Survivor's Hall of Fame


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score

This thread will show each Season's Winners and their Runner-Ups. Survivor isn't easy to win nor get to the end. I consider they deserve some recognition. I'll continue editing the thread every time a season ends.


Survivor Elba

1st Place: Jeff0521
2nd Place: ChronosStar524
3rd Place: Ejaworski24

Survivor Cephalonia

1st Place: Solis22/JWhitty
2nd Place: DillonSaysRawr
3rd Place: Forest_Knight

Survivor Tetepare

1st Place: HypeBurst
2nd Place: Fruit
3rd Place: Digitalmez

Survivor Rock Islands

1st Place: Pim
2nd Place: SmoggyWaffles
3rd Place: Ooglie101

Survivor Paulet

1st Place: Faliara
2nd Place: Nitasu987
3rd Place: Raxo2222

Survivor Clipperton

1st Place: Alpha102
2nd Place: Xfolo & Nottykitten
3rd Place: Nottykitten & Xfolo

Survivor Okinawa

1st Place: Enderfive
2nd Place: Timdood3
3rd Place: Nottykitten

Survivor Tuvalu

1st Place: Mythelf
2nd Place: Infected_Alien8_
3rd Place: 755someone755

Survivor Boa Vista

1st Place: Plsno
2nd Place: Namelessgirl
3rd Place: Fruit

Survivor Havelock

1st Place: Marskid
2nd Place: Runemen4/LunaJade
3rd Place: LunaJade/Runemen4
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