Solitude Trial: They Fell In Mourning


dam u str8 babygurl
Aug 20, 2011
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I was asked to write for my Solitude Storyteller Trial. One based in Solitude and one based outside of Solitude. This is the first and finished piece that I wrote.

Ellen remembered the day she thought she saw snow. It was on the final day of spring and the sun had just begun it's descent beyond the horizon. A little girl walked in her neighbor's backyard. The garden's weeds tickled the back of her legs and she did her best to find some carrots for soup.

A fantastic light burst from beside the sun, so bright that little Ellen had to look away. When the shadows disappeared she looked in the distance to see a billowing, black cloud rising into the sky. Her neighbor rushed out to grab Ellen and brought her back inside. Ellen was carried to the basement and was told to wait there. Night fell and Ellen looked outside the window to see if she could find her neighbor, noticing small specks falling from the sky. It was the mythical snow the small girl could see and she ran outside to see it closer. She looked up into the sky, shouting with glee, as a bit of ash fell into her eye.

Since then, Ellen has had to cope with half blindness.

“Are you ready?” a boy asked, jolting Ellen from her memory.​

She didn't respond. She only sat up and clutched the coat around her closely. This mission was her own choice and it was met with full regard. Yet, she knew that Otto only wanted to make sure she was comforted.

“I . . .” the boy started but stopped. Ellen knew he didn't want her to do this. Leaving him behind was the only guilt she felt.​
“There's only one chance you know,” she said feverishly, “make sure everyone follows up.”​
“We will. Marco won't let us down.”​

The two stood beside each other in dusk's last light. In the dim anyone would be able to see the deep set marks of turmoil both have been subjected to. Their eyes looked calm, as an animal's ready to strike, but when they both looked at each other they could see for what they really are. Otto was the only one scared.

“What are you thinking about?” the tall boy asked.​
“A lot . . . but mostly just memories.”​
“What's your favorite?”​
“The night Uncle Ritcher and I found you.”​
“Oh yeah. I still had Sallie with me”​
“She was a good dog.”​
Then they just sat in silence to share a moment of non-existence. Only the outlines of the pair could now be visibly seen and it was this moment the boy dared to be closer to the girl. The girl allowed it, being the only thing she could give to put him at the peace she was at. Each could feel the heat off one another and the girl held the boy's trembling hand. Both of their breathing became heavier and the quiet was a deafening roar.

A knock broke the composure, “it is time,” a ruff voice spoke through the door. Ellen stood up and brushed herself off and took off the coat to reveal a red dress underneath.

She walked to her final destination, a barricaded bridge. The dress barely reached past her knees and did not fit around her body well. She held a makeshift flower made from flint in her hand, to reach out and as a white flag. A surge of conflict went through her mind as she thought of the last thing Otto said to her, “I hope you get what you want.” She thought of many things. Peace between all people was one of the first. A family crossed her mind as did home and completing her childhood. Simpler things came as small as they were. A finalized wish came to Ellen's mind; snow.

A group of men were approaching. A few reached out to touch her but someone on top of the wall yelled and they backed off. They crowded around her and matched her pace. The girl began to shiver but not from the piercing cold. As the gate loomed before her, she turned around to face the men. Behind her a light poured from within the fortress and as it opened she raised her flower and struck her dress. A spark went off that lit the tightly packed gunpowder wrapped around her torso.

After the explosion, a war cry screeched from the dark and a group charged, ready to avenge their fallen friends that were killed earlier the month. As Otto jumped over a body laying the street he could see white flecks falling from the dawning sky.