Still Online


Mafia Host
Aug 9, 2011
Reaction score
This was a triumph!​
I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS.​
It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.​
TNT Warriors:​
We kill who we must because we can.​
For the blood in all of us​
(except the ones who are dead.)​
But there's no sense crying over every misplace.​
You just keep on dying to blow up in their face!​
And the server gets fun.​
And you've made a neat one.​
For the players who are still online.​
I'm not even angry.​
I'm being so sincere right now.​
Even though you broke my hearts and killed me.​
And blew me to pieces.​
And lit every piece of me on fire.​
As they burned, it hurt because​
I was so happy for you!​
Now these points we've gained have made a beautiful sign.​
Sand plus gunpowder equals creation sublime!​
So I'm GLaD. I got burned.​
Think of all the points we earned.​
Off the players who are still online.​
Go ahead and leave me.​
I think I prefer to stay inside.​
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you.​
Maybe LagWarrior?​
That was a joke. (HA HA) FAT CHANCE.​
Anyway, this cake is great.​
It's so delicious and moist.​
Look at me still typing when there's scheming to do.​
When I log in there it makes me GLaD I'm with you!​
I've experienced the fun.​
There is killing to be done.​
On the players who are still online.​
And believe me I am still online.​
I'm lagging hell and I'm still online.​
I feel FANTASTIC and I'm still online.​
While you're dying I'll be still online.​
And when you're dead I will be still online.​
Still online​
Still online​


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score


The noob himself
Sep 17, 2012
Reaction score
Lol, this is pretty nice :p
I love you <3
Thanks! Honestly, I just came up with this while showering this morning. I'm GLaD to see people liked it.
That is the exact same way i thought up of the viva la vida tnt parody i was just in the shower and i was like " I need to type this!"
That would be hard for me to do as the most time I spend in the shower is 3 minutes :3