That's all, Folks!


¡Juego de las Pulgas!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
I wish I could say it wasn't. This thread has often been half written in the back of my head, yet I've never put the words to paper. This seems so bizarre, but yet it must happen. I am resigning from Classic Blocktopia Zombie Survival, after more than a year at service as an OpRef. As the oldest sibling in a family of 8 (6 kids!), I've found I've had too many duties and too little time. Along with that, one doesn't need to look at my /timeonline to find that I've been very inactive, due to disinterest.

It's been a pleasure, thanks to the countless many who have helped me along my way. I will still be an Operator over at JtE, and perhaps log in here and there too!


Which staff members have referenced you, or told you to make an app? AvantGarde, Nillbugwtw, Later_Gator
Aaaaaalllll the way from August 16th of 2011. (It seems like it wasn't that long ago! How weird!) I seldom referenced players when I was an operator and for good reason. But you were one of the few individuals who I believed was fully capable of staffing. And looking back, you certainly did your job well. More importantly, you became a good friend. Thank you for all of the great times we had on the server, Mr. squirrel.


The Fail Chipmunk
Jan 1, 2012
Reaction score
Emos! D= I thought you said you were going to stay. =c

That aside, you were a fantastic Operator, (and I believe one of the longest standing, too) and we'll miss you. I'm looking forward to seeing you on JtE, now that I've finally gotten the hang of it. :)

See ya around, neighbour. =p