IC The Shard Coast


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Carsen was waiting patiently outside the office. He wasn’t really keen on letting himself in at that particular moment, because the captain, an aging man by the name of Horend, was not in a good mood and it would not do him any good to interrupt him. Especially with what was going on inside the office.

“I’m telling you, the City Guard does not handle such matters! If you want protection, hire a bodyguard. We’re stretched thin enough as it is, playing shadows to a junior councilman is not affordable at this moment.” The captain’s booming voice was teetering on the edge of fury. The bureaucrat dared to say something further on the matter.

“Then see to it that the Guard gets more men. Until then, I cannot help you,” was Horend’s response.

The councilman stormed out of the office after that. Carsen waited a few moments to allow the captain to calm his nerves and then entered.

“What is it?” the captain asked gruffly. Carsen placed some documents in front of him on the table and said: “Reports from guardsmen Strick and Perenas. They have noted some suspicious dealings in South Dockside, sir.” The older man snorted at that.

“When are there not suspicious dealings going on in South Dockside?” he muttered under his breath.

Carsen had no answer to that, so he waited for instructions.

“Right, I’ll read through them at some later time. I have some business to attend to right now. You, however, will take these-” he handed a large number of documents over to Carsen-” and take them to the Commander. And while you’re at it, get me some good strong spinweed tea from that tea shop on the corner of Anchor Street, you know the one.” And he waved his assistant away.

Carsen had no trouble finding a suitable horse from the Guard’s stables. He mounted a fine brown animal and made haste towards the Guard Headquarters. And then, when he reached Hall Street, he suddenly felt something was wrong. There was an uneasy air about the city, an eerie tension that cut through the sunny weather and aggravated the contrast between the light shining down from the sky and the shadows that fell where light was obscured.

For just a second, the world was put through a lens of danger.

And then it happened. The Marble Square, just a few streets away, exploded upwards in a burst of stone and dust as a gigantic creature broke out of the ground. A shockwave came a moment later and knocked Carsen and his horse ten feet back and the young man found himself trapped under his mount and blood bubbling from his mouth.

As his life faded, he managed to dimly take note of a few people that had survived the inital blast starting to fight the creature.


There is a large, dangerous and fairly pissed off creature loose in a very crowded part of Styngard. It has already caused significant damage and is probably going to cause more. The creature looks a bit like a gigantic bear or dog, but its fur is a deep dark blue that glints in the sunlight.

You are all in the vicinity and have survived the initial shockwave with minor or no injuries. There are several people around you who are not so lucky. Some are dead, some are badly hurt. A few are trapped under some rubble. Most of those that are able to, run, including guardsmen of the City Guard, but there is one guard that has drawn his sword, readied his shield and bravely stands his ground against overwhelming odds. A passing sorcerer has recovered from shock and is beginning to fight the creature.

Faliara Toiletprincess Infected_alien8_ Samlen CaffeinatedKitty Catcocomics Jolteon42

Info and OOC thread can be found here: http://escaperestart.com/forum/threads/the-shard-coast-info-sign-ups-and-ooc-discussion.20414/
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Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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((Just to double check, this is how I add ooc notes in this thread, right? Also first!))

Quite certain that his staff could do little against such a monstrosity, Sverrir pulls out his lute to play the song of his people an intricate melody to create an illusionary bear to distract the beast.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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After the blast that knocked him off his feet and sent his head smashing into a wall, Luke stumbles toward a man trapped inside a pile of rubble and attempts to help free him. As he tries to push the debris from the man's leg, he sees the great beast before him, and fear paralyzes him for a moment. He soon regains focus when the trapped man violently spits in his face, however, and manages to lift the debris and begin to run from the area.


Oct 20, 2012
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Pingere was shaking, frightened, as he backed away from the creature, terror clawing at his throat.

His leg hit something behind him- the thing grunted.

Surprised, Pingere turned around to see a mother and her baby, trapped under debris. The baby was crying.

He immediately kneeled down, shushing the baby. "Madam? Madam, are you alright?"

There was no answer. He put a finger to the woman's pulse- there was none of that, either.

Pingere felt as if the world was caving in around him.

He looked back at the creature, roaring; at the people who faced it. He grabbed the baby, and pulled her (him?) out.

He went after a person he saw running. "Hey, sir? Sir! Wait up!"

[Referring to Luke but it could be anyone.]


Jul 20, 2013
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It wasn't terribly often that some of the people in her village would take her along to run a few errands in nearby towns and cities, and she was often excited to go on such adventures. Ayane was usually brought along to learn how dealings with folk outside the forest are generally handled, as well as to see more than just trees for miles, which was often exciting for her because of the sheer fact that it was something relatively new to her.

Today was one of those days; visiting a friend of one of the forest people she lived with.
Ayane was simply laying on the couch (or equivalent) for what must have been eternity, not necessarily bored, but not really entertained, just listening to her companions having a friendly conversation about life with their friend. Deciding maybe she should do a little bit of something, she got up and went out the door.
Looking around for something interesting, she made note of a strange dust cloud rising from deeper within the city.
After tapping on the window to notify the adults that she would be exploring for a bit, she rushed off to investigate the dust cloud.

* * *​

It didn't take long before Ayane noticed herds of people rushing the opposite direction of which she was headed, panicking and... being silly?
She'd never really seen anything like this before, and was rather baffled by the concept of the grown ups messing around in such a chaotic manner; wasn't this sort of behavior what she and her peers usually got scolded for? Perhaps this bore further investigation.

Finally, she came across a large bear and a... giant dark blue furry things playing rou- no, this couldn't be play; the blue thing was really messing up the place... let's see... there was a half-mangled building here, pile of rubble there, oh, and someone under a toppled... horse.

Running curiously towards the guy under the horse, Ayane found that he definitely wasn't awake; in fact, he didn't seem to be responding to any of her attempts to wake him.
Guess he must be dead then. What ever is going on, it must be very serious. No wonder those people were running around in such a crazed fashion.
Ayayne noticed something glinting faintly in the corner of her eye, and turned to find a real sword resting a mere couple of feet away on the ground, just a patch of the blade visible from it's... not sure what exactly they call it... a sheath?
Taking the sword and it's object of containment, which had a broken strap on it, Ayane turned, knotting the broken strap as she put the sword (which felt a little heavy, but not too terribly heavy) and it's thing on her back (lucky for her the strap had broken, because something about how long it was told her that it was meant for older people with bigger bodies), drew the blade and walked towards the giant blue furball.

Ultimately deciding the best course of action here would be to stop worrying about what might happen to her (or her forest tunic), Ayane broke into a run, advancing on the beast.
As she drew near, Ayane leaped into the air, sword raised above her head, and struck at one of the rear legs of the large blue beast.


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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Eitri's ears are ringing.

That is the first thing they register after their vision comes back into focus.

Then comes the fact that they are on the ground, several yards away from where they were- and then that there is a massive monster right in front of their eyes. A monster the likes of which they've only ever seen as vague approximations in old, old books.

They'd heard the rumors of monsters resurfacing, but never did they expect something like this--especially not in the middle of a city in the middle of the day.

They stagger to their feet and then out of its immediate range, waiting until they can stand without wobbling before they face it and consider how to go about attacking it.

They... don't know what its weak point is. They can't recall ever learning such details. But, well, fire does make for a good intimidation tactic.

They raise their hands- or rather, their left hand, their right shoulder twinges with pain and they don't want to risk further injuring it- and concentrate.

Heat. Light. Perceptions twisted hotter, twisted brighter- the sound of shifting rubble skews into the crackle of flame, and- if the spell works properly- the blaze should feel all but real to the beast.


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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A loud crash caused Olivia to turn, just in time for the shockwave to knock her off her feet.
She slides, elbows and palms scraping across the rough ground before her back slams into the wood of a closed shop door. She winced, her face contorted into a grimace, though the impact definitely could have been worse. As her vision cleared, she stared at the scene before her in horror.
"By the gods.." She muttered, gripping the door handle behind her and hoisting herself up. Her eyes flicker about, taking everything in.
As she begun to run towards the giant blue bear-dog monstrosity, pulling her warhammer from its sheath (?), she spotted a man who appeared trapped under his horse.
She hesitated, looking at the creature and her warhammer, then back at the man. She swore inwardly and quickly sheathed the weapon, running instead towards the man under the horse.
She quickly examined the situation; man under horse, horse trapping man, lift the horse.. somehow.
She decided that she couldn't directly lift the horse, because it's essentially impossible; most riding horses are fucking heavy. She's strong, but not that strong. She looked around for assistance.
Even two people can't lift the horse, so we'll have to gradually edge the horse off of him.
"Hey!" She called to no one and everyone, "I need a little help over here. I can't tell if he's alive, but we gotta get this horse offa him regardless."
There are atleast four men who should be able to hear me, hopefully one will respond.

((A horse usually weighs more than 300kg so l m a o good luck))


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Between the two illusionists, a small girl, a sorcerer and a guardsman, the damage caused to the creature was disappointingly insignificant. However, it did confuse the beast, who was now in pain, at least, and was angrily swiping at its attackers with its massive claws. Whether that was a good thing or a bad one, was anyone's guess.

Finally, after a few tense minutes of being blasted with fireballs, distracted with illusions and cut with what were really toothpicks in comparison, the creature had enough. It broke into a sprint towards the edges of the city, trampling people and destroying houses as it went.

That was about the time when the First Response Unit of the Royal Inquisitors arrived to the scene, all in battle gear.


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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SLinging his lute onto his pack, Sverrir makes his way towards whom he hopes is the leader of the unit to inform them of the situation. "A big blue beastie of some sorts came outta that hole in the ground. He didn't seemed hurt much but he's annoyed and rampaging out that-a-way," Sverrir says as he gestures towards the swathe of rubble the creature left in it's path. Without giving the leader much time to respond, Sverrir scanned for survivors now that the beast was further away. Seeing a woman struggling to remove a horse from atop a man, he hurries over to help.


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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Olive looked directly at the boy, Pingere, inspecting him.
"Did you hear me? I don't know if he's dead or alive, probably the former considering the blast and the weight of the horse." She looked to the man hurrying towards them, letting him get closer before she continued, "But we oughta somehow drag this off, we don't want a dead body, or alternatively, an injured man, left in the open."
She turned decidedly, walking to the far end of the horse, where it's head would be, and crouching. "Now, one of you stay on that end, the other take the halfway point between us to distribute the weight. Don't bother trying to lift it, the best we'll be able to do is drag it gradually."
Olive sits back on her heels briefly, tying her thick black hair into a ponytail with a brown band she stored on her wrist and wiping her slightly bloodied, raw palms on her pants.

((Faliara Samlen @Anyone else who would like to run over to drag this like 400kg horse off of this dead man))


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Luke had ran for a good few dizzying minutes before hearing a chorus of destruction behind him - the sound of wood snapping and glass breaking and stone hitting stone, quickly getting louder. Closer? He turned and, seeing the great beast before him - charging directly at him - he dove to the side, baby held up high above his head, which was now throbbing in pain. The monster galloped past and straight into a line of houses, running clear through each of them, tearing them apart and leaving a mess of rubble and limbs on the ground. He looked over at the chaos, and saw a woman flying, one arm twisted to the side like a rag-doll's, eyes wide.

Luke checked that the baby was okay - it was crying. But he couldn't hear it crying. He could only see it. In fact all he could hear was a very loud and high pitched buzz. He stumbled to his feet and, clutching the baby into his chest, vomited onto the ground. When he was finished, he lifted himself up, wiped his mouth and eyes with his sleeve and stepped out into the pathway that the monster had made.


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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The monster flees, and Eitri lets the illusion fade.

They know they should go find a healer, but... While they did fully intend to search for monsters, there's no guarantee that they'll ever find another one.

They consider it for another long moment, and then, arm crossed over their stomach to keep their shoulder still, they give chase.


Jul 20, 2013
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Ayane is flung to the side as the beast begins running away through a few houses.
Getting up, she looks around for where the beast had gone off to, not quite done with it, when her eyes fall upon a rather large tunnel poking out of the ground.
Unable to resist the urge, Ayane walks, almost as if entranced, into the tunnel. It's dark, but maybe she can find her way around by some random luck... or by letting her other senses take over, as she is painfully reminded by taking in a face full of hastily dug wall.


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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"Excuse me?"

The sound of a voice stops Eitri in their tracks; they'd thought that most people would've run the other way. But they look where the voice came from, and sure enough, there's someone there. And now that they're listening, they hear the cries of the baby in his arms.

That in addition to the fact that he looks relatively unscathed piques their interest, and with another glance at the destruction the monster left in its wake, they decide answering is worth it.

They pick their way over the rubble to a spot close enough for him to hear them, and softly answer, "Yes?"

(( Infected_alien8_ ))
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Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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The figure answered. "Yes?"

Luke wasn't exactly sure what he wanted to say. "What was that thing? And do you know who this baby belongs to? Someone over there gave him to me. Or her. I'm not sure." He pointed back down the trail of crushed buildings, where the monster had first blown Luke off his feet.

Before the other person could reply, Luke vomited onto the ground in front of him.


Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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Eitri recoils, a hand hiding their mouth. That's... certainly something.

"Very old monster. And I wouldn't know."

They glance over their shoulder, eyeing the path the monster left behind. They could leave. They'd catch up with the monster much sooner, and leave less of a chance that the trail would grow cold... but there's not exactly much of a chance of it in the first place. Evidently, monsters aren't very subtle.

They have the time, so they might as well hear out whatever else this kid has to say.

((I KEEP FORGETTING TO TAG Infected_alien8_ ))
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Intoxicated Feline
Dec 24, 2012
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"Should be safe there by now."

Eitri nods in the same direction he'd gestured, and without further ado, turns to leave. No need to loiter around here when their target's only getting further away.

They can't quite run- that'll only exhaust them- but they set off at a brisk pace, determined to follow the trail.

((where's everyone else at lmao))


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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Olive directs her gaze at the white haired boy, noting his expression of uncertainty and hesitant answer. "Look," she begins softly, "If you're not willing to help or don't think it's going to work, fine. Go towards the creature or run off, whatever you want to do. However, if you're willing to stay and atleast try, distribute the weight between us and get ready to pull."
She continues to look pointedly at him, locking her fingers and flexing her palms outwards in a stretching motion. Olive turns, directing her gaze instead at the other man, "Are you paying attention? The same goes for you. If you're willing to stay, stand on the opposite side to me. If not, go."
((Faliara Samlen tryna keep the ball rolling.))
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