What is your in-game name? GodIsDed
What timezone do you live in? U.S. Eastern Standard Time
How many hours have you played on the server for? I'm sure I've played for more than 24 hours, had this server in my list for months.
How many hours can you spend helping out the server per week? I am a bit busy sometimes but I can be on the server for a while during the day or night.
What prior staffing experience do you have? None
What do you think the role entails? Helping people improve their builds when they are aiming for builder rank, giving info to players that are new to the server and helping them get started, and also helping in the role play.
Why do you want to be a staff member? I'm sure I can be helpful to new people that join the server, and I can judge builds to help people improve their building skills and earn their desired rank. I also have a discord account and I can chat with people who need more info.
What qualities can you bring to the current staff team, that set you apart from other applicants? I'm a bit buy sometimes but I'm more available than other moderators. I have discord on my mobile device which allows me to communicate with players while I'm off, and I'm online more often.
How would you approach a problem that you are unfamiliar with? Ask another staff about it, if they don't know, research the problem from a reliable source, if no solution is found, try what you can to find a solution yourself.
Is there anything else we should know or you want to tell us? I've reached builder rank a while ago
Got any builds you'd like to show off? The hotel build that brought me up to builder rank but it has already been seen by a staff member
Please list your references: I haven't been referenced due to mods not being online for long, but I'm sure I would be if a mod had seen me helping build for other cities.
What timezone do you live in? U.S. Eastern Standard Time
How many hours have you played on the server for? I'm sure I've played for more than 24 hours, had this server in my list for months.
How many hours can you spend helping out the server per week? I am a bit busy sometimes but I can be on the server for a while during the day or night.
What prior staffing experience do you have? None
What do you think the role entails? Helping people improve their builds when they are aiming for builder rank, giving info to players that are new to the server and helping them get started, and also helping in the role play.
Why do you want to be a staff member? I'm sure I can be helpful to new people that join the server, and I can judge builds to help people improve their building skills and earn their desired rank. I also have a discord account and I can chat with people who need more info.
What qualities can you bring to the current staff team, that set you apart from other applicants? I'm a bit buy sometimes but I'm more available than other moderators. I have discord on my mobile device which allows me to communicate with players while I'm off, and I'm online more often.
How would you approach a problem that you are unfamiliar with? Ask another staff about it, if they don't know, research the problem from a reliable source, if no solution is found, try what you can to find a solution yourself.
Is there anything else we should know or you want to tell us? I've reached builder rank a while ago
Got any builds you'd like to show off? The hotel build that brought me up to builder rank but it has already been seen by a staff member
Please list your references: I haven't been referenced due to mods not being online for long, but I'm sure I would be if a mod had seen me helping build for other cities.