NOTE: I did NOT say this. I am posting it as the person who said it would like me to.
Also, WARNING: There is a slight bit of swearing in there. It only occurs 2 or 3 times.
I decided to actually post this, as it may help in some ways. Maybe you will come up with suggestions.
I do have to agree that sometimes, some of you (Not all, just some.) can sometimes act too important.
I understand you're staff, and it's your job to look after the servers. However, you're sometimes too strict.
For example, yesterday, somebody typo'd 'For God's sake', and as they were my friend, I joked, and was like 'Yeah. God has a <What they typo'd it as>' (I forgot what they actually said.), or something like that. And I was told off about talking religiously. I mean, really? That's kind of too far.
Things like this have happened a few times. It doesn't bother me that much, but it bothers some people. It makes you come across as though you can't take a joke.
I mean, I know a lot of you can take jokes. However, think about the newer players who witness it sometimes. They may think you're too harsh with the rules.
Please bear in mind, I am not trying to offend any of you. A lot of you are my friends, and I hope to keep it that way. I think the staff are doing a good job, but I also think they're over-doing their job sometimes.
The conversation I had, which I quoted earlier, made me feel the need that I should say this.
Sorry if you feel offended at all, I do not mean to offend. I am simply just saying what I think.
Rage at me if you wish, but I'm only saying my opinions.
(I still think some of you are awesome people)
Also, WARNING: There is a slight bit of swearing in there. It only occurs 2 or 3 times.
Well, personally, anyone who abuses anything of what they have been given and take away from the people who gave it to them are dicks
Staff members fit that description perfectly
All of them
They abuse what was given to them by the people they abuse.
Therefore, anyone vain enough to even sign to that bullshit and then feel the need to fuck people over are one of the lowest forms of people you will meet
*-I mention the staff are only doing their job-*
And what are staff members IRL? Simply, middle aged people with no job
*-Mentioning Lava-*
It's the same thing but just surrounded in lava, therefore limiting peoples building potential.
You can screenshot this or quote anything of what I said on Blocktopia
I don't mind
It's my opinion
I actually want them to know
No one speaks out of line at that place, which is the problem.
Personally, I would like you to post it.
Just post what I have said
and I will be happy about that
Le Me \/
14:05 - Zel Duh Kitteh Cat~: Why do you dislike BT so much?
"It's because they are all narrow minded"
It's because they all act like they deserve to be better then everyone else
I decided to actually post this, as it may help in some ways. Maybe you will come up with suggestions.
I do have to agree that sometimes, some of you (Not all, just some.) can sometimes act too important.
I understand you're staff, and it's your job to look after the servers. However, you're sometimes too strict.
For example, yesterday, somebody typo'd 'For God's sake', and as they were my friend, I joked, and was like 'Yeah. God has a <What they typo'd it as>' (I forgot what they actually said.), or something like that. And I was told off about talking religiously. I mean, really? That's kind of too far.
Things like this have happened a few times. It doesn't bother me that much, but it bothers some people. It makes you come across as though you can't take a joke.
I mean, I know a lot of you can take jokes. However, think about the newer players who witness it sometimes. They may think you're too harsh with the rules.
Please bear in mind, I am not trying to offend any of you. A lot of you are my friends, and I hope to keep it that way. I think the staff are doing a good job, but I also think they're over-doing their job sometimes.
The conversation I had, which I quoted earlier, made me feel the need that I should say this.
Sorry if you feel offended at all, I do not mean to offend. I am simply just saying what I think.
Rage at me if you wish, but I'm only saying my opinions.
(I still think some of you are awesome people)