Survivor Rock Islands. Season 5. Sign-Ups!


Jan 23, 2012
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Season 5 is here
I expect you all to know the TV show Survivor, and thus know how it goes.​
If you do not know it, there is some information in this paragraph.​
The TV show Survivor, is all about surviving on an island.
20 people will be set on an island, and will be divided into two teams.
Every 0 to 5 days they get a challenge. This is like a physical challenge, where strenght is important. For example, they have to run a course. A course with phases, like climbing ropes, swimming large amount, making puzzles. The team that does it the fast wins this challenge, and can go back to their self-made houses. The losing team however, has to do something else. At first they can go back to their houses, but that evening, or perhaps the evening after they have to go to a Tribal Council.
This is where the team has to vote one of their members to leave. And the person with the most votes has to leave the island.
There is also a thing called "immunity". This can be get by survivors during challenges, or by winning challenges. Immunity means that you can not be voted off, and thus stay for another round. This is very important to get as it increases your chances of winning.
That is about it, I left some un-important details out, but I hope you now understand it a bit.
Like every season there will be some new things. I'll explain one of them right now. Maybe some of you are familiar with it. It's called "Exile Island". How will this work? Well, every time 5 Survivors are voted out off the game I will grab those 5 names and place them in the randomizer. The name that comes out will return to the game and will have a second chance. The other 4 will be out for good. I'll do that maybe 2-3 times throughout the game. So be careful for the ones you vote. They can come back and hunt you.​
The danger zone will still be part of this season.​
Now, there will be new challenges. Which I will explain later on.​
Please, roleplay more! We need roleplaying to make the game more fun.​
Yes, there will be immunities this season but this time you can use it to defend yourself OR you can use it to defend someone else.​
Private Conversations (PM) will be allowed. But that will change at some point in the game. Which I will let you know and then you'll have to talk in the thread only.​
I haven't decide yet how I'm going to organize the tribes. Since I'm planning to have more Survivors signing up this season. Lets just see how many people are interested. Maybe there will be more than 20.​
The rules:
1) Listen to your host. (Ansoro1212). I want you to pay attention to any important things I say.​
2) No editing posts. I cannot see if you edited your post, but I ask you not to do it.​
The ONLY edit I will allow is editing any typo's. I prefer if you don’t edit to add/delete anything.​
3) Do not talk about this somewhere other than the playing thread and private conversations. And for every PM you start you will HAVE to add me.​
4) Stay active, try to make at least one post every voting.​
5) Once you send your vote through inbox YOU CAN'T change it back.​
6) You can't vote for yourself​
7) NO CURSING TOWARDS OTHERS. Be respectful at all times.​
To sign up for this season, you should fill this out:
1. Your Name. You can have your forum name, or another name which you can choose.​
2. Expectation of how far you will get in the game. Something like: "I guess I will be 10th"​
Have fun!​
Your host, Ansoro2112.​
1. Xfolo​
2. Mythelf​
3. Fjm12​
4. Faliara​
5. NottyKitten​
6. Pim​
7. SmoggyWaffles​
8. CRonaldo727​
9. Storm886​
10. Raxo2222​
11. Nitasu987​
12. Ooglie101​
13. Crashb23​
14. TheSilliest​
15. Midlow​
16. Theodorre​
17. Hockeyfan1852​
18. xXxFruitNinjaxXx​
19. Jivvi​
20. 77_is_the_best​
21. Stretford01​
22. Tommyleej​
23. Lovedaice​
24. Myusername22​
25. Wasup58​
26. Natsu​
27. 755someone755​


Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
I AM HERE FOR, my fourth season i think, missed the 2nd or 3rd i dont remember.

Name: xXxFruitNinjaxXx
Expectation: After last season.... I want to win.

EDIT: With school starting soon, I'll try and roleplay as much as possible. I really wanna try and get a lot in this season though.