[Suggestion] Mini Quests/Tasks


SMP Overlord & Events Manager
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
So my suggestion is basing off the back of something I believe will be quite a big problem if nothing is changed and that is the prices for sellables/the cost of ranking up.

At the moment it would cost you 29,225 cookies and 520 tokens to rank up all the way to GrandMaster, this is equivalent to selling 44,961 raw salmon or 73,062 Baked Potatos or 1,461,250 cobblestone or 234 diamonds, and surviving 520 rounds, I personally think that is a ridiculous amount of items required to sell (This is excluding creative rounds that get you cookies) especially considering how difficult it is to even obtain half of the items in a reasonable amount of time in an ordinary round not to mention how many rounds you actually need to survive to even obtain this rank which in itself I find obscene.

At the moment, the best money making method was farming potato's and cooking them into baked potato's as you were able to farm, and this is based on what I farmed (This isn't accurate as I was afk for a lot), at least a stack and a half a round which was only 38.4 cookies per round for me, however other players made a considerable amount more than that; now this method is being nerfed and it for me is demotivating to rank up knowing that I have to grind my tits off to get the next rank if I want it any time soon, rather than afking throughout rounds for about a week on and off to achieve it without tearing my hair out.

An idea that came to mind that I believe could solve this and make players more active during rounds are as follows -

Mini Quests/Tasks

The idea of this is that players who wish to partake in Mini Quests/Tasks can do so before the round starts, similar to how those would start the ironman mode pre-reset. The player would select a quest/task to do, now this could range from a variety of things such as:
  • Mine 500 cobblestone [Reward: 50 cookies]
  • Kill 25 Skeletons [Reward: 100 cookies]
  • Survive 5 rounds without breaking a single block [Reward: 300 cookies]
  • Collect 5 apples [Reward: 10 cookies]
Simple things like these can entice players to be more proactive during rounds and it would also solve the whole problem with the shop prices being a bit weak. The players would be able to gain cookies while playing the round without abusing shop mechanics or bugs, this would also make rounds more fun and seem shorter as you'll be more focused on completing your quest/task in hand.

The quests/tasks could even be rank-based, i.e earning more per quest/task per rank, and the quest/task, depending on what you've taken on, would last for 1 sole round or based upon multiple rounds. Players would have a limited amount of quests to take on per round, i.e 1 to 3 quests/tasks every 2 rounds or so.

This is just my two cents, what does everyone else think?