Survivor "How-To-Play"


Jan 23, 2012
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Here's a "How-To-Play" Survivor Guideline. Explaining the objective of the game and how everything works. This is mainly for those who are not familiar with the game. It will hopefully clear all questions you might have and give you a better understanding of how it works. That way, you can join future seasons. (Keep in mind this is a forum game)

Survivor's main objective is to be the very last Survivor left standing. Let me go ahead and start from the beginning.

Generally, the game starts with 20 Survivors stuck in an Island.

The Host (Myself) will randomly be splitting those 20 Survivors into 4 Tribes. It could sometimes be 2 or 3.

I will be providing all the Tribes with 1 same Challenge. Your job, is to work with your respective Tribe and complete it. Once each Tribe is done with it, I'll be checking everything and I'll be announcing which Tribe(s) is the winner. What does the winner Tribe(s) get? They'll receive Immunity.

What's Immunity?

Immunity is an extremely important thing to have. Why? This will basically protect your whole Tribe from going to Tribal Council and being eliminated or voted out. There might also be some Hidden Immunities in the game. Those Hidden Immunities were given randomly by me to some Survivors. They can decide to keep it a secret or share it with others. If at one point, they think they might be voted out, they will send me a PM telling me that they'd like to use their Hidden Immunity. So any votes cast agasint them, won't count and they'll be safe. They can only use it once.

What is Tribal Council?

Tribal Council is the place you will be at if your Tribe loses the Challenge. That's the place where everything gets intense. As a result of losing, your Tribe will have to write 2 Survivor's name, within their Tribe, and send it to me by PM (Private Message or Inbox) You're going to vote for those you think need to leave the game. Maybe because you consider them to be the weakest link, maybe because they're a threat to you, maybe because you're not in an alliance with them, etc. Once I have all the votes, I'll be announcing which 2 Survivors received the most votes against. But those 2 will not be going home. They will be facing in a Duel.

What's a Duel?

As I mentioned above, those 2 Survivors that sadly got the most votes against, will be facing each other in a Duel or Mini-Challenge. This will be just a Challenge for the both of them. They'll have to try their best in completing it. Once they're done, I'll evaluate their answers. The winner of the Duel will be safe and will return to his/her Tribe. The loser, will be voted out from Survivor and will be send to Exile Island.

What's Exile Island?

Exile Island is a separated piece of land. Those Survivors that lose the Duel, will be sent here. Away from everyone. All you're going to do is wait. Wait for what? For 4 other Survivors to be voted out and be sent there with you. When there's 5 Survivors in Total, those 5 will be facing in "The Exile Island Challenge". This is practically your very last chance to come back to the game. Only 1 will win. Whoever wins, will come back to the game and will have another shot to win Survivor and get his/her revenge. The other 4, will be officially eliminated once and for all.

The Merge

The Merge is when I decide to get rid off the Tribes. Meaning, everyone will become one single Tribe. It will be everyone by themselves now. It will become harder and more challenging.
From this point on, I'll continue giving Challenges to complete, but this time you can't count on your Tribe anymore, because it will now be individual. Therefore, only 1 Survivor will be winning immunity this time.

The Final 3

The Final 3 are basically the last 3 Survivors left standing. In which one of them will become the winner of Survivor. But how will that be decided?

The Jury Members

This is a very important part of the game. The Jury Members will be those who got voted out and got 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th place. Those 7 Survivors, will be the ones deciding the winner of Survivor. The Final 3 will first be writing a Final Statement to the Jury, telling them WHY they deserve to win Survivor over the other 2. The Jury will be reading them. Once they're done, they will send me (By PM) the name of the Survivor who he/she truly thinks deserves to win Survivor. The Survivor who receives the most votes against this time, will become the Winner and Sole Survivor. That's why is tricky to win, because those Survivors you once voted out, are the ones you'll need their help eventually to win.


This is a very fun game to play. There's a lot of strategy going on, Lying, Back-Stabbing, Blindsides, Twists and many other things. You'll encounter people who will betray you, others that will be honest with you all the way, others that will manipualte you, others that are quite naive. There's many type of players. And that's the beauty of this game, you'll never know what's going to happen. You need to keep your eyes open all the time.

All you need to do is: OutWit, OutPlay and OutLast every single one of them and be the Last One Standing.

Perhaps the next winner might be you.
