In the year 20xx human use to travel in space and discover new planets. This planet which haven't been given an official name yet, have a similar atmosphere than Earth. But the flora on this planet is a bit different. Scientists are looking for a way to mix the new flora with the Earth's one and they paid the Earth's government to build a public garden on that planet's surface. This Garden have the purpose to show their progress.
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I love how this came out. I tried different things and ended up with an awesome design. I was really surprised to see how the end stone looked mixed with the mycelium.
I suggest that you go see by yourself, just connect on Primordia, look for the CMP ship and it's right next to the spawn I moved it near a corner of the map (Look on the livemap). I left a comment board near the entrance in case you want to leave a message ingame.
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I love how this came out. I tried different things and ended up with an awesome design. I was really surprised to see how the end stone looked mixed with the mycelium.
I suggest that you go see by yourself, just connect on Primordia, look for the CMP ship