SMP - Accepted SMP Moderator Application - Kotonaut


Apr 2, 2013
Reaction score
What is your in-game name? (Please also give any alt accounts, and if you're applying for our TTT server, your Steam ID.)
Kotonaut (koto#1201 on discord, _ChoasLego_ on forums)

What timezone do you live in?
Mountain Standard Time (GMT -7)

How many hours have you played on the server for?

Currently I've played for 3 days and 20 hours.
How many hours can you spend helping out the server per week?

Around 10-12 hours per week in-game would be reasonable for me. I am also able to contribute to the server through Discord as well.
What prior staffing experience do you have?
(It is not mandatory and it is not a problem if you do not have any.)
In 2013, I was Trusted on the Premium TNT server from early September until its shutdown. However, it has been a long time since I have had a staff position in ER/Blocktopia.
What do you think the role entails?
Being a Moderator means being unbiased, collaborative, and resourceful. As a Mod, one should not judge someone based on any personal affiliations or predispositions. Mods should also be open to new ideas from both fellow staff members and players when they are implementing policies. As always, moderators ensure a safe, fair, and fun environment for all on the server.
Why do you want to be a staff member?

Having played all of the BT/ER SMPs since Journey to Elysium, I want to give back to the community that has been the source of many of my fondest memories in minecraft and serve it well. By becoming a staff member of SMP, I believe I can help promote an open and fun community on the server while also creating bridges between the casual and PvP crowds in the community.
What qualities can you bring to the current staff team, that set you apart from other applicants?

As a veteran PvPer on every SMP since JtE, I believe I can bring with me knowledge of PvP rules, item meta, and balances from previous SMP iterations that could benefit both players and staff alike. Having been a biological researcher the past year, I've learned to be patient and calm in most situations. As an individual, I strive to treat other people with compassion and respect and look at situations from their perspectives to understand things better.
How would you approach a problem that you are unfamiliar with?

First, I would contact fellow moderators for their assistance and expertise in the event that I am in an unfamiliar situation. If that does not work, I would move on to the Senior Moderators and then move up from there.
Is there anything else we should know or you want to tell us?

In the past year, I've worked on my empathy skills and learned to see things from other perspectives in order to not come across as argumentative. Rather than forcing my opinion down other's throats, I've taken the time to see the reasoning behind other people's beliefs. This year marks my eighth year with ER/BT - as a college student close to graduating, I hope I can use this year to help improve and further the community.
Got any builds you'd like to show off? (Create only but not mandatory)
Please list your references:
(For most applications at least 1 reference is mandatory, must be a current Moderator+ on EscapeRestart!)


Survival Staff
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
First I'll start by saying _ChoasLego_ has been a part of our community for many years. He has always come across to me as someone fun and lighthearted, with a good competitive player strike. He knows many of our members, and his interactions seem well received. He's been very active on the SimpleSMP server so far, and in many of our previous SMPs as well. With a well seasoned sense of our values, rules and guidelines and old friendships, he'd make a great addition to our mod staff.

+1 from me


Mar 6, 2012
Reaction score
I think Koto is a great candidate as said above he has been part of the community for many years. He is familiar with the rules and has shown his loyalty to the spending countless hours playing and helping people on previous smps. I have watched him mature over the years as hes been part of the community for quite some time. As he has said in his application I think he can bring knowledge and perspective on PvP/Raiding to the staffing core as most are not heavily involved in PvP having an another person be able to weigh in or see the other side to situations as he has lots of experience on being on both ends of pvp and raiding.


Keyboard & Tech Content Creator
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
Thank you for applying koto! As others have said, you seem to have a great grasp on SMP's as you have frequented many of them, and on top of that I think you are quite helpful and active in the server.

I also really think you would be a good addition for future updates and discussions regarding them. It is one of the most important things of this SMP, so I think having someone like you on the team would be very beneficial. I'm gonna go ahead and put you on a week trial.
