SimpleSMP's Second Content Update!
Hello again! There is another update coming to SimpleSMP, and I'm excited to tell you all about it! With this new update comes some more things to spend your money on, new player shops areas, some more balancing and bug fixes, and more! Please note that some of these changes were already implemented, but most of the core ones will be on the release date.
Release Date: July 17th, 2PM EST
New Player Shops
I quite honestly didn't expect player shops to be so popular. The spawn shops are already essentially filled up, and it seems a lot of players want more shop areas. The new shop are will be accessible on release day via /warp PlayerShops, and the /warps GUI. The bottom floor features two sized shops, small and medium - and the top floor is reserved for large shops. You can easily get between the two via the elevators every few shops. You will also notice that these shops aren't buyable, but are rentable. This means you will have to pay x every x, this is to ensure people don't camp out on the player shops.
If these shops do get filled up, it's been designed so that it can be added onto easily - so don't worry!
New Player Library
Sam has been working on a new addition to spawn, the player library! Users can submit books into the library, and once staff read through them they can even be sold to players! Make sure to check out the new area by going to /warp library once the server opens :)
Rule Changes / New Player Protection
There have been some new rule updates. Specifically, these are rules that are made to protect newer players. Please make sure to re-read our rules thread here, and familiarize yourself with the new rules.
With these new rules, there is also going to be some better new spawn protection. These will include things like:
1 Hour Spawn Protection
Respawn Protection
Death Chests
Do you die often? Lose your stuff a lot? always feeling defeated? Well I have a solution for you!
If you decide to go out and journey, bring a chest or two with you and keep it in your inventory. When you die, instead of your items being thrown all around on the ground - your items will be placed neatly in a chest. While this is an ideal solution, keep in mind you need to have the chests in your inventory, and you also must be Established or higher.
Tired of doing your own work? Wish you could leave the server with iron smelting, and come back to it all being smelted and in your chests? Then the new minions are just for you! Once you reach renowned, you can access the Minion store! You can open this up by typing /minions store.
When you first start out, you will notice you can only own one minion. As you rank up, you will unlock more slots which will allow you to have further minions. Once you purchase a minion, you can also purchase upgrades for it to help it become more efficient, link it to a chest, and more! Keep in mind that you will have to feed them to keep them working, and they don't go on forever.
Fishing Overhaul
Fishing can get pretty boring, so in this update, I'm introducing something that completely revamps fishing and gives it a new purpose! There is a lot that comes with this plugin, so I'm gonna go ahead and put it in a spoiler.
- Killing fish will yield custom fish upon death. This means you can kill Cod, Salmon, Tropical and Pufferfish in the ocean which will drop custom fish on death. This is a neat alternative to players who like exploring the ocean and want a small reward for doing so. This also encourages exploration too.
- Fish Gutting station for Entropy / custom fishing related items. This is a GUI which can be access VIA the /fish menu. This allows you to trade in fish for entropy if you want to get a passive quicker. As for the items side of this feature, you will be able to get scales, eyes, fins and other related items which will be used for crafting and purchasing bait which will come at a later point.
- Fish up crabs / lobsters. There is a small chance where you can fish up a crap and or lobster when fishing. This is just a silverfish with increased health. However, this mob will have a custom ability soon. These mobs will also drop rare custom items which will be used for bait as well along down the line.
- Deliveries. This feature is basically repeatable quests. This feature comes with customisable rewards, names, lores, and many other things such as the bounds for the fish needed and time required.
- Augments. Augments are essentially custom enchantments that only work on your fishing rod. To craft augments, follow the crafting recipes in the Augment GUI. Once you have all the crafting items, throw them into a cauldron and hit it with your fishing rod. You then use the Augment and your fishing rod in the Augment GUI again to combine them! A list of augments can be found here.
- Tournaments. Events that you can start or auto-start for your players to compete against each other. Whether this be in a race to catch the first platinum fish, or catch the longest fish, will you win the next tournament and be rewarded with fully configurable rewards?
- Anti-AFK Fisher. PyroFishingPro adds a new Anti AFK Fishing technique into your server. This feature can be disabled and configured to your personal liking. This prevents people from fishing in the same source block consistently and getting fish.
Player Bounties
If you are willing to put down a good chunk of money to see someone dead, then you will enjoy this feature. You will now be able to place bounties on players heads! I don't want these being places constantly, so there is a cooldown, on top of a minimum cost being 10K. You will be able to place a bounty on someone by typing /addbounty <player> <amount>. You can also check the hunter leaderboards by typing /hunters, and it comes with a GUI where you can view all the bounties just by typing /bounties
More Custom Recipes

Chest Dumping & Inventory Sorting
Messy chests and inventories are the bane of any MC player. Now, once you get to citizen - you unlock a new feature to help you out with that! We are implementing an inventory and chest sorter, which you can toggle with /sort on | off, and /invsort on | off. You can also use the command /sort hotkeys to open up a GUI to help you quickly sort your chest and inventory.
We are also implementing another feature, which allows you to unload your inventory into nearby chests! Once you reach Established, you can use the commands /unload (radius of 6 blocks), and /dump (same radius). /unload will check the chests for matching items, and dump everything that matches except your hotbar, and /dump will just dump anything in a nearby chest, also besides your hotbar and armor slots.
Nerfed Farmer Job (Placing Flowers, Breeding)
AFK Players now get invincibility
Added a 3 min cooldown to /back
Added a /wild command, that tps you out 1K blocks randomly
Slightly increased shop fees
Added new anti-cheat / anti-xray
Bug Fixes
Fixed Nether Portals not allowing 23x23
Fixed villager breeding not working
Fixed users not being able to use beacons
Fixed nicknames not showing in tab or chat
General Stability & Lag Fixes
a deep rumble is heard from the depths of the earth, the world shakes... what are players going to discover next?