Still Alive


Mar 25, 2012
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Not exactly a greeting or departure (a little bit of both), but I kind of randomly stumbled across my older Discord account that was in the Blocktopia server, which prompted to check out the website. Blows me away that I joined over 10 years ago. Though my life has changed a lot (married, kid, two college degrees), I still think back on my times with the server, and although I've forgotten many names (and will forget many more sadly), I'm thankful to have had this community back when I was active. I even brought up TNT Wars in a conversation with a friend the other day reminiscing on the past, even though that server (and Classic in general) have been gone a long time, but that's how impactful the experience had been. I may forget the names, but the happiness will always be there. Not sure I can/will commit to coming back, but for whoever finds this and cares, it was a great time, and I would gladly live it all again. I can only hope my son, if he ever gets into online gaming, finds a community that's as good to him as this one has been to me. Won't presume that anyone remembers me, but felt compelled to post anyways. Peace.


Apr 2, 2013
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This was a really lovely thread to read.

I really resonate with the feeling that Blocktopia was a significant part of our lives. It comes up in conversation during my life too, not frequently, but frequently enough. There’s a couple of people I’ve met here that have become lifelong friends, and sometimes it’s scary to think of the amount of life I’ve lived since leaving at the end of 2014 (all of university, some long term relationships and arguably the best years of my life in my late teens/early 20s). But still, I hold Blocktopia in regard as the place that taught me so much about friendship, community and drama(!). It was the first time I’d truly felt like I’d found a complete group of people that I belonged to. It just made sense. Though I had some solid friends IRL, it wouldn’t be until after joining Blocktopia that I would expand this group to better match the variation I’d found here.

Realistically, I only started consistently playing BT in mid-2013 (though had joined as early as 2011) and left about a year and a half later - not that long at all - but it felt like an absolute lifetime.

Maybe I’m getting old and sentimental, but Blocktopia was something very special to both you, me and many other people over the years. From the friends I met here that I still talk to regularly, to those that I haven’t seen over the years, thank you.


SMP Overlord & Events Manager
Aug 6, 2011
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Crazy to think that for a lot of us, we would have met as children and some of us (excluding myself) will have children, or bought a house, or even gotten married. I joined in 2010 (TheOne's) and so I would have only been 13 at the time. I am now 25, and I am turning 26 in a couple of months. This community, for all it's misgivings, was one thing that got me through a difficult childhood, and I am forever grateful for those within this community that made it a childhood worth living - as sad as that sounds, it was a great time meeting everyone and making some fun memories and moments that I cherish to this day. One of the saddest parts of losing SalientGorilla (Jack) was not just that he was the best friend I'd ever had, but that the "shared memories" of this community were gone, and I could no longer reminisce about the fun times with him as he was so fond of this community and the people in it.

I'm glad to see people still hang around and check in every now and then, and it would be great to reconnect with people on Discord, as I'm always active on there :)

I hope everyone is having a good life!


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
It all started with theOne's, it feels like a lifetime ago. I'm so glad we got to spend so much of it together - I remember rushing home from school to hop onto teamspeak to chat and play games with friends from accross the world. What an amazing time it was.

Much love <3