SCP: Secure, Contain, Mafia signups [CLOSED]

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The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
It is the year 20██. You have been chosen to participate in a special experiment by the SCP Foundation involving [REDACTED]. You will spend the following month at a secret site in Alaska at geographical coordinates ██/██. Even tough the overseer council is convinced nothing can go wrong. Several sources claim that the Chaos Insurgency might be making an appearance. But of course that would never happen, would it?

SCP: Secure, Contain, Mafia!
Insert a fancy banner here.

Welcome to SCP: Secure, Contain, Mafia. This is a unique Mafia experience created and hosted by me, Fiestaguy. And balanced and co-hosted by @Alpha102

General Info

This is a Flavoured game.
Roleplaying is highly encouraged but not required.

This game will not be „Attack of the SCP’s"
If you did not read the intro flavor text: This game will not be a containment-breach related game. There will be no such roles as SCP-173 or SCP-106 in play. The mafia will be the chaos insurgency.

This is an advanced game
This game involves mechanics and several roles not commonly seen in normal mafia. If this is your very first time playing. I recommend you to not sign up.

Voting goes by the regular standard
Voting is not required to be at the END of your post but there has to be one blank line on each side of the vote. For example:

I find this guy very scummy

Vote Thatguy
I find this guy very scummy so i’m just gonna Vote Thatguy since he’s just a total idiot
I find this guy very scummy.

Vote Thatguy

Insert more reasoning here.

You can Not Abstain

Voting goes by the regular.
No lynch is half of the players to vote for.
Lynching is half the players +1
Please do not use the moderation color!

Be respectful and polite.

- You can NOT edit posts. Make a double post instead. (Editing posts should be disabled in any case)
-You are not allowed to make last statements after you are dead.
- If you have not signed up to play mafia, do not post in the game thread.
- Do not rate posts (ex. Like, Dislike, Agree, Disagree) after you die in mafia. Rating posts instead of making posts while you are alive is discouraged as well, as the posts are the life of mafia.
- You are not allowed to use the -In a conversation- status as a tool against someone.
- NEVER post a screenshot with PM's. If you do, you will be kicked from the game with no chance of alternates replacing you.

Honesty and Cheating

• In all interactions with the moderator, you must be honest.
• Do not contact any player in or outside of the game about the game unless specifically allowed to by the moderator. When allowed, only do so in the specific manner allowed. You are free to talk to people about the game in a way of alerting them to new posts, etc., as long as you don’t talk about things happening.
• Do not attempt to access another player's information by technological means (such as hacking).
• Do nothing that would be considered cheating.

Gaming the System

• Do not quote your role PM, take a screen capture of it, etc. You may paraphrase the role PM.
• Do not attempt to analyze the mechanics of a role PM in comparison to other players. For example, "the fourth word of my role PM is town." Or "my PM was sent at 11:23, when was yours?"
• Do not attempt to use a system of robust cryptography, etc. Do not use small or invisible text to attempt to avoid detection.
• Actions that involve "bets" or other outside-the-game contrivances to try to confirm a player are prohibited. Examples include, but are not limited to, avatar bets, replacement bets, etc.
• At no time should there be pre-game alliances made.


• You are expected to be an active participant in your game. Do not flake.
• If you know you are going to be absent a particular amount of time, post in game and PM the moderator that you will be V/LA. Please include the date you plan to be back and posting.


• Each player gets a single vote to use during the day that they may change as many times as they wish to vote for any player.
• When a majority of players are voting for an certain player, that player is "lynched" and removed from the game.
• Players may vote for "No Lynch." If at least half of the players vote for a "No Lynch," the day ends without a lynch.


• No racist, homophobic, sexist, etc. language may be used.
• Harassment of an individual player is NOT permitted. It is the nature of the game that players will be antagonistic toward each other at times. However, it should always be kept in the spirit of a game.
• Always play to your win condition. Never sabotage your team's chances simply because you're angry at them.
• Do not discuss ongoing games in the game.
• Do not discuss this game anywhere else with anyone else.

The Moderator

• The Moderator will post frequent vote counts.
• The moderator reserves the right to alter any rule in the game including any of the rules found in this document.
• If the moderator makes a mistake on a vote count, please address it in thread in bold.
• PM the moderator with other concerns.
• The moderator has the final say.


• When you sign up, it is expected you are capable of remaining interested in the game throughout its run.
• If you have decided you can no longer be a part of this wonderful adventure, send a private message to the moderator announcing you are leaving.
• Under no circumstances are you to reveal your role while you quit.
• If you think you are losing the game and cannot remain motivated to play, do not give up and reveal your role in resignation. Be a good sport and see your loss through with class.
• The moderator is expected to treat you with respect throughout any possible situation regarding quitting.

By signing up you agree to…
  • Play fair and according to the rules
  • Play to win
  • You can stay interested in this game for the entire run
  • Be okay with any role you’re given

To sign up simply type
"Sign me up" or something alike.
It is not required that you bold this but it is highly appreciated.

1. Raxo2222
2. Ltin
3. Endersteve5
4. Timdood3
5. xXFruitninjaXx
6. brownlee123
7. Dessern5
8. CaffeinatedKitty
9. Samlen
10. std1997
11. myusername22
12. GmK
13. Nottykitten
14. Ooglie101
15. Old_Man_Oak_63
16. chicken23456789
17. Iggy234
18. Midnightgirl24
19. Hunter27a1
20. Lee_Scar
21. Erik5456
22. The road to ruin
23. Naoh
24. Faliara

Reserved spots for australians (Will merge in 13 hours!)
1. 77_is_the_best
2. Jivvi
3. Mad11gab8
4. cooliorules

We are NOT accepting replacements due to the high playercount until they are filled up! If you want to participate. Sign up!

Don’t forget to tell your friends about this game!
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Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
It's still based on the SCP foundation ;)
I know, I'm just poking at the fact the acronym isn't equated to the title. xD

But yeah, I think I might join in, but I'm not too sure if I would be up to it, just yet. With 24 players, it's definitely a big game, so it'll last quite some time. I'm up for one right now, same as I've been for all of Hectic Hawaii, but that was a short game, and I don't see this one lasting less than a week irl.

Sooo... I'll let everyone else sign up, first. If you're starting to need people, or I'm absolutely sure I can fully participate without losing my game, I'll sign up from there.

For now... Looks like a nice closed setup, so far, Fiesta. ;)
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