The Legend of the End of Primordia


Dec 1, 2011
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There's a story about how Primordia was created, now I've made a (quite similar) story on how it ends:
The four Primordian families lived in a fragile sate of peace for many decades. Cities, governments, and Family relations grew. Dagon and Aeres eventually became...unfriendly with each other but peace was usually kept with small feuds breaking out now and then.

All seemed right with the land until the second great Primordian war. It started when Aeres and Dagon members exceedingly illegally raided each other. The family leaders tried to maintain peace, but eventually failed. The two gods themselves began to argue, some of these arguments getting heated to the point where Gaia and Primus had to stop them from fighting. One day, however, while the two were arguing about what seemed like a small matter, they suddenly got extremely angry with each other and, before they could be calmed down, the two personally ordered their leaders mentally to go to war. Battles were fought and soon the Primus family naturally joined forces with their Dagon friends. Gaia joined the battle only because Aeres was outnumbered. At the peak of the excitement, the four gods themselves brawled with each other, causing massive waves of raw energy to be released upon the already-torn Primordia. Before the day was over, Primordia exploded, leaving behind only small bits of dirt, stone, and wood. The gods looked upon the pitiful void that was once their world and renewed the pact they had made so very long ago. They then set to work planning the creation of a new world, one that would be one thousand times better than the one they had governed before.