RoF - Declined std1997's Moderator Application


Dec 10, 2012
Reaction score
hat is your in-game name? (Please also give any alt accounts, and if you're applying for our TTT server, your Steam ID.)


What timezone do you live in?

CST -6

How many hours have you played on the server for?

Pre-wipe: god knows how many

After-wipe: 1 hour

How many hours can you spend helping out the server per week?

I work usually from 8 - 5 so I can commit probably 2 -3 hours a day to the server.

What prior staffing experience do you have? (It is not mandatory and it is not a problem if you do not have any.

Moderator on RoF: 2015-2016
Modeator on Kami's Realm: 2015-2015

What do you think the role entails?

When I first started moderating on servers, I thought the role was to keep the server a safe place where everyone can have fun while staying within the confines of the rules but as I've learned from others over the time I was a moderator... sometimes, it's just about having fun and making sure someone isn't trying to ruin it for everyone else even if that means that fun doesn't exactly follow the "spirit of the rules".

Why do you want to be a staff member?

I've always loved playing RoF and hanging out with the community and I've missed playing it since life screwed me over 5 ways to sunday so I'm very interested in coming back and being active again as a Moderator.

What qualities can you bring to the current staff team, that set you apart from other applicants?

Experience mainly. I've been a moderator on the server before so I'm familiar with how the role works and what to do.

How would you approach a problem that you are unfamiliar with?

I'd ask another moderator as to what they think I should do or how they dealt with a situation in the past or look for an available guide on the forums

Please list your references: (For most applications at least 1 reference is mandatory!)
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Sep 13, 2011
Reaction score
Hey STD!

Man I haven't seen you in a while. My personal experience with you as mod has always been positive. I know you can moderate the server effectively and you enforce the rules well, so I would love to see you come back as a mod. However, the major issue I have is that you have been gone for a while and while we do technically take your pre-wipe ontime into consideration, your post-wipe ontime is a bit lacking. To me, it leaves major questions in terms of your dedication to the server. I would have rather you put more time in on the server for 2-3 weeks before re-applying to establish your resolve to dedicate time to the server. Not to mention a lot of things have changed between pre and post-wipe and, as a mod, you do need to have a good understanding of the revised gameplay and I'm not sure an hour is a suitable amount of server time to have that understanding. That being said, if you can show that you willing to devote your time to the server, and learn the ins and outs, I have no problem giving you a +1. Maybe a trial would be a good route to go.

Kevin_28 (The Rocketeer)


Drink up baby, stay up all night
Sep 20, 2014
Reaction score
This application came out of the blue for me and I'm confused as to why you applied so soon. Even though I know that you are a capable and fun operator, you have been on for one hour and a half in the last two months. This is even more of an issue when you consider how much RoF has changed with and after the reset; it would take weeks to reasonably learn all the new things and get up-to-date in a way that would allow you to aid the player. There are a lot of normal players right now who are a lot more helpful and knowledgeable than you are right now-- simply because you haven't been on at all. You say you can commit 2-3 hours a day to the server, but I have no way of being sure about this considering you haven't been on for that time in two months-- much less in a single day.

I agree with Kevin that you should wait a few weeks and re-apply. I'm sure that you would be a great moderator but I'd like to actually see that in-game. Going with a -1 for now, solely due to your complete lack of activity.


Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
Hey, we know right off the bat you are getting a +1, as you do have my reference, but I feel your application was jumping the gun quite a bit, you submitted this rather early, as you have extremely little ingame time - You should have waited until you had more ontime (and experience with new RoF)

To recap: +1, but advice to get more ontime/experience with new RoF


Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
I think I'll just give my opinion here and now, sorry to the staff members who were planning to post but didn't get chance to.

Std, you do have a lot of experience before the reset, and I have no doubt you would make a good Moderator once more, especially when two staff members gave you a +1, but unfortunately I don't think it's right for people to waltz in after inactivity and try to reclaim their spot as staff. That's not how it works I'm afraid, especially when you've only spent an hour and a half on the new server. A wipe has happened, things have changed, and although you may think you have picked most of it up by now, some experience playing the new server would be appreciated. I haven't seen you at all post-wipe, so that's a tiny bit concerning for me. I think Wimali sums it up best.

I don't think this was the best time for you to apply at all, but give it a while, and I think you can get a different response next time.
