient, obligatory childhood anime would know that the character L was insanely intelligent. Probably not Einstein level, more like if Sherlock Holmes was altered for Japanese audiences. He solved crimes and stuff. Anyway, one of his prominent characteristics was his style of sitting. He legitimately sat like that everywhere and it was significantly noted during a school test. L argued that sitting normally would lower his reasoning ability by 40%. However, this was a claim that came from someone who consumed candy for every meal. It was basically horseshit.

But what if this squatting position did have some clout?

PSA: Sit Like L

We have a huge, contemporary issue: everyone sits way too god damn much. The average person now-a-days sits about 7.7 hours a day. That's roughly counting the times you poop, commute, read, and other mundane things. However, you're an internet junkie so do yourself a favor and add about 6-10 hours to make up the past years as well. No, you active busy-bodies who try to mitigate the affects of prolonged sitting by exercising. You're still fucked about by one-third and it's not really that significant. Just about everyone has massive increased potential of having these debilitating health problems: heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and depression. Each word is a different source that is from a .org or .gov for peer reviewing. Have a video for you visual/audio learners on how much sitting really fucking you over.

The description even has more sources!

If talking about diseases isn't that convincing let's talk about physical changes to your spine. The human body was not designed to sit. Our bodies sort of evolved with the spine in consideration. Muscles, ligaments, cartilage and organs are designed to be supported, to support, and work in relation to the natural curvature of the spine. What sitting does to the spine is change the forward leaning lumbar structure to something more rigid and unnatural. It's not really that bad to sit but everyone does it too god damn much.

Chronic back pain is one of the results. Everyone experienced how much they can barely move after sitting for ages. Your bones become less dense, more brittle, and prone to fracture since they receive no activity. You have increased chances for herniating your discs. Your discs are important because they hold your nerves and allow your body to move. Try to think of it as a jelly donut with the soft insides holding your nerves and what not. When a disc becomes herniated it just means that your donut has split open and all of the soft stuff is pouring out. This can and can not be painful because some people display symptoms and some do not.

Yes this looks correct.

Again, too much sitting is a relatively new condition so what are steps people are trying to re-mediate it? We're not claiming exercising does not help alleviate the symptoms of too much ass cushioning but like smokers trying to use exercise to prevent negative affects of smoking it does jack shit. A lot of people have opted for standing desks but a different slew of health problems arise from standing too much. It's kind of like the issue of breathing too much and oxidizing your cells.

Well, what are we supposed to do Trap and aren't we going to all die anyway? Ignoring nihilist dribble, a lot of anthropologists and fitness scientists (which you probably know as personal trainers) argue for squatting or doing the resting squat. Our human ancestors commonly sat around campfires or keeled at dead carcasses with this sitting method. Toddlers typically demonstrate this kind of sitting until formalized institutional education beats it out of them. Squatting itself has a slew of health benefits. Want better Achilles, knee, and hip strength? Squats. Better hormonal levels? Squat. Better abdomen strength? Squat. Want to poop better? Squat. You're legitimately pooping wrong and here's the massive amount of data to support it. Squat over the fucking toilet.

In no way does Trap_Wolf endorse the product depicted in this video. Please just use a chair to set your feet higher or lean forward like you're skiing.
Also NSFW?

My point is: you most likely can improve your body's condition, and god you probably do, simply by doing the resting squat. I currently own a chair that's wide enough so that I can sit on my chair like L. It's an interesting conversation starter and the average person probably doesn't even know what a weeaboo is. I'm not saying start sitting everywhere in the squatting position; Maybe begin in the privacy of your own home or around close friends. In fact, you'll probably have a difficult time sitting like L because it absolutely kills your Achilles. However, with exercise and constant use your body can become accustomed to the posture. Your spine will probably thank you.

Do not watch this.

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