The Diary of Bob Lesiw

Aug 8, 2011
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August 8th, 2064
Its been about three years now since the blast, I think its winter but it is hard to tell because all of the fallout and radiation have mixed up the weather patterns. I woke up this morning in my house, if you could call it a house. It is just some iron sheets that have been stuck up with wooden beams, nails and a bit of cloth over the top. It stop some of the sunlight and heat, but not all of it. My bed is a lot of pillows that I took from a pillow factory far from the blast. I have a fire pit to cook my meals on, but it is quite hard to find combustible items to keep it alight. My diet consists of military raitions, meat I can get from anywhere and berries. In the cities, there are mutants and bandits who kill anyone on sight. I have met a few people who have come out of the city and it seems to be quite terrible.
Today I noticed I was almost out of water, so I headed out trying to find some more. Water is almost one of the most impossible things to get here, so you have to head far out, because most of the water was destroyed in the blast, the best water source is a spring that is almost four days walking distance. While on my way there, I noticed that there was a mutant coming, I quickly grabbed out my .500 Smith & Wesson rifle and dispatched it quickly.
I walked up to check if it was dead, and I found one of the most amazing things, a bottle of cool, unopened refreshing sprite. I almost cried, this was probably the most amazing thing I have found since I found that golden delicious twinkie almost two years ago. I put the sprite into my dyed leather backpack, it fell out to my surprise, another hole, I had to carry it all the way. While I was settling down for the night, I noticed that there was a little light moving around off about a mile away, I quickly hid my supplies and put my boots back off and crawled out of my blue sleeping bag. It used to be soft on the inside but since there is no way to wash myself the dirt has built up causing it to be quite hard. I fumbled around for some ammunition in my backpack and to my surprise, I only had one box left. I was so shocked, hopefully this guy, or what ever is out there has a weapon and ammunition.
I walked over to it, it took about thirty minutes to get over stealthily, when I was near all I could feel was my heart pumping. I followed him for a bit, there was something else out there, but he shot and killed whatever it was. I almost screamed when he shot it because I wasn't ready and didn't know he had a rifle out. I shot at him and missed. I quickly ducked behind cover, all I could hear was bullets hitting the cover I was behind, how could he know where I was?! It sounded like he had a semi-automatic rifle, or he had a quick hand. The firing stopped, I heard fumbling in pockets then he cursed. He either has no ammunition, or he cannot find it in his pockets. I quickly jumped out and shot him down.

I walked up and started to look for what he had on him, he had nightvision goggles! Wow, I found nightvision goggles. He had a semi-automatic SKS and a few clips in his bag, it would have to do I took it and a can of beans and walked back to where my camp was. I turned them on and I turned around and saw about four people walking towards the body. I ran faster than I have ever before and ran back to my camp packed up the sleeping bag and my windblock, and started running off in the opposite direction. Luckily my makeshift house is in this direction I thought as I was sprinting off. It was just after sunrise when I got back to home and I drifted off to sleep as soon as I got back. I dreamed about the successful business man I once was, Bob Lesiw, the head salesman for Blocktopia realestate.