

Mar 31, 2012
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For the first time since grenades, a new weapon has been added to the TNT Wars store. This weapon is the shield! Costing 8 points, it creates a protective barrier for 4 seconds. The radius can be upgraded by one, costing 6000 points, and the duration can be upgraded by one second, costing 8000 points.

I'm sure some tricky tactics will come up with this weapon, and due to this, I'm sure the price will change!

Happy blocking!


Pure Pro
Nov 5, 2011
Reaction score
To be honest, I think it's OP (raise to 15).
But seriously, invincibility for 8 points? I just got on and tried it. I guess it's a good life saver, but, imagine someone on a cannon, and all they have to do it spam the shield to keep from dying. Sounds a bit overpowered to me. They get 10+ points for a kill, and all they have to do to continue their streak is place an 8 point shield. Immediate 2 point profit, and even more if they continued it throughout the round.

My suggestion(s):
- Have a 5 second cool-down period after placing one shield to the next [ignore this if there already is, I didn't do incredibly thorough testing]
- Or, raise the price to something above 10, some price that you have to be on a good streak to profit from them. In my opinion, I think they should be somewhere from 13 to 16 points each.

Edit: Can we have more information about the shield? Like, how large is the shield radius? Is the shield omnidirectional, or does it only shield you from things coming from the direction you placed it in? Does it block entities? Does it block pre-existing entities/TNT's, or only weapons placed after the shield? What is love? Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more.


Supermegauber Foxy Fox!
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
The price should be raised to 20 (As I suggested)
As so you know, the only technical defensive item that is in the store in the metal, which makes this the second defensive item that people would use. It's not an offensive weapon, and you get no points from using it alone (except if you do other stuff). 20 points why? People would not like to spam it, since it would really waste your points. Also I think 4 seconds is a lot already. I was thinking of maybe a second or two. Just place a sponge and it protects you from some explosion. It could be helpful if you are protecting a killstreak, or just wanting to not die. How to use it? You just place a sponge, and it stays there and creates a sphere(?) that protects you from explosions. You would know that the barrier is gone when the sponge disappears.


Mar 27, 2012
Reaction score
Before you discuss prizes and cool-downs it's helpful to imagine where this shield will have uses and which out of these require skill relative to already implemented weapons. A shield that you just spam preemptively without a clear trigger seems a useless addition, i.e with a cannon as mentioned above.

But it can be handy when you try to block rockets with some distance, air strikes on an open map, escape from some sort of short dead-end (pits like on eyeball, narrow corridors as seen on many maps), avoid lasers (i.e infiltrating on dark passage), non-instant grenades or c4s that block the way to a flag. And that's only what I can come up with in 10 seconds.

Clearly, a shield has many useful applications. To get rid of spamming them with cannons I'd suggest a 10 second cool-down. Increasing the price will do nothing to enhance the gameplay and we'll only see another worse laser in this game.


Mar 31, 2012
Reaction score
I would have to agree with a cooldown, being used for objective things (namely, KOTH and Payload), but let's put things in perspective regarding "invincibility."
If I wanted invincibility for a minute, it would cost 120 points.
If I wanted invincibility for the whole round, it would cost 1200 points.
And this is all standing still. If people are worried about making a profit off cannons by spamming these, that means you would have to get 120 kills (I'm not counting killstreaks, that might lower it to ~80 kills) on a cannon, with the knowledge that someone from your team/other team could come and use it as well.
It will be tweaked as new uses will come along, I'm sure. But this is not the battleground for this, the battleground is on our TNT Wars Server!


The noob himself
Sep 17, 2012
Reaction score
hmm I am not so sure about this weapon, even though it's not a weapon, also the idea of force fields and shields have been denied in the past so I think they should be denied now.

But I am not basing this off much, I might really like them, I will just have to go test it out. Also an item (not weapon) can always be removed from the store.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
A shield functional for 1.5 seconds, or 2 seconds, or if you're really up for it, 3.5 seconds, is much superior to 4 seconds.

A cooldown would also be very tactical to add to the shield itself. Cooldown of 7 seconds, 8 seconds or 12 seconds respectively to the duration.

These numbers are from a game where you actually HAVE to use this kind of ability in order to survive being one shot. Kinda similar (well, less carnage in TNT Wars than in that).