The Great Garden Sofa Challenge


Your local Macintosh XXVII
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
It's challenge time.

There is a sofa in New Arcem. In the gardens of the Sky Tower to be precise and I think it's time for a little challenge. So Primordians, the time is upon us, the time to test our limits of endurance, our limits of crowd control, our limits of how much we can squeeze together!

In case you haven't worked it out yet, your challenge is to try and fit as many people on the sofa as you can at once. Then posting a screenshot of it here to prove your incredible feats of squeezing up!

Sofa Location:
X 460
Y 66
Z -1040
Or Alternatively here.

Sofa Capacity:
It's your job to find that out ;)
Also note: This is just a fun challenge, a change to test leadership and ability to organize players.