Yesterday, a button and 60 second timer went live on the subreddit mentioned above. The timer counts down until someone presses the button. With every button press at 59 seconds or lower, the timer resets. One cannot press the button more than once (though there are rumors that there have been those who've pressed it multiple times). The countdown has yet to reach lower than 55 seconds.
One starts with a 'flair' (a dot next to one's username) that is grey. This signifies that one has not pressed the button. When one mouses over a grey flair it displays "non presser."
When one does press the button, their flair changes to purple, and when moused over displays the number of seconds left of the timer (e.g. 60s, 59s, etc.).
Redditors have even founded pseudo-religions around the button. The two primary 'religions' are The Shade and The Knights of the Button.
Those in The Shade are those who've pledged to never press the button.
The Knights of the Button have resolved to keep the timer (and by association, the button) alive as long as possible, with their members pressing the button with the timer no higher than single digits. As stated above, the timer has been no lower than 55 seconds.
TL;DR - There's a button. People are arguing over whether they should press it or not.
edit: Over half a million people have pressed the button.
Yesterday, a button and 60 second timer went live on the subreddit mentioned above. The timer counts down until someone presses the button. With every button press at 59 seconds or lower, the timer resets. One cannot press the button more than once (though there are rumors that there have been those who've pressed it multiple times). The countdown has yet to reach lower than 55 seconds.
One starts with a 'flair' (a dot next to one's username) that is grey. This signifies that one has not pressed the button. When one mouses over a grey flair it displays "non presser."
When one does press the button, their flair changes to purple, and when moused over displays the number of seconds left of the timer (e.g. 60s, 59s, etc.).
Redditors have even founded pseudo-religions around the button. The two primary 'religions' are The Shade and The Knights of the Button.
Those in The Shade are those who've pledged to never press the button.
The Knights of the Button have resolved to keep the timer (and by association, the button) alive as long as possible, with their members pressing the button with the timer no higher than single digits. As stated above, the timer has been no lower than 55 seconds.
TL;DR - There's a button. People are arguing over whether they should press it or not.
edit: Over half a million people have pressed the button.
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