Not exactly a greeting or departure (a little bit of both), but I kind of randomly stumbled across my older Discord account that was in the Blocktopia server, which prompted to check out the website. Blows me away that I joined over 10 years ago. Though my life has changed a lot (married, kid, two college degrees), I still think back on my times with the server, and although I've forgotten many names (and will forget many more sadly), I'm thankful to have had this community back when I was active. I even brought up TNT Wars in a conversation with a friend the other day reminiscing on the past, even though that server (and Classic in general) have been gone a long time, but that's how impactful the experience had been. I may forget the names, but the happiness will always be there. Not sure I can/will commit to coming back, but for whoever finds this and cares, it was a great time, and I would gladly live it all again. I can only hope my son, if he ever gets into online gaming, finds a community that's as good to him as this one has been to me. Won't presume that anyone remembers me, but felt compelled to post anyways. Peace.