The Barony: A call for aid

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
Barony of Cressia lies in ruin
with their stores raided and their people massacred
they send out the call for aid.

'Here ye who read this message'
'To fund the rebirth of our once proud Barony'
'We seek a legendary treasure'
'He who finds this treasure will be greatly rewarded'
'We can give no other details other than the treasure exists in a hidden vault'
'Somewhere in this world'
'To those who accept, may the gods watch over you and guide you in this quest'

In this event you are required to find a supposed treasure, legendary among the remaining citizens of Barony so they can fund the rebuild of their once proud homes. To win you must find the vault and send a screenshot of yourself inside it to me. There are very few clues as to where the vault is, the only facts that are known about it definitely doesn't reside in The End or the Nether.

Prizes for completing this event are as follows:
1st place wins a custom server entrance and exit message
2nd and 3rd place will win their choice of either a custom exit or entrance message.
1st, 2nd and 3rd place will receive an additional reward straight from the Barony itself after they have rebuilt their homes.

Goodluck and happy hunting!​