[Suggestion] AoD KOTH in the lobby

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May 31, 2014
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When there are people on AoD, it is generally a very fast-paced game with a lot of fun and haste but this stops when a round ends. I know you don't have to wait a long time for a new round to start and when you can't vote there's almost no waiting at all.
I hardly ever play Rof because it's not very fast pace but I played it a few days ago and at the end of the round you were able to play a mini game- King Of The Hill. I found this incredibly fun although it only lasted a short while.

I think King Of The Hill would be a great addition to AoD and I think the majority will like it even though it would only last for under a minute or so.
In the long run it might even boost the amount of people who play AoD.

For these reasons I think King Of The Hill would be a good addition to Aod. :)


Mafia Host
Apr 7, 2013
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It would last less than a minute.... like you said.
Besides, after a round peopke are usually discussing the previous game anyway, also people would have to vote for next maps. Its pointless
RoF makes it work because it requures more time for players to prepare in terms of stores and stuff anyway. So they have something that keeps other players from being bored waiting.
AoD doesnt need that time, so therea no chance to be bored.
Besides, 10 seconds of anygame= horrible game


Princess ♥
Aug 6, 2012
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We do have a Suggestions and Bugreports subforum now. >.>

But anyway. There isn't much need to really have a gamemode like this, in my opinion. AoD is too much of a fast-paced game. You go in, you fight, you wait for the next map to start. That's the way AoD is supposed to be. It's supposed to be fast-paced PvP. Sure, KotL does bring some aspect of PvP in; but ultimately, that's why we have the maps. For people to go in and fight.

If we had other ways for people to pass the time, then maybe yeah, we might think about adding this. But in my opinion for those who don't want to participate it'd just be time wasted. And another concern I have is, what would you be fighting with? Fists? That takes too long and is generally just an annoyance. What I'd like to see, is a map based off of this. Where it's not so much centred around climbing a ladder or something and just camping up there. But something along the lines of that; something "King of the-".


Jan 22, 2013
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I am both excited and confused by this xD
I mean, it would be great if this did exist, or was a juggernaut map where the survivor would get full dia and some knockback tool and the hunters would be coming up the ladders. Or something, I dunno. But it sure does feel like this belongs more to AoD than it does to RoF :p
On the other hand, there are no points in minigames on AoD, simply because (1) as Love said, voting times as long as that are pointless here and (2) there isn't even a vote most of the time.

A solution to bring minigames to AoD would be to (1) offer a Minigame option every round in the voting system or (2) making every other/third/fourth round a minigame. This would require either making votes permanent (not just randomly appearing) or to remove them altogether.
What the winner of the minigame would get? What survivors or best hunters get -- either crappy armor or rotten food/food you can't place.
^ Just my idea of how this could be brought in.


Insufficient Data
Feb 19, 2012
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A solution to bring minigames to AoD would be to (1) offer a Minigame option every round in the voting system or (2) making every other/third/fourth round a minigame. This would require either making votes permanent (not just randomly appearing) or to remove them altogether.
What the winner of the minigame would get? What survivors or best hunters get -- either crappy armor or rotten food/food you can't place.
^ Just my idea of how this could be brought in.
This is just to expand on 775's idea-- or at leas this is how i read it --
If they offered one minigame before each round, then the winner of that minigame should be able to use whatever prize they got for the next round.
It could basically be a perk for winning -- like extra food, a potion, or one piece of armor.


May 31, 2014
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:joyful: Yeah that's a great idea, but the items couldn't be too OP or anything as it would be unfair and another thing it would have to be done well because if it was a tag map or octopus of love and you got a sword.... well..... that would be a massacre....:dead:

Oh yeah,by the way, i counted the time in between rounds but i'm not sure if it's accurate:

Normal Interval with voting: 50 secs approx.

Shorter Interval with no voting: 30 secs approx.

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Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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:joyful: Yeah that's a great idea, but the items couldn't be too OP or anything as it would be unfair and another thing it would have to be done well because if it was a tag map or octopus of love and you got a sword.... well..... that would be a massacre....:dead:

Oh yeah,by the way, i counted the time in between rounds but i'm not sure if it's accurate:

Normal Interval with voting: 50 secs approx.

Shorter Interval with no voting: 30 secs approx.

That's an average of 40 seconds if you exclude the chances of either happening so he isn't that wrong.


The Dark Knight
Jul 2, 2013
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King of the ladder works with rof because the whole game isn't structured around pvp. With aod however it seems redundant when you just had a 10 minute round of pvp. It's like instead of kotl on rof there was a mini game where you survive waves of lava.


Mafia Host
Apr 7, 2013
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King of the ladder works with rof because the whole game isn't structured around pvp. With aod however it seems redundant when you just had a 10 minute round of pvp. It's like instead of kotl on rof there was a mini game where you survive waves of lava.
Kill all the lava with your buckets of water.


May 31, 2014
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Jivvi said:
That's an average of forty seconds if you exclude the chances of either happening so he isn't that wrong.
Yeah so on average it would last for forty seconds. I suppose that IS too short but it would still be nice just to have a small PVP arena (hands only). It would have the same purpose as the tomb of the first hunter, just something to do while waiting....


Ex - Army of Darkness Director
Oct 7, 2012
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I also enjoy playing KOTL in RoF, but I don't think it would be a good addition to AoD. I'm not at all opposed to sharing features with other servers, but I'd rather have something more unique for AoD, instead of just copying the basic idea of what RoF has. Another thing is that the time between rounds is already pretty short, so it'd be stretching it to fit this in. Sure, we could add more time just to play this mini-game but I'd rather see people actually playing in the map.

In all, I'd rather see people do creative things with their maps to help diversify gameplay, though I wouldn't completely rule out the idea of a mini-game in the future.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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I also enjoy playing KOTL in RoF, but I don't think it would be a good addition to AoD. I'm not at all opposed to sharing features with other servers, but I'd rather have something more unique for AoD, instead of just copying the basic idea of what RoF has. Another thing is that the time between rounds is already pretty short, so it'd be stretching it to fit this in. Sure, we could add more time just to play this mini-game but I'd rather see people actually playing in the map.

In all, I'd rather see people do creative things with their maps to help diversify gameplay, though I wouldn't completely rule out the idea of a mini-game in the future.
Having a direct passage to a short parkour course that can be interchanged with each play may be interesting, with a small brain reward for being the first person to complete the parkour race.

I think your lobby has a small section blocked off with room for another lobby section to be attached there.
Oct 3, 2012
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Since there isn't enough time for a King of the Hill round, how about a punching arena to the side of the lobby where pvp is turned on and players can punch each other to their heart's content while they're waiting. I remember on RoF there was an area where pvp was turned on (by accident I think) and everyone would go their during the intermission for Free-For-All punching (This was before King of The Ladder was introduced).


Aug 6, 2011
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You'll get bored of it. And then you'll just sit out of it. And then you'll be doing nothing for 2 minutes and just twiddling your thumbs. The same minigame every day every 4 rounds is just boring. It's even worse on RoF since I still don't know how to get out of it to do other stuff. Please... no!


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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You'll get bored of it. And then you'll just sit out of it. And then you'll be doing nothing for 2 minutes and just twiddling your thumbs. The same minigame every day every 4 rounds is just boring. It's even worse on RoF since I still don't know how to get out of it to do other stuff. Please... no!
Do /mvs ;)


Jan 22, 2013
Reaction score
Having a direct passage to a short parkour course that can be interchanged with each play may be interesting, with a small brain reward for being the first person to complete the parkour race.

I think your lobby has a small section blocked off with room for another lobby section to be attached there.
I thought of this one last night and came here to post it.
Damn ninjas are now days ahead of me.
The downside here is that if you were alone you could abuse this to get brains.
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