You now have the opportunity to win awesome things to show off to everyone and help out the server by making beautiful new [Classic] levels!
What awesome things do I get, Ogarci?
Well, that depends on how well you do! Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, as voted by our staff members!
What awesome things do I get, Ogarci?
Well, that depends on how well you do! Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, as voted by our staff members!
First place will receive:
A Steam game or any combination of Steam games worth a value of $40!
A Custom Title of their choosing!
300 Super Cookies for Prestige ranks or 3000 cookies for others!
A piece of custom enchanted gear with a unique enchantment that actually does something!
An additional selection from this list of Steam games!
Entrance into the Hall of Fame (the HoF of RoF)!
A Custom Title of their choosing!
300 Super Cookies for Prestige ranks or 3000 cookies for others!
A piece of custom enchanted gear with a unique enchantment that actually does something!
An additional selection from this list of Steam games!
Entrance into the Hall of Fame (the HoF of RoF)!
Second place will receive:
A Custom Title of their choosing!200 Super Cookies for Prestige ranks or 2000 cookies for others!
A piece of custom enchanted gear with a unique enchantment that actually does something!
Third place will receive:
A Custom Title of their choosing!100 Super Cookies for Prestige ranks or 1000 cookies for others!
A piece of custom enchanted gear with a unique enchantment that actually does something!
How do I submit my maps, Ogarci?
Simply create a map, submit it on our map submission forum and include in the thread that you wish for it to be entered in the competition! Submit as many entries as you want! If you have a current map submission and wish for it to be submitted to the competition as well, post in this thread!
What are you looking for in the submissions, Ogarci?
Specifically for this competition, the thing that matters most is quality. You have creative license to make whatever you please! We just need some awesome, beautiful, and fun maps. If you're looking for something closer to a rubric, here's what we'll be looking for:
Uniqueness and creativity
Level of challenge
It is preferred that maps be no bigger than 100x100 to 150x150. This is simply a preference and is not mandatory for entries.
Awesome! How long do I have to create my masterpiece(s), Ogarci?
You have 3 weeks to submit your map, meaning that the deadline for submissions for the competition will be NOVEMBER 16th!
Anything Else, Ogarci?
All map submissions must be for the [Classic] gamemode!
Just keep in mind that all maps submitted will still be eligible to be accepted into the map rotation even if it does not win. If you have any questions regarding the competition, be it things such as where to put it or even how to upload the file, please feel free to contact me, IQDestructor, Dessern5, or any of our staff; in-game, on IRC or via forums.
BuildBox has been generous enough to allow everyone the use of plots for this competition! Just log on to BuildBox, type" /mvtp plots" followed by "/plotme auto" and build away!
Simply create a map, submit it on our map submission forum and include in the thread that you wish for it to be entered in the competition! Submit as many entries as you want! If you have a current map submission and wish for it to be submitted to the competition as well, post in this thread!
What are you looking for in the submissions, Ogarci?
Specifically for this competition, the thing that matters most is quality. You have creative license to make whatever you please! We just need some awesome, beautiful, and fun maps. If you're looking for something closer to a rubric, here's what we'll be looking for:
Uniqueness and creativity
Level of challenge
It is preferred that maps be no bigger than 100x100 to 150x150. This is simply a preference and is not mandatory for entries.
Awesome! How long do I have to create my masterpiece(s), Ogarci?
You have 3 weeks to submit your map, meaning that the deadline for submissions for the competition will be NOVEMBER 16th!
Anything Else, Ogarci?
All map submissions must be for the [Classic] gamemode!
Just keep in mind that all maps submitted will still be eligible to be accepted into the map rotation even if it does not win. If you have any questions regarding the competition, be it things such as where to put it or even how to upload the file, please feel free to contact me, IQDestructor, Dessern5, or any of our staff; in-game, on IRC or via forums.
BuildBox has been generous enough to allow everyone the use of plots for this competition! Just log on to BuildBox, type" /mvtp plots" followed by "/plotme auto" and build away!
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