Solitude questions


Jan 20, 2012
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I suppose this could serve a broader purpose, for anyone to pose questions, but I have a few myself.

1. I can't seem to go into the nether. The portal just makes me dizzy until I get out. Is the nether disabled currently?

2. The wiki has bunches of information that doesn't seem to work. I know radios are disabled for now, but there are hints of other things, like temporal mesh armor, that don't work either.

3. Do we have vaults? Is it possible to get the sponge required to make a GECK, and if so, would it work?

4. Is there a specific dev I can harass about this stuff constantly? (I wouldn't actually do that, I'm just curious if there is a person I can occasionally bother.)


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
1) Yes the nether is disabled and will stay disabled. Nether is not apart of the solitude experience. Although i do believe it was enabled on the very first solitude map.

2) Solitude is in the process of being even awesome-er than it is atm. (though it is quite awesome) so on the wiki are possible new upcoming things. but I'm not 100% entirely sure on that one myself.

3) uhm, i believe on some maps we've had vaults yes, but the current one, there is none. Not sure if they will be coming back or not.

4) I believe GmK would be the Appropriate one to harass about these questions. Though it's not wise to harass to him. XD


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
I suppose this could serve a broader purpose, for anyone to pose questions, but I have a few myself.

1. I can't seem to go into the nether. The portal just makes me dizzy until I get out. Is the nether disabled currently?
Currently the nether is disabled, that hell has not been opened yet. Depending on what the AUTHORITY plans though, they might just make the discovery of how to let that evil into the world.

2. The wiki has bunches of information that doesn't seem to work. I know radios are disabled for now, but there are hints of other things, like temporal mesh armor, that don't work either.
The W.i.K.i. has been made by tomfoolery in a past life. The current ultimate Wasteland Survival Guide is this one:

We hope that it will be moved over to W.i.K.i. soon to reflect changes.

3. Do we have vaults? Is it possible to get the sponge required to make a GECK, and if so, would it work?
Only time will tell, the AUTHORITY did a good job this time in wiping out most of everything.

4. Is there a specific dev I can harass about this stuff constantly? (I wouldn't actually do that, I'm just curious if there is a person I can occasionally bother.)
Trust the knowledge of the masses.


Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
Will we ever get access to nether components then? I mean, potions might be useful. Or netherrack. I already have a bit of glowstone, so I know some of that is about.

And his almighty shininess is the one to bother. Ok, now to find some fools willing to bother him for me, so I don't take the blame. :p

[edit] Posting as I post, your cunning is beyond the imagination.[/edit]