Thanks for everything!


Survival Staff
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score

This post may be a surprise to some and not so much to others. I just might be the shortest-lived Community Admin in Blocktopia and EscapeRestart history. Raxo will probably confirm. After a little over 6 years in and out of this community, I think that it is finally time for me to permanently retire from staffing and directing. I might actually read Iguana's post about coming back from the dead, because I've done so, twice I think.

After spending the amount of time, the countless hours and couple of sleepless nights here that I've spent, I've done some soul searching. In the past couple of days, I've thought about my life in general and the role that the community, LoP, and RoF play in it.

In October of 2010, I was introduced to TheOne's Lava Survival, and the community of TheOne's. I played a lot, and met some really great people, a couple of which I still talk to on a daily basis and I consider to be some of my really close friends. Throughout the 6ish years, I've met a ton of really great people, and a lot of my time spent staffing was with and for my friends here. It was fun. Over time, a lot of those friends have moved on, and I've kind of stuck around.

To put it simply, I'm ready to move on and do other things with my time I'd spend here. Spend more time with friends, experience things more. Blah, blah.

I do not regret a second of the time I've spent here. I have learned a lot about myself, about people, leadership, and a lot of not-so-superficial things here. I've had the privilege of meeting some really great people here. I've had a lot of fun playing things and doing things for others. None of this would've been possible if I hadn't stayed with the community, and I'm really glad to have met everyone I've met and to have had the fun times that I've had. So, seriously, thank you to this community for everything it's done for me and to all of the players, staff, and others that have made the community what it's been for over 6 years.

I am not leaving completely. I will continue to float around, poke in people's business, and play fun things with the friends that I have that are still here. I am, however, completely content and finished with my days staffing/directing/developing/whathaveyou.

If I thanked everyone individually who Ive interacted with over the years, I'd reach the character limit. You know who you are.

tl;dr kthxbai


Former CA
Aug 13, 2011
Reaction score
I'm sorry if anything happened that made you lose interesting. You have been one of the most mature and respectable staff members and have always put so much of your time and work into the community. I never doubted to promote you to server- and community admin and I think you resigning will be a very big loss.

Thanks for everything you've done!


Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score
Ogar I know we couldn't always agree on things as well I would like. And I haven't always been the niced person I could be to you either. I am sorry how things has happened, but that doesn't mean I didn't value you as a great person. You have done some great things in the past and were there when we needed you the most. Hopefully your next path will take you to the most beautiful places around the world and in your life. I know I can be a drama queen sometimes, but that doesn't mean I didn't value your idea's and input. It is sad to see you go, but it is understandable. Thanks for all the work you have done in the past.


Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
I don't know you. There were a few hi's and hello's here and there but I never knew you. That doesn't mean that I never saw or felt your presence within the community. You've always just...well...been there. Whenever there's been an issue, whenever a player's needed help or when the community needed a leader, you were there. I'll always be incredibly appreciative of all your time and effort and the amount of hard work and dedication you put in to this community. I know it's all a cliche to say, but in this case I mean it.

From The Ones, The Blocktopians and The Escape Restarters, thank you for everything you've done for our community. We, the common folk welcome you.


Your Local Time Traveler
Aug 10, 2011
Reaction score
Wow, I held off from posting for 24 hr and I still have a knot in my stomach and some tears. Ogar you where the best Director I have ever had the privilege to work under. The dedication, the drive, the love put into your job. That is how I will remember you as you are moving on. I wish there was someway I could convince you not to step down and/or leave. But I fully understand why you made this decision and honestly, I would probably do the same if I was in your shoes.

I remember when you were talking to me about recreating LoP back when I was finishing up making Solitude. How excited you were, when talking about bringing back such a fondly remembered server. I remember that drive you had to faithfully recreate, to add, and improve the server. I am so sorry that because of stuff beyond your control, that you started to become discouraged. To finish this up before I start just rambling, I would like to apologize on behalf of the community, for being so negative instead of trying to be positive.

I wish I wouldn't have to say this goodbye. But I wish you the best in all your endeavors. And I hope you will enjoy life to its fullest. Thank you for making some of my most favorite servers in this community and being such a great person to be around. You have truly made a giant positive impact on this community that will last forever. I hope that we will continue to see you around in the community. Thank you again.