Can a mod or admin give me my items back i was in the map osiris making a bridge to the main area to get to a chest then some one spleefed me so i fell to the ground and i know spleffing is against the rules because when i checked out hte bannable offenses i saw spleefing. my username is ephraimblade
Well, it may be too late for anything to be done, if you die due to a rulebreaker, you should get an op asap, and they can catch the guy and rollback your items. However since its been a day already, I'm not sure if a rollback is possible (correct me if I'm wrong)
No, an inventory restore surely wouldn't be possible anymore, I'd think. But as hihihi said, just try to contact an op+ asap through pinging them on irc (which you can do by saying their full irc names) and hope atleast someone is online to help you.
I apologize, I would've been on at that time if I wasn't sick right now. ): Like bram said, you can try saying the name of a staff member, and if they're on IRC they'll be notified by a pinging sound (hence the name) and, hopefully, will come online asap. Personally, I'll reply to the ping just about every single time and come online.
However, just in case, you should take a screenshot of any incident in which a player who breaks any rule openly admits to it. For example:
player1 - "why did you just flood me"
player2 - "because i can, nooob!!"
This is a good situation for you to take a screenshot and either post it in the player reports thread (click here for that thread), or send it to a staff member. Also, if another person besides you goes to report someone, you should still do it yourself; more proof is a better thing. If you're not sure how to take a screenshot, feel free to ask.
try pinging these people first:
WinX64 or WinX (he's not on IRC too much)
Dess (Dessern5)
if none of the above reply, try:
I highly doubt you'll ever have to ping anyone other than the people mentioned above
PS: If you leave after dying, your inventory cannot be restored.