Suggestion: Exp


Feb 4, 2012
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Hey guys. So, right now, Zombie is down :(. But i saw something interesting on another server. Look:

They have something with Exp.

So, why dont we add something like this?
An example: You get 20 Exp for every kill and 50 Exp for a win.
At Level 1 you need 200/250 Exp to get Level 2.
If you get Level 2 you get a Title(for example:beginner)
In Level 2 you need 200/250 Exp again to get Level 3.
This will go no till you get level 10.
At level 10 you get the a new Title (i dont know a good title at the moment)
To get level 11 you need 500/750 Exp now.
This goes till level 20.
After level 20 you need 750/1000 Exp to get a new level(new title:.....)
After Level 30 1250 Exp(new title:......
Level 40 1500 Exp(new title:.......)
First Deadline Level 50, after this you are a veteran..

This is a suggestion, that i typed in some minutes, i think we have to work a bit on this(titles, exp line etc.), but i think it can be a nice addition to the server.


Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
How? It's basically a useless leveling up system that will (hopefully) pull in noobs that only want "ranks".

A shop is completely different, and very unnecessary.
The titles basicly are ranks, the only different thing is you automatically get the title and such and not get money to buy the rank/title

Edit: You say a shop/store is very unnecessary, if it's so unnecessary then why do the servers that have a store have the most people? Is that why new people come on the server asking if there is a store and when we tell them there isn't a store they leave? Are people oblivious to this as to why our server is empty?


May 27, 2012
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How? It's basically a useless leveling up system that will (hopefully) pull in noobs that only want "ranks".

A shop is completely different, and very unnecessary.
What I meant by similar to a shop, I meant how this has already been suggested in the past, where players could buy titles and colors with karma. It is very similar to that suggestion with a few differences.


I really like this idea.
I for one, do not like the idea of a /store.
This brings the aspect of one in without having to /buy or actually having the /store command.
It reminds me of having something that will attract players but won't be as confusing and annoying as a /store would be.
If we did the voting thing. I'd give it a +1 x)


Destroyer of Worlds
Nov 24, 2011
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I am actually really intrigued by this idea.

It will add a new objective into actually participating in the game. As one who used to play games such as WoW, leveling up is in my nature as a gamer, and I can see this attracting, or at least intriguing an audience of the same variety as I.

But then it just comes down to coding again; would the titles have to be manually set after a player has reached a level, or will the titles be granted automatically by the server console?

And at those suggested rates, I wouldn't cap it at 50, I'd lean more towards something like 80 - 100. And instead of using a set scale to increase leveling ranges, I would have the experience requirements increase exponentially for EACH level (as is found in games like WoW). This would make the leveling process take longer, and be something to be viewed as an accomplishment.


Sep 13, 2012
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The idea really interests me, it gives players more incentive to actually try and survive/get kills. The system we have now works, but it isn't pulling in any players or keeping many interested for long. While we have a perfectly standing and working system, there is no actual drive that will keep players playing. The boards are overrun by players that new people that nobody can ever beat, and introducing this will also fix that problem.

Those were my 5 cents, get on it devs :)


Insufficient Data
Feb 19, 2012
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I like the simplified and automated process of this idea in contrast to manually buying a rank. With a /store, players would have to remember to rank up--I've seen this happen often in Lava where some players have already passed the minimum requirements needed to rank up but haven't ranked up yet.

Also, is that Steve player cheating in that screenshot?


Imperator Romanus Sacer
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Like this idea, but as said before, I think it would be better if the exp scaled up for each level, and it was capped at 80/100. Also, maybe tone it down to every 5 levels, or just as many as we can think of (obviously not terrible titles, though).


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Maybe we could add it so there are two different categories to level up? If you're a zombie, you get zombie experience to level up as a zombie. Then the same for humans. The difference would be sets of different titles you get at certain levels for EACH role. Also you can choose which title currently shows, the human one or the zombie one (I feel like I read this idea from somewhere, but I thought it'd be nice to suggest it again as a refresher). This would be fun to have on the server since I'm an RPG ish person myself. Having anything to do with levels = RPG for me =]


Feb 4, 2012
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Yeah guys, this was just a very small idea:) Its nice, that you all like this idea, so lets "complete" our thoughts to one "big" :) So, yeah I think its better, if the exp is scaled up, but we have to start with low exp needed first, so that new player get a title easy, if the play some days/hours:) An new thought is, that if you log in, you get some exp and if you stay logged in you get every 30 minutes some exp.

I want to say now, that I had this idea before i saw it on another server, because I play some MMORPG's and I like the system of leveling.
My problem was, that i didnt know, that this is possible, but the other server gave me hope, so WinX64. IS this possible? :)


The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
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Maybe we could add it so there are two different categories to level up? If you're a zombie, you get zombie experience to level up as a zombie. Then the same for humans. The difference would be sets of different titles you get at certain levels for EACH role. Also you can choose which title currently shows, the human one or the zombie one (I feel like I read this idea from somewhere, but I thought it'd be nice to suggest it again as a refresher). This would be fun to have on the server since I'm an RPG ish person myself. Having anything to do with levels = RPG for me =]
ohmygod this gave me an Idea

I like what thong was saying about having two different categories for this. My suggestion though is that you can choose what "path" to follow. So say somebody liked being a zombie more than human and would want to follow that they could use this.

Player X used /choose zombie
Are you sure you want to choose the zombie path? This is irreversible. Type /yes or /no
Player X used /yes
You have now chosen to follow the path of zombies! May many humans fall in your way!

So say Player X wanted that, they will now come with a specific set of titles special for Zombie path people.

The same can be done for humans say this;

Player Y used /choose Human
Are you sure you want to choose the Human path? This is irreversible. Type /yes or /no
Player Y used /yes
You have now chosen to follow the path of Humans! May your feet carry you quickly away!

Great idea though!


Feb 4, 2012
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Yeah, Dessern, this is like different "jobs" in MMORPG's. And i think it would be nice, if players "leave" their path. So If they think:" Hmm, I like being zombie more.:" they can type /leave Zombie and will go the human path. :)


H2H: Here to Help
Oct 18, 2011
Reaction score
How? It's basically a useless leveling up system that will (hopefully) pull in noobs that only want "ranks".
The phrasing on this is a little unappealing, in my opinion. We would be using this system to try and encourage players to play but if we call it useless, why would they want it? :p

I am really all for this idea though. It wouldn't really be like a store anyway, since I think it should be an automatic thing rather then having to buy it from a store thing (but I do not know if can be automatic!). Nice suggestion Mevgin. :)