Credits to Arelic for the graphic as always
Hello again!
The SMP team is looking for a Quest Master to join our team. We have established the baseline lore for the server, and now we need somebody to help us with making intricate and fun quest lines! The plugin that we will use is a custom plugin (made by Nottycat) that fits what we want for our quests. General Minecraft coding knowledge would be helpful but not required; all you really need to do is write out the quest lines and also write what each quests rewards and requirements are. You’ll also have to write the NPC dialogue for quests.
If you want to write just a few quests for the server, and are not interested in having the main responsibility, that is fine! You could choose just one location if that interests you, expand the lore on that, and write the NPCs and quests as you wish. We want—and need—all the help we can with Quests, NPCs and Lore, in that order.
If this sounds like something you could be interested in, please contact Danni122112 on either Discord or on the forums, or Jolt if you do not like Danni. We look forward to having you join us!
SMP Team
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