Ten Strongest Materials

Mar 16, 2013
Reaction score
Eh, why the hell Not.

10 - Spider's Silk.

The Darwin Bark Spiders' Silk is considered as the toughest biological substance, has many uses and is ten times stronger than Kevlar.

9 - Silicon Carbide.

Silicon Carbide forms the basis of Chobham Armor used in battle tanks, and it was so effective that when Operation Desert Storm was commenced, not one British Challenger was destroyed.

8 - Nanospheres (Also known as Nano-Kevlar).

Self-assembling nanospheres are known as the stiffest organic material ever created by scientists, and what's cool as all hell is that they could lead to the development of printable body armor (Ooh).

7 - Diamond.

Come on, don't tell me you weren't expecting this one. Diamonds are famous for scratch resistance and an excellent way to store wealth. They're the hardest natural materials on Earth, and as a certain Marilyn Monroe once said, "They're a girl's best friend."

6 - Wurtzite Boron Nitride.

WBN for short, this material is created from volcanic eruptions and is theoretically 18% harder than diamond itself.

5 - Lonsdaleite.

Weird name, epic creation. Lonsdaleite (God, That's a mouthful) is formed when meteorites containing graphite (graphite is that black stuff used pencils by the way, if you're curious) strike the Earth. Lonsdaleite has been only simulated but it theoretically is 58% harder than diamond. Wow.

4 - Dyneema.

Dyneema is a high-performance polythene, marketed as the strongest fiber in the world. It's lighter than water, can stop bullets in their tracks (not kidding) and is 15 times stronger than steel.

3 - Metallic Glass.

Paladium Microalloy Glass, often called Metallic Glass, has the best combination of toughness and strength. Thought to be the most durable material on the planet.

2 - Buckypaper.

Makes me instantly think of Bucky Roberts (TheNewBoston) but I digress. Buckypaper is a nanotechnological material made from tube-shaped carbon molecules 50,000 times thinner than human hair and is 10 times lighter than steel and (no joke here,) is 500 times stronger.

1 - Graphene.

Graphene is officially the strongest thing in the universe, just one sheet of this stuff is barely an atom thick and is 200 times stronger than steel, it would take an elephant balancing on a pencil (based on calculations) to even break it. A single squared centimeter of this stuff costs $100,000,000 dollars, also making it the most expensive existing material besides special common isotopes of certain elements.

This has been created at SnapFlash's Bored Corner (lolwat)


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
My first thought upon seeing the title of this thread was, "define strong". Everyone's favorite super strong material [Diamond] is in fact fairly brittle.
Also, despite being portrayed as a nigh indestructible stone, obsidian is in fact very brittle. It common misconception is likely due to the fact that when it shatters, the shard for perfect edges, and are extremely sharp.
