Qube's Corner of Stuff

Feb 9, 2015
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So sometimes i do stuff and i thought i would post some of it here. Will vary between Digital art/Short videos/3D renders/drawings/anything really. I might update it from time to time, Enjoy!

Some drawings i made in the last couple of days after finding my tablet after 7 or so years:

Still a work in progress ^ Not very happy with it but thought id share it anyway.

They are based on screenshots from games because i'm not very good at making stuff up from scratch.

General digital art and stuff i'v worked on, mostly old stuff (It's what i have left on this computer anyway, might find more later!)
Click for full size. (especially on the pixel art)

Old banner i made for a thing in school ^ (Thats why its swedish)

Personal favorite right here ^

Some very very old Minecraft renders: (I have posted some of these before i think)

Constructive criticism is extremely appreciated! <3
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