The Head Pyromaniac
The fight between Red vs. Blue has never been so tense. Both teams have a new team-skin waiting to be unveiled. The problem is that we can't simply upload a new skin, we have to do it piece by piece. In order to make things fair, the team with the most round wins each week will get a new piece of skin added until all of the pieces are earned.
Pick a side, and fight for your team to win new teamskins.
Disclaimer: This does not mean we will not be evening out teams, if they are unfair, we will still be asking people to swap.
Tune in next Friday to see this week's winners and the first change in unveiling the new teamskins!
1st Week:
Blue wins!
Current Skins:
Pick a side, and fight for your team to win new teamskins.
Disclaimer: This does not mean we will not be evening out teams, if they are unfair, we will still be asking people to swap.
Tune in next Friday to see this week's winners and the first change in unveiling the new teamskins!
1st Week:
Blue wins!
Current Skins: