The nightmare has lift


The Canadian Nightmare
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I've been with this community since 2011 and I've enjoyable every second of it. As most of you can tell by my lack of activity in game is that I've lost all interest in minecraft now. I've seen my fair share of ups and downs within the community ever since I first joined this community. Thanks for all the fun memories and I'm going miss having fun in game. I'll still be around the forums and in game just not very often anymore.

John AKA killer1525/Mccuish
Thank yous:
Copycat: Lava trusted buddies forever :-D
Super_Mario_bros: I know we've had out ups and downs as friends but I can still call you my friend.
Zombiepineapple: We've become such good friends ever since we met. You've been my best friend and someone I could always go to within this community. You've taught me a lot any and I enjoyed all out fun conversations on Skype.
