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Ain't afraid of no ghost
Aug 6, 2011
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You've built up your city and mined every diamond within 1k blocks.

Your farms have enough animals/horses to supply your clan many times over.

Your clan vault is stocked with riches even the hardest quest couldn't possibly match, even when they're fixed.

You've explored the map, travelling across the same large biome for days to find an NPC town that had no interaction and offered no reward.

You've travelled all the way to an enemy town just to get killed by a trap, then did the same again just to get killed by another.

You've tried to crack an enemy lock only to be faced with an array of buttons/frames/plates on the walls (and cieling). Not a clue which one is connected and which isn't and thought; fuck this.

Don't get me wrong, I've had great fun on the server, but can only do so much in Minecraft.


Princess ♥
Aug 6, 2012
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loss of interest

fight me

nah but really, LISTINGS summed it up really nicely. i think same can be said for the rest of ER's remaining servers. it's become a game discussion-heavy community, with very little reason to go on the servers (ts is steady bumpin though so yknow)

dunno if this was earth clan-only discussion or all of SMP in general but that's my thoughts and feelings, i'd be all for just putting up some event servers like TF2 or CSGO Jailbreak or TTT Redux. might make a suggestion thread on it. idk.


Jul 20, 2013
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Apart from sad rules and mechanics leading people to find cheap loop-holes to virtually invincible clan defenses on Kami's realm, my reason for decreased activity is how the servers are usually empty or have just a few people in them.

Simply put, my activity on the Minecraft servers has gone down because other people's Minecraft activity has gone down or completely halted, and on top of that, I'm not always focused on Minecraft (Splatoon and the new Terraria updates can be taken as examples of this).
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Jul 20, 2013
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I'm sorry to say this, but I think it may be best for Kami if we... well, maybe started fresh, and just did an smp with some cool, nonrestrictive quirks.
Banning some OP things might not be too bad of an idea, the shiny golden apple for example, but the amount of nerfing and restrictions really lost my interest.
On top of that, the clans took the old smps' towns from one extreme to the other, where instead of having loads of towns in a reasonably small area, there were five main clan areas that were hellishly tedious for many players to travel between, even with nether portals, and until these past few months, not many people have tried doing any form of multi-clan towns; so effectively people in any one clan were often alienated from other clans, save for raids or special occasions...

Those are the two main problems, on top of, as I stated repeatedly weeks, and possibly even months before KR was released; nothing more to achieve for players.
I mean, there were things to be achieved, but nothing that really took time and was interesting; you get lucky enough times, find a bunch of diamonds, Grind enough mythics and get a bunch of emeralds, then spend it all on shop upgrades and buy mountains of diamonds, and bam! effectively strongest gear possible!

The dungeons were also kind of disappointing because, well, I've never really gotten to be inside a KR dungeon, since they all seem to be within 300 blocks of spawn, and maybe thinly scattered around the rest of the overworld... if you're talking thin as in sheet-of-gold thing (and that's thin, several times thinner than paper)
The dungeons were kind of asking for a good amount of preparation and skill, which means going and setting up a house somewhere.
This all fine and dandy, except for one thing: clan monuments and bases. Now, this wouldn't be so bad, except that the clan vault, where everyone in the clan stores stuff they want to try and keep safe, as well as shops, which only exist in clan bases and spawn, are right there in the clan bases, giving players every reason to stick to their clan base.
Point is, unless someone has business to do at the spawn city, or if they simply can't stand not raiding a dungeon, no one's going to bother preparing all their gear to go somewhere so out of the way of most travel, especially when they can probably get something better if they go loot the nearest clan.
And that drives in another point: the clans are so separate that the distance must be measured in hundreds of meters or kilometers (depending between which two clans you wish to travel), even with the nether transportation (which is way riskier).

And what about the quests we were told that we could do? Well, there were, maybe a couple of quests, at least to my knowledge.
I only remember doing one, which I think had something to do with this nearby ruins area crawling with skeletons, and I tried doing this one that refused to even let me accept it. Unlike shops though, I never saw any more quest NPCs when I left spawn city, and I don't even recall getting loot out of the one quest I did.

Now if that's a bit too much, well, sorry. I was really hyped (despite all/most of my imput on KR's creation being deemed 'unbalanced' or flawed) for when Kami's Realm was about to come out, and it all just... crashed, burned... came down to just disappointment.

That was until Myusername got together with a few friends and started up a small, probably unofficial town; Desert Fortress.
The sad thing about Kami's realm is that it just wasn't fun or enjoyable until enough of us stopped fighting and started building something, started co-operating, having fun at no one's expense.
Kami's realm's one big fault, one big, massive reason it did not succeed in it's intended design, was that it tried to hard to be a pvp server when also trying to be an smp server.

Let the smp server remain smp, and it will continue to gain our interest. People will fight on their own, and when not given massive incentives to gather into a few, massive, easily target fortresses of loot, pain, and fury, when people are not drawn to war because it is the easiest and only way to stay supreme over others, when people are simply striving to improve for reasons other than strict competition, then the smp can really, truly be enjoyed as an smp.
With the new combat update coming up, perhaps we can have more interesting battles in the next smp and test these new waters to see what we like and don't like. perhaps if/when we have that temporary vanilla smp server up again, we can learn about the new additions and think of ways to improve the next smp, rather than just let it sit there for a select few to do some stuff on.
I do understand that this way, the smp server won't be trying to fulfill bloodlusts the way KR did, but it's probably better that way; better to let a pvp server take on the pvp, and let the smp server take the progression focus.

Finally, as a TL;DR:

KR disappointed because too many pvp elements were restricting the fun sense of progress you should be getting on an smp server.
We should probably get a new pvp server soon, since we've done away with AoD.
We should learn as much as we can from any future vanilla smp servers we have.
Our smp servers should focus more on growing and progressing to reach max potential and tone down alienation and cut-throat attitudes, while also having their own fun quirks, and perhaps a smaller map this time with more, if still a limited number of towns.
Maybe keep KR alive a little longer and then let it go off with a good bang, and let's also learn from this for future improvements.
Perhaps let towns be a bit more mobile so that if a town feels like they're getting raided WAY too much, they can pack up and move to a potentially safer location. after all, the excessive raiding was a major reason why I stopped living in Mutaro... and probably why the activity went down so much.

[after-thought edit]: Oh, and CS:GO might be hogging most of our player base, if TTT isn't (I don't really know too much on their success, since I don't play those shooters. The only 'shooter' I do play heavily involves colorful squids covering the ground in their team's color).
Then again, they haven't had any forum posts since Jun 2 at latest.
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Apr 22, 2014
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I have to agree with Catcocomics on this one. A lot of the restrictions were a major difference that separated this server from the others. Only 5 clans wasn't quite right, and the fact that we couldn't make our own towns and clans is sad. It's much more fun when the players are able to make their own towns and not be forced to join other clans. Like how ops in clans in the beginning of Kamis were telling some already-clanned ops to go from one clan to the other in order to join the "winning side" of the fight. Naturally it can get annoying when someone is told to join a clan right after they joined another clan. It Now I know this has to do with choice, but ops telling other ops to join their clan after already joining one?

I personally like player made clans where everyone has the freedom to join or not join. Factions can separate players just by what faction they joined.


Oct 21, 2011
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can we TRY to get back to the topic of suggestions of how to possibly revive kami's realm
Our last hope for smp is superstein and he's away

k ill try

Lets see... last minute balance, forced into pre-made towns, no balance in skill between clans, rules regarding bases unfinished and poorly made, no active staff, no active players, fake anticheat that was never implemented afaik, excessive bending of the rules to accommodate for people having 0 tolerance of people they dislike, the server was just a mess. we need a new admin to revive it and it would need to be remade but that's not even a good idea because it still might not attract any players, not sure if there's anything to do about it now
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Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
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Our last hope for smp is superstein and he's away

k ill try

Lets see... last minute balance, forced into pre-made towns, no balance in skill between clans, rules regarding bases unfinished and poorly made, no active staff, no active players, fake anticheat that was never implemented afaik, excessive bending of the rules to accommodate for people having 0 tolerance of people they dislike, the server was just a mess. we need a new admin to revive it and it would need to be remade but that's not even a good idea because it still might not attract any players, not sure if there's anything to do about it now
I have idea: SMP in Starbound or Terraria. Sounds like good idea?These games have much more stuff than Minecraft.

Edit: FTB is launcher too o.o
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Oct 21, 2011
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I have idea: SMP in Starbound or Terraria. Sounds like good idea?These games have much more stuff than Minecraft.
Didn't we have a starbound server? If that's not already being talked about it must be dead, terraria might work but the people that I know already use a server hosted by someone, not sure how many other people would play on it or how long it would last. I don't really think the game is the issue, just the fact that the recent smp's have been very short term and all people seem to want are 24/7 new events every day and that's a lot of work to do


Jul 20, 2013
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Last I checked, Starbound still isn't finished, so it might not be such a great idea to be using it (that, and I only really care to have one steam game for now).
Terraria, as I recall has over 3000 items (mostly furniture) in it and 14 non-invasion bosses, each with an added attack or buff in expert mode.

I would enjoy a Terraria server, but if we do a Terraria smp, it would be ideal to either have one server that gets a new map once the people playing beaten the Moon lord a few time (probably around 1-5 times?), since the practicality of constantly hosting the server with just one world for smp purposes really wouldn't work well if players wanted to come in with new characters, because people coming in with new characters to an end-game world just wouldn't be able to really get anywhere without being given a whole bunch of stuff, effectively skipping some crucial parts of the game.

And besides that, if you want to play on an end-game Terraria smp server that has little to no plugins, ask davidjl123 for further information.

If we do decide to do a Terraria smp server, it will probably have to be split into two or three different servers; pre-hardmode, hardmode (pre golem), and maybe hardmode (post golem).
Also, the servers will probably want to use a new world every 2 weeks-1 month so that people don't have to worry about all the ores being mined or the ground being hard to navigate too much. And some people might refuse to play if we don't have expert mode, so I guess double the number of servers, and it will most likely be a good idea to look at Tshock, which is a plugin used by most Terraria servers. And be careful about spawning the moon lord when using Tshock, as I've seen some glitches involved (everyone being frozen for no reason, /butcher simply increasing the health of all his weak points, etc...), though they may have happened with less stable versions of Tshock.

All in all, it might be better to use a game that, smaller it may be, is more malleable and more open than Terraria, which is why Minecraft is probably our best option for an smp server. Terraria can give a good smp experience, but it's more aimed at a having a group of up to 30 or 40 maximum unique people playing on the server, all starting from around the same time.

I don't mind having a Terraria server, but a public Terraria smp server will probably be a challenge to maintain while making it feel open to all players, new or old. Maybe if we do a Terraria server, it will be better as a Roleplay and/or Freebuild server.
Also, Terraria might have a slightly less mature audience than Minecraft, mainly due to it's focus on fighting powerful monsters where ever you go, and that it has a built-in blood & gore effect (which can now be turned off).

The easiest Terraria smp server that any of us could do without having to mess around with Tshock, yet still being able to really enjoy the smp, would be to use the steam integration, which would mean that people would have to get together and kind of plan stuff, and the less people involved, the simpler it would be, and you would also want some one who has a computer that can host well enough for the group. For this kind of server, which is free and easy to create many of, I would recommend a group of 2-12, 4-12 if you want to try expert mode.


Oct 21, 2011
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Terraria is done, everyone I know already did everything they wanted to do on a fairly large but not COMPLETELY public er terraria server.

Starbound is bad compared to terraria, and not as popular.

The vehicle isn't ENTIRELY the problem its the way we're presenting it. Minecraft isn't the best game in the world but we don't need to switch games if we can find a way to make the first game good.


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Terraria is done, everyone I know already did everything they wanted to do on a fairly large but not COMPLETELY public er terraria server.

Starbound is bad compared to terraria, and not as popular.

The vehicle isn't ENTIRELY the problem its the way we're presenting it. Minecraft isn't the best game in the world but we don't need to switch games if we can find a way to make the first game good.
Then what about some Technic modpack SMP? All you need is Technic launcher.
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