The Adventures of Shocker


Jun 2, 2013
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Hello, I am a survivor of the appocylpse that happened about... how many days ago? I cannot remember anything, but my name and a bit about what happened. I believe I am the only one alive, and will not easily survive. It's going to be very tough, going through the vast deserts, smelly swamps, and exploring to try and regain some of my poor memory. I forgot to introduce myself, sorry. My name is Shocker, because I use to give people a good fright. I'm not entirely sure, but I think I owned an Ice Rink and belonged to a town called Crucia. So I will start my journey soon. If anyone is reading this, I hope they will remember me.
All the best


Jun 2, 2013
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Day 1: I woke up and wiped all the dust and sand off of me. I realised I am not the only one left, but there are cruel bandits around. I was knocked out for nearly half an hour. I found another player, whos name was Ryan, but he was usually known as Ryandodd. My memory flowed back when I met him. I helped him build a settlement called "Wisteria". We made an agreement not to kill each other, then split up.


I climbed up a building and although my arm was bleeding badly, I managed to parkour my way up 3 floors, until I got a headache from radiation, so I climbed down carefully. I went into a few buildings. I found a coffee shop, McDonalds and even a bridge. I went up to the McDonalds staff room, which was destroyed by the nuclear bombing, and went up a building. I heard players shouting, but couldn't make out the conversation. I turned around to be greeted by a man who raised his sword above my head. I tried to swipe him with my Makeshift Sword, but failed and got knocked out again...


Jun 2, 2013
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Day 2: I woke up, and found myself floating in the sea. There were lots of boats around, which makes me think that there were lots of fishermen! I started to get headaches until I realised, the water is radiated! I started riding a boat and went to the bridge. I climbed up the bridge and found a chest with blue armour! Now I looked so cool. Next I explored the city a bit. I found a sign marking a territory. I looked around a bit more, I found a massive crater in the ground, which I believe was caused by the bomb. I saw a shadowy figure inside a building next to it. I pulled out my sword, ready to swipe when I saw a person. I took out my sword, just in case. He didn't attack me at all, and wanted peace. I promised not to attack him either.


He introduced himself as Lee, his full name being Lee Scar. I asked him if he wanted to team up with him, but he said next time we randomly meet, we will. I kept looking around. I saw a not-so-busy road, the cafe and McDonalds. I walked around abit. I explored a little bit out of the city. I saw a football stadium, but had another headache so I went back to the city. I sat down on a bench and looked at a huge ship. Wow, I thought to myself. I can't believe I survived. I went up closer to the bridge to then be pushed off by someone...


Jun 2, 2013
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Day 3: I am writing from the safety of my building. I woke up near a beach, and it was a lightning storm. I got radiated and ran into a ship loading place. I stayed there until the rain went away, I went exploring and found the city. People were guarding a skybase, luckily I was hidden. I climbed a building and relaxed there. A player climbed up, he introdued himself as coolitdude, and he is a good guy. When we saw each other, we both saw something that surprised us. Our birthmarks were the same, that's when we found out we were brothers! We climbed into the building next door. It was nice to actually trust someone. Another person climbed up, and we killed them. Another person climbed up, but he wanted peace so we saved him. He introduced himself as Slender, but his full name was Slender Man. He turned out to be a great friend. A bit of my memory flew into my head. I realised he actually was one of my friends I use to see all the time. We made each other rooms and hid from the rain. Later I saw 77_is_the_best and others run to the skybase I went to before, possibly to murder the guards? But tonight is one of my best surviving nights. I actually have a bed to sleep in. Signing out without being knocked out.


Jun 2, 2013
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Day 4: The 'safety' of my building isn't so safe anymore. Slender, coolit and I were just looking around. Slender looked down a hole, which looked like a broken elevator. Next minute I hear an explosion, and see him lying at the bottom. I climbed down carefully and helped him back upstairs. He didn't break any bones, but his leg was dislocated. Luckily coolitdude knew a thing or two about massaging, and helped him. He said he was going to look for resources. I saw him walking down the street, then a ninja in white shoot him with his crossbow. I panicked. Coolit was going to go down and kill him, I told him I'd come with him. We split up.


I walked around and then heard a scream. Coolitdude got stabbed. I went up to his body, he was just alive. I hid him in a safe building so he can revive. I found Slender's body too. He was still alive as well, and hid him in the same building. I went walking out of the city to kill the man. I found a different man who tried to attack me. I stabbed him and he died. I found a huge battleship, and went inside. I got pushed into the water by a spider and quickly climbed out of the water. I went back to land and heard voices. I kept exploring until I found 77_is_the_best's team. I still remember 77_is_the_best from the way he looks, like an american indian. I was around the city talking to him and some others when the bomb went off, and everyone went flying in the air. He knew me when he saw me, and I joined his team. SparklyMuffinz, Shanebat1, acoolisback and TubaRiver were on his team. They were about to attack the blues. This is only the beggining, I thought to myself.