Slight college rant + logical argument of interest.

Should more colleges/universities offer "sit ins"?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters


Aug 6, 2011
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Okay, i would like some feedback on this so answer the poll question before/after you read this. This is a very interesting "rant," and argument for colleges who offer and don't offer what is known as "sit ins." Whether you are currently in college or not I would like more opinions.

Many people enjoy learning, educating themselves to become a better person, or just because what they are learning at the time, is of interest to them. In "Post-Secondary Education" aka College, many of you should know how ridiculously expensive it is for; tuition, books, living purposes, - assuming you are living on campus - extra curricular activities and more.

Ontop of expenses you have the stress of Homework, Tests, Failing, GPA, Social Life, and other forms of stress that may occur while attending college. While at the same time, studies show that having a college degree may not be all that worth it. So you are having an internal struggle about continuing or dropping out. I have faced this situation and I personally know a variety of random people, and friends who have experienced it.

What i wish, is for more colleges to offer is what is commonly known as "sit in courses." It's a full course, many students have paid for it, but you don't have to pay money, don't have to take tests, or HW. Yet, you are still learning the same material, in the same professional manner, in the same classroom as everyone else, without the stress. Of course you don't get "official college credit" to count towards a degree of your choosing, but again, in my previous paragraph, it is not always worth it.

Now, there are some ethical issues with this too. Such as, professors get paid per registered student in their class. Which means any "sit in" student, the professor is not being paid for. The sit in, does not have to take tests or homework, which means for some adults are not getting a proper education, but i have to disagree. Many students, are able to grasp the material quite easily, prove they know it, but have so much stress on their shoulders, the students develop text anxiety and perform quite poorly on the tests.

I for one, have tremendous stress in college, with the amount of courses I'm taking, (at the moment im registered for 18 credit hours, next semester im registered for 21 credit hours) family life, test anxiety and the worries of failing. I could quite possibly lose my financial aid, not obtain a job, and be forced to piggy back on family my entire life!!

After wasting money on courses that the college THINKS should be required for my degree but i see no point in, provides stress. The college adding courses to my degree without grandfathering me in so i don't have to take those extra courses. Yet, there are some courses, i would love to take and would quite frankly be thrilled to participate in. I just have no money, time, nor the stress tolerance to take them.

Being techno-geek, I enojoy technology, physics, math, music, business, philosophy and more. And I fear i will never be able to take a philosophy course, advanced music theory course, Since im in Computer Science, i am barred from the IT side of technology, so no Advanced Networking courses for me either.

At the same time, the sit ins may HELP students so they don't have to fail and retake a course. They sit in for free the first time, and if they need the course credit for their degree, they could take it the following semester, pay for it, have the experience already from the sit in and excel!

All in all, what do you believe? Yes for sit ins or no? Sure the professor won't be paid for having you, and you're not getting official credit for taking the course, but again. Humans have more than 1 interest, and we should be able to explore more. Comment and answer the poll. and thank you for reading my rant! :)