Staff Application formats

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Aug 6, 2011
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Application formats

If you wish to apply for one of the following staff positions/roles for the Journey to Elysium server.
Please take note of the requirements and descriptions, before you fill in the right format.
All staff applications have been closed until further notice.
Available staff ranks:
Trusted - CLOSED
Operator - VOTING
Available staff roles:
Adventurer - OCCUPIED
Economist - OCCUPIED
Skill regulator - UNOCCUPIED
[panel]Trusted application[/panel][panel]Description:
The lowest staff rank one can hold on the server.​
With this rank you check modified structures, keep the peace on the server and assist other colleagues.[/panel][panel]Requirements:
- 36 hours of time online.​
[/panel][panel]Trusted application format
Copy the following format and fill in the questions in an own-made thread.​
In-game username:
Staff references(Op+):
Time spent on the server:
Other server ranks (present and past):
TeamSpeak: Y/N​
How would you describe the responsibility of the rank you apply for:
Assume that there are more applicants and can only pick one of them, why you?:
Tell us about yourself in less than 200 words:
[panel]Operator application[/panel][panel]Description:
With this rank you will be expected to help and assist as much as possible on the server.​
There also will be the expectation that you help and vote on the forums, especially giving your visions in the staff forum.​
One has to be largely level-headed, and giving a warm feeling towards the playerbase and colleagues.[/panel][panel]Requirements:
- Trusted rank​
[/panel][panel]Operator application format
Copy the following format and fill in the questions in an own-made thread.​
In-game username:
Staff references(Staff role+):
Time spent on the server:
Other server ranks (present and past):
TeamSpeak: Y/N​
How would you describe the responsibility of the rank you apply for:
Tell us about your experience as a Trusted:
Tell us about yourself in less than 200 words:


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
[panel]Adventurer application[/panel][panel]Description:​
The Adventurer rank manages the dungeons of the server. You run the dungeons, and are the mastermind behind the death of many valiant explorers.​
You will be working with dungeon applications, possibly setting up dungeons of your own and setting up dungeons.
Day-to-day work may include what you want it to include, and the rank is flexible enough for you to make a schedule... from maintenance to refreshing chests, every powerful tool of Elysium is at your disposal.
You should be the person to talk to about dungeons, and will learn how they run and what you will be doing. You are the evil hand, be prepared to make others suffer...[/panel][panel]Requirements:
- Operator rank​
[/panel][panel]Adventurer application format​
Copy the following format and fill in the questions in an own-made thread.
In-game username:
Staff references(Con+):
Time spent on the server:
Other server ranks (present and past):
TeamSpeak: Y/N​
How would you describe the responsibility of the rank you apply for:
What experiences have you had with dungeons, and the plugins you might use?

Assume that there are more applicants and can only pick one of them, what makes you the one that stands out?

Tell us about your experience as an Operator:
Tell us about yourself in less than 200 words:


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
[panel]Economist application[/panel][panel]Description:

Working with the economy, modifying it, organise sales, a world of possibilities are open for you when you hold this staff role.
But that brings a huge responsibility with you and you should be the first person to approach when it comes to questsions/reports about the economy.
You will need a huge forum activity just to find out which modifications will be the best to make the money go around and let everyone have a fair deal.
Furthermore you will have economy-specific commands to modify every little piece.

- Operator rank

[/panel][panel]Economist application format

Copy the following format and fill in the questions in an own-made thread.

In-game username:

Staff references(Con+):
Time spent on the server:
Other server ranks (present and past):
TeamSpeak: Y/N

How would you describe the responsibility of the rank you apply for:

Tell us about your experience as an Operator:

Assume that there are more applicants and can only pick one of them, why you?:

Tell us about yourself in less than 200 words:


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
[panel]Skill regulator application[/panel][panel]Description:

You have to keep working on balancing the game for everyone.
This is the most important rank when it comes to dealing with discussions and suggestions about every skill, ability and any form you can get experience from.
Furthermore you will have skill-specific commands to modify, add, and remove anything if needed to be.

- Operator rank

[/panel][panel]Skill regulator application format

Copy the following format and fill in the questions in an own-made thread.

In-game username:

Staff references(Con+):
Time spent on the server:
Other server ranks (present and past):
TeamSpeak: Y/N

How would you describe the responsibility of the rank you apply for:

Tell us about your experience as an Operator:

Tell us about yourself in less than 200 words:
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