Sub-forum Moderator Application

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Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
What is a sub-forum moderator?
A sub-forum moderator is a user granted additional forum powers to allow them to maintain either a single or a number of sub-forums. Maintain can range from menial tasks such as merging threads, pinning and unpinning threads - through to banning users from threads and warning the user for posts made in select subforum.

What can a sub-forum moderator do?
  • Merge threads
  • Pin and unpin threads
  • Close and open threads
  • Delete or edit threads
  • Delete or edit user replies
  • Ban users from threads
  • Warn users (though only for posts made in the specific subforum they moderate - note that amassing enough warnings will autoban a user from the forums - regardless of which subforum they were warned on)
  • Request subforum/thread prefix's from Community Administrators.
  • Access a forum moderator-only subforum.
Application Template
Subforum(s) you wish to moderate:
Time-zone/Country of origin:
Staff References:
Any relevant info that you would like to add:
[b]Question - [i]You see user and long-time administrator, @Nillbugwtw abusing his Admin powers by berating a user and insulting him publicly, how do you proceed?:[/i][/b]
[b]Question - [i]An argument breaks out in a thread, both sides have some valid points but ultimately it is derailing the thread and starting a flamewar, how do you proceed?:[/i][/b]
[b]Question - [i]A user publicly contests with your decision as a moderator, with a public post disagreeing about your decision regarding a moderator action, how do you proceed?[/i][/b]
[b]Mock question - [i]tnmjimbob is drunk and threatening to delete the forums, tell him your favorite joke so as to distract him: [/i][/b]
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