

Aug 6, 2011
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Okay, here is a whole lot of suggestions I've been hoarding for who-knows-how-long on a .txt file.

#1: /score would display flag holder and KOTH king.
Yea, you get the idea. No idea if this is possible or whatever.

#2: People will be removed from the "/high" boards if not online for a certain amount of time.
The reason I suggested this is because there are some people on there that haven't been here for almost a year. I just think some other people should be given a chance. And, if they want to be back on, all they would have to do is login or login and get one kill. No idea if this is possible.

#3: /upnext will show minimaps when in rotation.
Again, not sure if this is possible.

#4: When someone uses caps (and I guess some curses) it would show what they said in IRC
Like, on IRC, it would display: "Player tried to say "message""Not sure if possible. Just thought it would be a sort of nice thing to have.

#5:Warns the actual player of their high warn level when they login with it.
This could only happen for the first or second time they login. And when it goes up, it would warn them after relogging that it has reached the next level. (Ex: Player comes online after being kicked for spawn killing at a warn level of 5. He comes back on and it warns them of the high warn level. Then, he logs off and back on still with a 6 warn level. It doesn't warn him this time. He gets kicked for spawn killing again and comes back online. Then it would warn him for 7 warn level. And so on a so forth..) Sorry if that doesn't make sense. But yea.

#6:Also, using /mywarn would tell them to be careful below if they are at a specific level.
Just a sort of thing if people have missed the login message or whatever. Could make them more wary of the rules by seeing the message.

#7:An /skick can be personalized but would still show "Player has went offline" to the others.
Basically, the message on the kick screen of the player would show what you said after /skick. But the other people online wouldn't see this message. No idea if possible.

#8:Warns ops when muted players comes online
I've personally had to unmute two players which were never unmuted after they came online.

#9: A mute list
I'm 90% sure this has been suggested. However I don't there was ever a final decision. (Correct me if I'm wrong; which I probably am.)

#10: /D will not show on IRC
Uh, yea, small suggestion. As you might know, /d was taken off because of the spam it caused a while back. I have seen some people use /D from IRC and just thought it should be taken off. (/D works, as you know.)

#11Command to disable reffing ops+ being able to use weapons when reffing.
Another small suggestion. There's been more than one time where I've accidentally placed one of my weapons doing (no idea what I was doing, but yea) No idea if this is possible, again.

#12(Credit to Kattzen for this one) When hidden, if you're attacked by someone, message doesn't show.
Yea, basically, when hidden, it doesn't show the message "You cannot kill referees!" if hit by someone's weapon. Because that could easily give an op+ away if they are following a specific person or whatever. Especially when using /spectate.

And that's it! I strongly urge people to add on/suggest some fixes for these suggestions. Also, please post if you disagree with one of these. Obviously, they're all up for discussion.


Mar 31, 2012
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#12(Credit to Kattzen for this one) When hidden, if you're attacked by someone, message doesn't show.
Yea, basically, when hidden, it doesn't show the message "You cannot kill referees!" if hit by someone's weapon. Because that could easily give an op+ away if they are following a specific person or whatever. Especially when using /spectate.


Also, I might come up with my own list, but you took like 1/2 of my ideas. xP
If I do, I'll edit this post here I guess.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
#1: /score would display flag holder and KOTH king.
Flag holder ought to be possible, KOTH maps don't take into account the person on the point, there can often be lots of them.
#2: People will be removed from the "/high" boards if not online for a certain amount of time.
Not sure if it's possible to hide people with long inactivity, at the moment the only way we can take people off are to remove those stats/points, but that'd be unfair on these players if they do come online.
#3: /upnext will show minimaps when in rotation.
Not sure if this is possible.
#4: When someone uses caps (and I guess some curses) it would show what they said in IRC
I would quite like it to turn capitals into lowercase and then send the message.
#5:Warns the actual player of their high warn level when they login with it.
Good idea.
#6:Also, using /mywarn would tell them to be careful below if they are at a specific level.
Ehhh, no harm in having it.
#7:An /skick can be personalized but would still show "Player has went offline" to the others.
Problem with this is that those players then come online and say "FFS OP Y U KICK ME".
#8:Warns ops when muted players comes online
Nice to have.
#9: A mute list
#10: /D will not show on IRC
Should be easy to do.
#11: Command to disable reffing ops+ being able to use weapons when reffing.
Or perhaps just not taking the weapon from the inventory.
#12: (Credit to Kattzen for this one) When hidden, if you're attacked by someone, message doesn't show.
Should be implemented yes.


Pure Pro
Nov 5, 2011
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Yea, basically, when hidden, it doesn't show the message "You cannot kill referees!" if hit by someone's weapon. Because that could easily give an op+ away if they are following a specific person or whatever. Especially when using /spectate.
Because that could easily give an op+ away if they are following a specific person or whatever. Especially when using /spectate.
Especially when using /spectate.
How long have I been gone for...


Mar 31, 2012
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You mean if a guest sees someone hacking, they type /hacker and it sends a message to trusted+, like "a hacker has been sighted"?
Nah, I mean an Op+ who catches a hacker and properly instructs them to turn their hacks off marks the player with the command, making it so that all staff online are alerted of them hacking upon login.


The Friendly DoD VetOp
Aug 10, 2011
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Seems like alka has pretty much covered it all, would have to say I agree with what has been said.

I thought you already could skick with a reason, correct me if I'm wrong.

And superstein the warn list pretty much covers the hackers now although it would be easier to see who has been hacking with the command than checking on the list every now and then. Don't mind if it's implemented or not.


Mar 31, 2012
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Seems like alka has pretty much covered it all, would have to say I agree with what has been said.

I thought you already could skick with a reason, correct me if I'm wrong.

And superstein the warn list pretty much covers the hackers now although it would be easier to see who has been hacking with the command than checking on the list every now and then. Don't mind if it's implemented or not.
Oh, right, good point!


The Head Pyromaniac
Aug 6, 2011
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Decided I'd come and play with stuff this morning.
  1. I have no idea how to get the command block variables to interact with an in-game command, so I can't do that myself.
  2. I suppose it would be possible to check the players' last login date before assigning them a position in the table - if it's greater than a certain amount it could omit them from the list. I haven't had time to look into this in more detail, but seems feasible.
  3. If the player count means the rotation will play mini-maps, /upnext will now show this. If the player count is normal-map sized, /upnext will show the normal upcoming maps.
  4. I've changed "Quit the Caps" to now making the whole message lowercase if it would have previously triggered it. Otherwise chat is unaffected.
  5. I've simply implemented such that if the staff get warned of the players' warning level, the player will too when they log in.
  6. If they are at a staff indication level, /mywarn will tell them their warning is getting high and to be careful of the rules.
  7. I'd prefer it kept how it is. It's silent for both the players and the person being kicked, which was the intention.
  8. I've added a discrete message similar to the high warn one so that if a silenced player logs in, staff know.
  9. I've knocked together a rudimentary mute list using /mutelist, and using /mutelist page X to navigate between pages. This shows every player who is muted.
    I've also added /muted *name/IP*. It will check if a certain player is muted or not.
    I've also added /onmutes. It lists all the players (if any) who are online and muted.

    EDIT: /muted *name/IP* will check first if the username is muted. If it is not muted, it will check if the users' IP is muted. If you put an IP instead of a name, it will check if that specific IP is muted. Else it will tell you that the user/ip is not muted.
  10. Done.
  11. I know for a few weapons (namely laser and lightning), if you are refereeing and use it, it will place the weapon but not take one from your inventory. It's useful for clearing away random stuff in the map (and it's fun as hell!). I can get this done for all weapons, if necessary.
  12. Done.

    Can I have my present now?


Mar 31, 2012
Reaction score
First of all, you may have your present.
Second, a few questions:

Decided I'd come and play with stuff this morning.
I've changed "Quit the Caps" to now making the whole message lowercase if it would have previously triggered it. Otherwise chat is unaffected.

Will this open up filter evading through this conversion to uppercase to lowercase?

I've simply implemented such that if the staff get warned of the players' warning level, the player will too when they log in.
Will this say it in the fashion that staff get it when logging in, or something like "You have a warn level of 7. Follow the /rules!"

I know for a few weapons (namely laser and lightning), if you are refereeing and use it, it will place the weapon but not take one from your inventory. It's useful for clearing away random stuff in the map (and it's fun as hell!). I can get this done for all weapons, if necessary.
Can we get rocket too? Helpful for clearing block spam!

12. Done.
This was so needed, a million than-yous!

These will really change reffing, this is great.


The Head Pyromaniac
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Will this open up filter evading through this conversion to uppercase to lowercase?
I doubt it, the message still has to go through the filter checks as well as the uppercase checks.
Will this say it in the fashion that staff get it when logging in, or something like "You have a warn level of 7. Follow the /rules!"
"Your warning level is X, make sure to follow the rules!"
Can we get rocket too? Helpful for clearing block spam!