[SUGGESTION] Make rounds 30 minutes long.



Suggestion: Make all rounds 30 minutes long!​
Why should the length of the rounds get changed?
Right now all rounds are 35 minutes long. Which is nice obviously, it's a lot better than the 40 minute long Rooted we used to have- That was just way too long. And it's better than the 25 minute Estranged we used to have as well- That was way too short, we really weren't able to do anything. And although I understand sometimes 35 minutes long is nice because people want to build big buildings, or mine a lot etc. but for most people it's just too long. I've seen many people ask "cant the rounds be shorter" and after asking a few active players, they seemed to agree: Rounds should be shorter. Most new players suggest 15-20 minutes, but that's too short in my opinion. I think 30 minutes would be perfect. I don't have a problem with it being 35 minutes long myself- hey, I'm an AFK-er. But most people go afk near the end of the round because there really is nothing to do.​
Won't this be a lot of work?
Yeah, probably. All timers will have to be adjusted, which might (temporarily) screw up some maps. However, quite a few maps have their last wave flow around 15, 10 minutes before the end of the round- Making that 10, 5 minutes before the end of the round would be perfect. I understand it may not be worth it because all maps will have to be edited but I think it would be beneficial in the long run because it seems like rounds are just way too long for most people.​
I hope you'll take this idea into consideration! :D​


Jul 19, 2013
Reaction score
I agree. 35 minutes just seems like a lot of time to do nothing. Especially after lava has covered everything. My current way of playing is run around and do whatever until lava flows, then either find someone to mooch off of or make a house of my own. Most of the time I'll try to have fun when in a house but it usually turns into a game of noteblock spam. If it's boring I'll just afk and walk away and come back every 5 minutes to wiggle the mouse. 30 minutes seems like a good amount of time.


Aug 11, 2011
Reaction score
Does really lessening the time by 5 minutes make THAT much of a difference? If 35 minutes is a lot of time to do nothing than so is 30, in my opinion. I don't know about the other staff, but I think it's fine the way it is. 5 extra minutes is not a lot...also to put all that work of changing timers for every map just for 5 minutes seems a little much. :/


Jan 22, 2012
Reaction score
Wasn't on Classic Lava there a thing where something like 10 minutes after the lava started a vote would happen on whether or not end the round? Why not add like a 15 minute vote or something?
At first, this was nice, but then it got annoying. It made rounds 15 - 20 minutes long, which was way to short. It let new players rank up much faster, which wasnt fair to the people already holding higher ranks.


The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score
I honestly don't see the point in this. Many maps are specifically oriented so that it uses the full time limit. Look at my new map, I have it set to that there is a 7 minute block in between each occurrence. I just don't like the idea of having a round shortened. And those 5 minutes left the would be eliminated are valuable times to gather materials or even just expand and have fun. In other notes time flies by in rounds as is if you have fun and play with friends or even just search for stuff.


Your local hall haunter
Sep 3, 2011
Reaction score
Wasn't on Classic Lava there a thing where something like 10 minutes after the lava started a vote would happen on whether or not end the round? Why not add like a 15 minute vote or something?
At first, this was nice, but then it got annoying. It made rounds 15 - 20 minutes long, which was way to short. It let new players rank up much faster, which wasnt fair to the people already holding higher ranks.
Then have it cut the amount of cookies you receive by half, if the vote is carried.


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah I agree cutting it 5 minutes wont have it feel much different for you and there are things to do go play a mafia game if you have a big group of people or make a water pool to fish , go mining or just talk since I know people will just ask for it to be even shorter since then 30 minutes will feel too long. I usually am in TeamSpeak when playing because mostly people talk on there (I would too but people there are liek your mic sucs stop talking it sounds like Armageddon)


Alright! Just wanted to see the general opinion of the players- I think it's safe to say the rounds should stay 35 minutes long, as it would be a lot of work and not a lot of people actually want this to be changed. Thanks for your opinions! :D


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I would prefer longer rounds to be honest. The rounds on classic where 45 min up to 1 hour. I loved them as players actually made an effort to have fun rather than making a cobble box to afk in :D
I still have the map dumps of old classic rounds where the players created really good things during the round.

I do think some map timers need reviewing though. Some flood to fast or to slowly.