RIP Little Brother


Dusk of Discordia VetOp
Nov 26, 2011
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To start sorry about this ugly text wall, I know not many of you know me, or really have known me from my teamspeak days, and i highly doubt that those who do are still frequent members here. But for those of you who are and helped me make my brother smile for those days i want to say thank you, and as the title states on June 19th, 2015 my little brother Garrett passed away. But when im just sitting here trying to think of all the good times i remember days when we were all playing Zombie survival, and had a big group of us on teamspeak i would sit there next to him on his bed while he was on his ipod and sure enough one by one as we all got caught some would yell, some would curse but every reaction made him laugh and give me a beautiful smile that only he could do. Im not putting this out there for sympathy, posts, or attention. i am doing this because even if it was just for a few moments a day, this community made my brother happy and i am so forever thankful for all of you. Rest In Peace Garrett 12/3/97-6/19/15

I tried posting picture but i really dont remember how and i dont feel like figuring it out so here

oh hey look it worked


the cooliest
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
oh, damn dude that sucks. i really hope you're alright, and whilst i didn't really know him, i'm glad this place made him happy. i bet you he's happily resting right now, thinking of all the good times he's had with you. i'm glad you're handling this well, but if you ever need someone to talk to, i'm here for you, i know it's difficult losing someone close to you, but you're gonna be alright c:
(i remember the username, though i never really have got to know you sadly :c)


Oct 15, 2011
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As Trap said earlier, I am glad you are handling this so well- I'm sure that your brother would wish your worries away. It must be tough losing someone as close to you as a sibling. I'd love to say more, but to be honest- I'm speechless and nothing comes to mind. Rest In Peace Garrett, may you be remembered for the joy you had shown to others, especially your brother.


Destroyer of Worlds
Nov 24, 2011
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Jesus man, I don't even know what to say.

All I know is from what I can tell, and plainly see here, you were an awesome, loving brother.

I can only hand out my utmost sympathies to you and yours for your loss.

If you need to talk, you know how to find me.

Hang in there man :)

One one two

Per aspera ad astra
Aug 30, 2011
Reaction score
I might be imagining this into my retrospect, but I seem to recall you speaking of him once or twice or a few times, always warmly. You've a lot of love for your brother, and I'm glad you felt you could share this with us.

Best wishes, Zippy.