Terra Aurum

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score

At last the Falcon was ready to leave the docks of Crucia, after several months of trading and auctioning off the best quality items, the mast was repaired and the sails hoisted. I stood up on deck watching my crew members busy themselves tying coords, hauling cargo, and herding animals into pens. Checking the direction of the wind I yell to my crew "Haul anchor, its time we head off for greener pastures!"
The anchor hoisted and the sails dropped, a strong gust of wind blew the Falcon on the beginning of its next journey!
Giving my navigator the wheel I told him to set a course for the Wizard Tower and I proceeded to do a check of the cargo hold. As I walked in the smell of Baked Potatoes wafted heavily in the air, at one point Crucia had lived off of the potatoes, but the trade for them quickly died when the market was flooded with cheaper potatoe chips. Now I had a cargo hold full of them, but there was also some quality arms and armour stowed away safely in the back that could be easily traded away. I walked back out and noticed Olix chewing on a few potatoes, I moved past ignoring him, a few potatoes wasn't going to make much of a difference. Walking back up to the main deck my newest engineer DrGemMiner was heavily seasick on the rails. A man was conforting him but I knew it wouldn't stop till we hit shore. At this point I could see the tower in the distance, who could miss that massive tower in the first place? But then many a sailor had complained of a magical aura that hid the tower on certain nights. Although some of the rumors about the tower worried me, the trade they offered was some of the best! I was sure that nothing could possibly go wrong with a quick stop. As we arrived in the port we were welcomed by the Head Dean roobarb pie, with whom I spent the rest of the night sorting out trade negotiations. Apparently the Wizards had plans to use baked potatoes in some strange new magical experiment, I had no clue what experiment this was and didn't ask. After the trading was complete I returned to my ship where the crew were drinking away the night. Two of the more shady members of the crew were just coming back from below deck, unfortunately I had no idea what they had been up to, nor did I notice them. As the sun rose the next morning the crew proceeded to load up a large shipment of TnT, redstone and Gold, and a few weeks worth of steak for the crew to eat. Making sure that the TnT was kept well away from any of the redstone, I then put men in charge of keeping watch of the new cargo. As we sailed away from the tower heading towards the Port of Concord, I had the feeling that something very important had happened that would eat away at my very being if I did nothing to stop it. I shrugged it off, blaming the wierd aura that surrounded the tower as the cause. Little did I know that the two people I had gotten to watch the cargo, were the same two shady characters that had come from the hold last night. As we sailed to Concord a fierce storm came upon the ship, I had not seen a storm of such intensity since we had been forced to make port in Crucia after that particular storm had taken down our mast. The rain poured and wind blew, I stood and yelled directions to me men above deck to get everything sealed off and lower the sails. Below deck the two men I had set to guard the cargo were not at their posts, they were hiding behind the TnT examining a crate of potions they had stolen from the wizard tower. Of course they had decided to examine them directly behind the crates of TnT, the rough waters rocked the boat heavily jerking the cargo around. Back above deck I was trying to keep the ship on course, but the fierce winds were forcing us in a new direction, trying to force the rudder to turn, I was fighting a losing battle.
Whatever happened next is a mystery, below deck two things happened, the two man lost a hold of the crate of potions which went flying into the crates of TNT. The TNT reacted by blowing up but the potions had a strange affect and exploded with a blue glow. As the tnt exploded have of the ship disappeared into the blue glow, the rest of the ship was disintegrated by the force of the explosion. The half of the ship that did survive suddenly landed with a blue flash in the middle of a lake! Some of the Tnt had made its way into the blue glow as well and flew onto the landscape severly scarring the beachhead. Luckily those who remained on the remaining half of the ship were still alive. I looked up now that the glow had disappeared and looked around. It appeared the lake was shallow and the remaining half of the ship would not sink into depths unknown. However most of the cargo was lost most likely destroyed in the explosion, a large amount of gold had managed to survive though, and some of their livestock too. I then realised the auction ship would never sail again, it had been damaged beyond repair. Looking at DrGemMiner, who nodded what I was thinking to me, when began to disembark from the once proud ship.
Scouting the landscape I could feel the snowy breeze on me, I knew we had hit the tundra but I had no idea how. I blamed it all potatoes, they were damn unlucky anyways.
It looked like we had no choice but to settle down in this area, however I did feel a sense of certainty, the auctions would become bigger and better than ever, of that I would make sure!
Welcome to Terra Aurum (Land of Gold), we are a humble dwelling out in the middle of nowhere!Current coordinates are x:-1500 z:500 this is the current hosting site of the auctions which are held every once in a while and are the site of some of the best deals you could ever buy! If you can afford to that is...​
Projects List:​
  • Get Paths made to all homes currently built.​
  • Decorate housing interiors.​
  • Apply for village status.​
Thowr out the old method of joining cause it stinks, just ask me in-game or in a pm on the forums if you want to join and I will consider your request!​
In Clan Ranks​
Head Auctioneer/Town Head: Thats me! I'll be in charge of hosting the auctions, planning out the town, deciding on new members, adding goodies for the auction. Pretty much I will be the main leader of this town ;)
Secondary Auctioneer/2nd In Command: earthdemon101 is our current Secondary Auctioneer, he is in charge of helping run the auction alongside me. Anything I can do he can do also.​
Architect: DrGemMiner is our fabulous Architect, responsible for most of the building done aroun Aurum ;) his word when it comes to anything building wise in Aurum is virtually law!Workers: if you are a worker in Aurum you have a job to always do and should make sure its done, workers have specific roles they should concentrate on but are always free to help out with other things.​
Terra Aurum roster:
Old_Man_Oak63 - Head Auctioneer​
earthdemon101- Secondary Auctioneer/Brewery Master​
DrGemMiner - Head Architect​
Olix - Architect​
Theodorre - Mule Master​
nonamenut - Rancher​
tommyleej - Horse Master​
EDIT: The roster has been updated to show current activity in the clan. If your name isn't up there and it should be it means you need to contact me at some point and let me know if you are still actually playing JtE.


Leafy Op
Oct 13, 2012
Reaction score
You were one of the most dedicated ones in Crucia, very sad to see you leaving. May your village BURN IN FLAMES AND LAVA HUEHUEHUE prosper!
In-game Username: i forget
Rank: admin​
Time spent online: two minutes​
What is the build you are most proud of? cartage​
What are some of your recent builds? jte
Why would you be the best person for this position? I'm nice​
What kind of things would you expect to have to build? pigs​
Redstone builder, architectual builder, or landscaper? i redstone​
Signiture: give me rank pls​
But, really, good luck with everything you are doing, and will continue doing in JtE.


Mar 23, 2012
Reaction score
Now before I start the application, I'd like to state my reasons for leaving Crucia. Recently, on the JtE server, I have been completely bored with nothing to do. I've never really felt like I was a part of Crucia, mainly due to my choice to live in solitude outside of the town in a hole :p. I haven't been involved in practically any collaborations between others on the server, and I see Terra Aurum as a chance to start a new. Also, I love the auctions and would enjoy becoming a part of them :)


In-game Username: Olix27

Rank: Settler

Time spent online:

What is the build you are most proud of?

What are some of your recent builds? My most recent build, and my current project, is an AoD map based around survivor teamwork. I'm quite proud of the build currently, and I hope to have it submitted within a month.
Overview of the map

Front view of the castle (it is a work in progress, the center building is still being developed)

Why would you be the best person for this position? If you had to pick me over 100 other applicants, I believe you would consider my application because of my building competency, along with my maturity (when necessary) and friendliness. I really want to be a part of this town, and not just sit on the sidelines like I did in Crucia.

What kind of things would you expect to have to build? I expect to be making the terrain look natural and curved, and I expect to be building houses for members, probably roads as well. If allowed, I would also help improve the auction hall (specifically the exterior), and in general help with anything that I can help with :)

Redstone builder, architectual builder, or landscaper? I believe I can help out equally with landscape and architecture, and I also have a basic understanding of redstone (how to make efficient piston doors, etc.) but I can't handle big redstone projects.

Signed, Olix27

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
Now before I start the application, I'd like to state my reasons for leaving Crucia. Recently, on the JtE server, I have been completely bored with nothing to do. I've never really felt like I was a part of Crucia, mainly due to my choice to live in solitude outside of the town in a hole :p. I haven't been involved in practically any collaborations between others on the server, and I see Terra Aurum as a chance to start a new. Also, I love the auctions and would enjoy becoming a part of them :)


In-game Username: Olix27

Rank: Settler

Time spent online:

What is the build you are most proud of?

What are some of your recent builds? My most recent build, and my current project, is an AoD map based around survivor teamwork. I'm quite proud of the build currently, and I hope to have it submitted within a month.
Overview of the map

Front view of the castle (it is a work in progress, the center building is still being developed)

Why would you be the best person for this position? If you had to pick me over 100 other applicants, I believe you would consider my application because of my building competency, along with my maturity (when necessary) and friendliness. I really want to be a part of this town, and not just sit on the sidelines like I did in Crucia.

What kind of things would you expect to have to build? I expect to be making the terrain look natural and curved, and I expect to be building houses for members, probably roads as well. If allowed, I would also help improve the auction hall (specifically the exterior), and in general help with anything that I can help with :)

Redstone builder, architectual builder, or landscaper? I believe I can help out equally with landscape and architecture, and I also have a basic understanding of redstone (how to make efficient piston doors, etc.) but I can't handle big redstone projects.

Signed, Olix27
Accepted, thanks for the great app Olix and welcome to Aurum :D im sure we shall work well together! And I know you will always have a hand in helping make the blind bid awesome ^_^


Jan 26, 2013
Reaction score
In-game username: Namelessgirl99
Rank: player
Time spent online: Four Hours
Woodcutting Mcmmo level: I believe 2 or 3, no idea however
Why would you best fill this position? I am willing to travel lengths to get the wood you would need, as well as will work hard to do my job.
Are you familiar with the running of my auctions? Yes
Signiture: Namelessgirl99
P.S. Thanks for answering my question!


Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Lumberman or wherever you think you are needing someone
In-game username: Mythelf
Rank: Nomad
Time Spent online:
Woodcutting Mcmmo level: Probably low, but I just joined.
Why would you best fill this position? I will do everything you ask of me to the best of my ability. Like I stated above, whatever job that you need filled at this time, I will do it even if my first choice is Lumberman. I am an hard worker, and even though pretty new to JtE I have worked on making towns on other multiplayer survival worlds and am up to any challenge that you put before me.
Are you familiar with the running of my auctions? Yes
Signature: Myth and thank you for reading.

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
........ of course the two sisters would go for the SAME position. Well anyway it appears the the two of you are indeed quite new, although that doesn't really worry me, I'm sure you would both work hard! I think today though I'm going to have to accept, Myth's app for Lumberwoman, but nameless feel free to apply for one the other positions!


Jan 26, 2013
Reaction score
Quarry Master
In-game username: namelessgirl99
Rank: Player
Time spent online: About 4 hours
Mining Mcmmo level: 3
Why would you best fill this position? I am willing to travel lengths to get the stone you need. I will also try my best to work hard to get as much as I can and the type you need!
Are you familiar with the running of my auctions? Yes
Signiture: Namelessgirl99

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
Quarry Master
In-game username: namelessgirl99
Rank: Player
Time spent online: About 4 hours
Mining Mcmmo level: 3
Why would you best fill this position? I am willing to travel lengths to get the stone you need. I will also try my best to work hard to get as much as I can and the type you need!
Are you familiar with the running of my auctions? Yes
Signiture: Namelessgirl99
Righto accepted, I expect you to work hard! :D

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
Okay opening up the position for Rancher now, I'll also update the storyline soon!
EDIT: okay so after a lot of thought I realised it was annoying for some people having to wait for certain positions to open up. If you were kinda frustrated then I apologise, so I'm going to open up all these positions for application.
  • Forge Master
  • Brewery Master
  • Enchanter
  • Armourer
  • Weapon Master
Okay so to avoid confusion as to the purpose of these positions, pretty much the town is somewhat RP based, for example, the Quarry master would go and mine rescources underground, then take these rescources and either put them into auction, place them for use in the town supplies OR deliver them to another role such as the Architect who could then use them for building or the Forge Master who could make tools! This is the idea I want to promote and I really want to build a sense of township around this. Another example is the Enchanter could supply enchanted books to the Weapon Master to strengthen his weapons. While the rancher could supply the leather needed to make the books to Enchanter, with this there are countless possiblities which is why I want people to go after the role they would like best! If you feel like you want a different role then one you have already applied for you can reapply for another position! I'll have the format for each role up shortly! Oh and the next part of the town story is coming! I was not trying to commit insurance fraud :(
If you would like a more detailed overview of a certain role pm me asking about it! Feel like I have skipped over something important still pm me about it! Feel like I've said something incredibly stupid or explained something wrong, slap me over the forehead and pm me about it!

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
Oak, I would like to make my own house, because in most towny servers the architect has to make the houses but i would like to make my own if u dont mind
You can help DrGemMiner build your house but remembering they are all JOB SPECIFIC, so if you are applying for Forge Master and you are accepted, your house would be built for a Forge Master, which is why it is important one of our architects are there to help! If you need shelter for now, the auction hall isnt currently ready for active use so you could place a bed somewhere and camp in there. Anymore questions or concerns just shoot me a pm!