SimpleSMP's Fourth & Largest Content Update - Outposts, Dungeons, Skills & More!
Welcome to SimpleSMP's fourth and largest update! After reading over the survey that was posted, I think I have a better understanding of what direction you all want to see the server go into. This update will expand into those areas, and hopefully will give you guys more things to enjoy!
If you haven't already, please take the time to take this survey about our SMP server. :)
Release Date: 8th of August, 2020 3PM UTC
Elite Mobs Dungeon
We are releasing our first public dungeon! Welcome to the sewers, a sprawling maze full of twists and turns, dangerous elite mob bosses, and custom loot. As you venture further and further down, things will get riskier - but the rewards are way better. Enjoy new bosses, challenges, mobs, rewards, and more - but keep your eye out - because it is dangerous!
I do highly recommend players group up to take on this dungeon - it is ultimately way better as a team effort. Once the update is out, you will be able to get to the sewers via /warp sewers.

You will find a few new buildings and areas surrounding the spawn area. These are outposts, and players are able to claim them for themselves. If you manage to claim an outpost, not only do you get a reward - but some contain special NPC Shops that sell rare items. You will also receive a reward for keeping an outpost maintained.
The area around outposts will force you into PvP no matter what setting you use, so be mindful! These are dangerous places, but the reward is really beneficial.
Towns / Town Applications
Once your settlement has reached the requirements that are posted in our Town Guidelines, you can apply for an official town status! This grants your members of the town special perks, like a warp, get more protection, can make a dynmap region, and have a special chat!
If you are interested, make sure to check out the town requirements in our Application Format, and then copy/paste it and make a new post under the town applications sub forum! (These will be opened up on the update release day)
More Chunks Per Rank
Users now get more chunks overall! This will hopefully encourage larger claims.

Weekly Tournaments
Weekly tournaments are something we are implementing in this update also. This will track different statistics and reset each week, and whoever comes out at the top will be rewarded nicely! You can see what tournaments are active by typing /tournament - this will open up a nice GUI that shows all the active tournaments, and also the top 5 active players in each category.

Custom Enchants
When you open up your Enchantment Table, you may notice it looks quite a bit different! This is because we have introduced a slew of custom enchants that users can now obtain by normal enchanting, mob drops, fishing, and other means that are typical. The GUI that opens up is used just like a normal enchanting table, and works just the same - besides the fact that it goes up to level 50 now, and you can enchant multiple items at once :)

If you want to see the list of all the enchants added, click on the spoiler below.
Angler (Fishing Rod Enchantment): Catch an additional fish per level.
Armored (Elytra Enchantment): Adds armor points to Elytra.
Beheading (Sword Enchantment): Adds a chance to drop mob heads on death.
Brine (Sword Enchantment): Doubles damage if opponent is at half health or less.
Butcher (Sword Enchantment): Earn additional meat from killing mobs (Conflicts with Looting and Husbandry)
Curse of Contagion (Everything Enchantment): Spreads curses to items. (Conflicts with Curse of Stagnancy)
Curse of Exhaustion (Everything Enchantment): Causes more exhaustion for Minecraft actions.
Curse of Lag (Tools and Weapons Enchantment): Laggggg.
Curse of Stagnancy (Everything Enchantment): Enchantments can no longer be added or modified on this item except for removed on the Grindstone (Conflicts with Curse of Contagion)
Detonator (Bow and Crossbow Enchantment): Explosions on arrow impact. Decreases creeper activation time. (Conflicts with Hollow Point).
Drowned (Trident Enchantment): Drowns non-water mobs for a short time.
Exp. Share (Tools/Weapons Enchantment): Increased experience drop from killing mobs and breaking blocks (Conflicts with Recycler)
Flower Gift (Hoe Enchantment): Right click flowers to drop flowers. (Conflicts with Gold Digger and Soul Reaper).
Force Feed (Everything Enchantment): Equipped items will repair themselves using the hunger bar (Conflicts with Mending and Sticky Hold)
Frequent Flyer (Elytra Enchantment): Gives player creative flight at cost of durability. (Conflicts with Icarus).
Fried (Fishing Rod Enchantment): All caught fish are automatically cooked.
Gold Digger (Hoe Enchantment): Drop gold and experience when breaking cropsand nether warts. (Conflicts with Flower Gift and Soul Reaper).
Gung Ho (Chestplate Enchantment): Halves health but triples attack damage. (Conflicts with Life).
Hard Bounce (Shield Enchantment): Projectiles hitting the shield will bounce away at a faster rate. (Conflicts with Iron Defense).
Height++ (Tools Enchantment): Increases block break radius in the up/down direction.
Hollow Point (Bow and Crossbow Enchantment): Deals more damage to armored opponents. Can deal damage to Endermen and shielded Withers. (Conflicts with Detonator).
Husbandry (Sword Enchantment): Gives chance to spawn a baby animal when killing animals (Conflicts with Looting and Butcher)
Icarus (Elytra Enchantment): Flying upwards will increase velocity. (Conflicts with Frequent Flyer).
Irene's Lasso (Carrot on a Stick Enchantment): Grab animals to place elsewhere. (Conflicts with Wand).
Iron Defense (Shield Enchantment): Shield absorbs percentage of damage when not blocking. (Conflicts with Hard Bounce).
Knock Up (Swords Enchantment): Knocks opponent into the air on hit. (Conflicts with Knockback).
Life (Chestplate Enchantment): Increases maximum health when worn. (Conflicts with Gung Ho).
Light Weight (Boots Enchantment): Prevents trampling crops (Conflicts with Feather Falling)
Magic Guard (Shield Enchantment): Negative potion effects removed when in offhand.
Magma Walker (Boots Enchantment): Turns lava into magma for a short time when walking near it. (Conflicts with Depth Strider, Frost Walker, and Void Walker).
Moisturize (Shears enchantment): Add moisture to blocks, waterlogging or changing certain block types.
No Rest (Helmet Enchantment): Sleep time constantly reset to 0, causing no phantoms to spawn. (Conflicts with Unrest).
Overkill (Bow Enchantment): Shoots arrows in inventory from bow on left click.
Pillage (Crossbow Enchantment): Increase drops from killed mobs.
Pushback (Shield Enchantment): When blocking, knocks back melee-using damaging mobs
Quick Strike (Axes and Swords Enchantment): Speeds up charge time. (Conflicts with Sharpness, Smite, Bane of Arthropods, Fire Aspect, and Shock Aspect).
Recycler (Sword and Axe Enchantment): Common loot drops will turn into experience (Conflicts with Exp. Share)
Sacrifice (Chestplate Enchantment): Damages mob that killed you based on your experience level.
Sand Veil (Hoe enchantment): Lowers accuracy of attacked entity's hits.
Shock Aspect (Axes Enchantment): Chance to strike attacked mobs with lightning. (Conflicts with Quick Strike).
Smeltery (Tools Enchantment): Smelt broken items. (Conflicts with Silk Touch).
Sniper (Trident/Bow Enchantment): Increased projectile speed.
Soulbound (Everything Enchantment): Keep item on death. (Conflicts with Curse of Vanishing).
Soul Reaper (Hoe Enchantment): Has a large chance for killed player to drop Soulbound items. (Conflicts with Flower Gift and Gold Digger).
Splatter Fest (Hoe Enchantment): Shoots eggs in inventory from hoe on left click.
Sticky Hold (Everything Enchantment): When the item breaks, it will turn into a stick which can be repaired back into the item (Conflicts with Mending and Force Feed)
Stone Throw (Crossbow Enchantment): Does more damage to flying mobs.
Tank (Armor Enchantment): Increased durability.
Telepathy (Tools Enchantment): All mined blocks go straight into your inventory.
Toughness (Armor Enchantment): Adds armor toughness to armor.
Transmutation (Trident Enchantment): Turns mob loot into sea-based loot.
Unrest (Helmet Enchantment): Gives night vision but phantoms will always spawn at night around you.
Void Walker (Boots Enchantment): Spawns obsidian in air blocks to help players cross the void. (Conflicts with Depth Strider, Frost Walker, and Magma Walker).
Wand (Carrot on a Stick Enchantment): Place blocks from offhand in a radius. (Conflicts with Irene's Lasso).
Warp (Leggings Enchantment): Gives chance to teleport you away from damage.
Width++ (Tools Enchantment): Increases block break radius in the left/right direction.
Armored (Elytra Enchantment): Adds armor points to Elytra.
Beheading (Sword Enchantment): Adds a chance to drop mob heads on death.
Brine (Sword Enchantment): Doubles damage if opponent is at half health or less.
Butcher (Sword Enchantment): Earn additional meat from killing mobs (Conflicts with Looting and Husbandry)
Curse of Contagion (Everything Enchantment): Spreads curses to items. (Conflicts with Curse of Stagnancy)
Curse of Exhaustion (Everything Enchantment): Causes more exhaustion for Minecraft actions.
Curse of Lag (Tools and Weapons Enchantment): Laggggg.
Curse of Stagnancy (Everything Enchantment): Enchantments can no longer be added or modified on this item except for removed on the Grindstone (Conflicts with Curse of Contagion)
Detonator (Bow and Crossbow Enchantment): Explosions on arrow impact. Decreases creeper activation time. (Conflicts with Hollow Point).
Drowned (Trident Enchantment): Drowns non-water mobs for a short time.
Exp. Share (Tools/Weapons Enchantment): Increased experience drop from killing mobs and breaking blocks (Conflicts with Recycler)
Flower Gift (Hoe Enchantment): Right click flowers to drop flowers. (Conflicts with Gold Digger and Soul Reaper).
Force Feed (Everything Enchantment): Equipped items will repair themselves using the hunger bar (Conflicts with Mending and Sticky Hold)
Frequent Flyer (Elytra Enchantment): Gives player creative flight at cost of durability. (Conflicts with Icarus).
Fried (Fishing Rod Enchantment): All caught fish are automatically cooked.
Gold Digger (Hoe Enchantment): Drop gold and experience when breaking cropsand nether warts. (Conflicts with Flower Gift and Soul Reaper).
Gung Ho (Chestplate Enchantment): Halves health but triples attack damage. (Conflicts with Life).
Hard Bounce (Shield Enchantment): Projectiles hitting the shield will bounce away at a faster rate. (Conflicts with Iron Defense).
Height++ (Tools Enchantment): Increases block break radius in the up/down direction.
Hollow Point (Bow and Crossbow Enchantment): Deals more damage to armored opponents. Can deal damage to Endermen and shielded Withers. (Conflicts with Detonator).
Husbandry (Sword Enchantment): Gives chance to spawn a baby animal when killing animals (Conflicts with Looting and Butcher)
Icarus (Elytra Enchantment): Flying upwards will increase velocity. (Conflicts with Frequent Flyer).
Irene's Lasso (Carrot on a Stick Enchantment): Grab animals to place elsewhere. (Conflicts with Wand).
Iron Defense (Shield Enchantment): Shield absorbs percentage of damage when not blocking. (Conflicts with Hard Bounce).
Knock Up (Swords Enchantment): Knocks opponent into the air on hit. (Conflicts with Knockback).
Life (Chestplate Enchantment): Increases maximum health when worn. (Conflicts with Gung Ho).
Light Weight (Boots Enchantment): Prevents trampling crops (Conflicts with Feather Falling)
Magic Guard (Shield Enchantment): Negative potion effects removed when in offhand.
Magma Walker (Boots Enchantment): Turns lava into magma for a short time when walking near it. (Conflicts with Depth Strider, Frost Walker, and Void Walker).
Moisturize (Shears enchantment): Add moisture to blocks, waterlogging or changing certain block types.
No Rest (Helmet Enchantment): Sleep time constantly reset to 0, causing no phantoms to spawn. (Conflicts with Unrest).
Overkill (Bow Enchantment): Shoots arrows in inventory from bow on left click.
Pillage (Crossbow Enchantment): Increase drops from killed mobs.
Pushback (Shield Enchantment): When blocking, knocks back melee-using damaging mobs
Quick Strike (Axes and Swords Enchantment): Speeds up charge time. (Conflicts with Sharpness, Smite, Bane of Arthropods, Fire Aspect, and Shock Aspect).
Recycler (Sword and Axe Enchantment): Common loot drops will turn into experience (Conflicts with Exp. Share)
Sacrifice (Chestplate Enchantment): Damages mob that killed you based on your experience level.
Sand Veil (Hoe enchantment): Lowers accuracy of attacked entity's hits.
Shock Aspect (Axes Enchantment): Chance to strike attacked mobs with lightning. (Conflicts with Quick Strike).
Smeltery (Tools Enchantment): Smelt broken items. (Conflicts with Silk Touch).
Sniper (Trident/Bow Enchantment): Increased projectile speed.
Soulbound (Everything Enchantment): Keep item on death. (Conflicts with Curse of Vanishing).
Soul Reaper (Hoe Enchantment): Has a large chance for killed player to drop Soulbound items. (Conflicts with Flower Gift and Gold Digger).
Splatter Fest (Hoe Enchantment): Shoots eggs in inventory from hoe on left click.
Sticky Hold (Everything Enchantment): When the item breaks, it will turn into a stick which can be repaired back into the item (Conflicts with Mending and Force Feed)
Stone Throw (Crossbow Enchantment): Does more damage to flying mobs.
Tank (Armor Enchantment): Increased durability.
Telepathy (Tools Enchantment): All mined blocks go straight into your inventory.
Toughness (Armor Enchantment): Adds armor toughness to armor.
Transmutation (Trident Enchantment): Turns mob loot into sea-based loot.
Unrest (Helmet Enchantment): Gives night vision but phantoms will always spawn at night around you.
Void Walker (Boots Enchantment): Spawns obsidian in air blocks to help players cross the void. (Conflicts with Depth Strider, Frost Walker, and Magma Walker).
Wand (Carrot on a Stick Enchantment): Place blocks from offhand in a radius. (Conflicts with Irene's Lasso).
Warp (Leggings Enchantment): Gives chance to teleport you away from damage.
Width++ (Tools Enchantment): Increases block break radius in the left/right direction.
Since there are going to be a ton of custom enchants, on top of levels now going up to 50 - players will now be able to store XP in a craftable book that can also be updated as you rank up. This also helps people who like to challenge elite mobs, but don't want to lose EXP from dying.
Basic Tome (Citizen, 10K EXP)
Tier 1 Upgrade (Exalted, 15K EXP)
Tier 2 Upgrade (CEO, 20K EXP)
Tier 3 Upgrade (Magnate, 25K EXP)
Tier 4 Upgrade (Epic, 30K EXP)
To upgrade your tome, simply combine the upgrade with your tome!

Tier 1 Upgrade (Exalted, 15K EXP)

Tier 2 Upgrade (CEO, 20K EXP)

Tier 3 Upgrade (Magnate, 25K EXP)

Tier 4 Upgrade (Epic, 30K EXP)

To upgrade your tome, simply combine the upgrade with your tome!
Player Auctions
Have an item you want to get rid of, but don't want to clog up a chest spot just for one? Well now once you reach Exalted, you can start auctioning off items! It's as simple as running the command /ah sell [price] while holding the item you want to sell! This will announce your auction in the chat to all other players, and they can easily bid on the item by typing /ah! Please keep in mind that these items will expire, and you can only put up one listing until you rank up to further ranks.

Introducing a new progression system for players to grind for, McMMO! McMMO introduces skills and abilities that players can level up via basic tasks like mining, farming, killing mobs, etc. As you level up these skills, you unlock special abilities you can use that further your efficiency of doing things.
To view your McMMO stats, you can do /mcstats - this will bring up the various skills and what level you are in them. If you want to learn more about a skill just type /<skillname> and it will tell you a little about the skill, more info about how far you are into it, and other things.

Custom Recipes
Some old recipes are coming back, and some new ones are in! If you want a list of all of them, make sure to check out toe features thread!

Rare Store
There is a new NPC in spawn who sells different rare items each day! You can get to him by going to /warp rareshop when it is open. Every day, his store will change to show off new items for sale. These items will typically be super hard to find / impossible to obtain normally, and will also have a decent price - he will also sell some normal stuff at a nice discount! Make sure to check out the shop every day so you don't miss out on new sales!
Balancing & Bug Fixes
Some EliteMob bosses were nerfed
Default Land Claims can no longer be seen on Dynmap
End Dragon was nerfed
Announcements are slightly more noticeable
Ranks now have more available chunks to claim
Bedrock users should be able to rank up easier now
Bedrock users GUI's should be slightly less buggy
Buffed farmer job
Mob2Egg has been removed, rare shops will sell these items
Fixed PvP Arena regions
Two new EliteMob bosses and one item were added
PvP Kills reward more money now
Fixed spawn regions
General server optimization
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